Article i. play Football
v I can do many things with my left hand.
i can even ski (watch out for avalanches though, cause i can fall off the ski too!)
· We were at the restaurant.
· The waiter brought me the bill.
I handed the waiter the money and there was a note on the bill that said: "thank you for the roses, sweetheart".
I looked up and there was my girlfriend.
She smiled and said: "I brought your flowers for you.
I love you "the waiter brought me the roses to congratulate me and the girlfriend.
Next, the Pope came to visit a convent.
He rang the bell for Mass to be said and nuns opened the chapel to receive him.
The Pope was a man of a very rare beauty.
He was tall, was dressed elegantly and had a very pleasing personality.
In the middle of the Mass, a nun approached the Pope and asked if he could say a special blessing on her shoulder.
The Pope asked her to get on her knees.
She complied and he kissed her on the back of the neck.
He then asked her to turn around.
To his great surprise, he discovered that she was blind.
The Pope asked her how she came to be blind.
She told him that she had lost her sight in a childhood illness.
The Pope was deeply moved by her sad story.
"But who blessed you?"
He asked.
"My mother," she said.
"And my sister."
"And how did they do so?" asked the Pope.
"They each touched my eyes, and then I received my sight."
"Then I have a special blessing for you: May God bless your eyes and give you new sight."
"With the same miracle that made me see again," said the nun.
"May He give you sight in this world and the next, and may He keep you safe in His loving embrace."
He then asked the nuns to stand up and tell everyone how God had healed them.
He then made them do the sign of the cross on their foreheads.
Some nuns did the sign of the cross with their fingers on the face and the head.
At the end of Mass, the Pope stayed and visited each nun to see if he could heal them.
When the Pope arrived at the room where the blind nun was, she was still praying.
The Pope asked her to get up.
She opened her eyes and said: "Sign the cross on the faces of the other blind nuns in the room."
Article I. P. S.
On the question of how to start a recipe blog: I'll start with the story of the nuns.
You might wonder: is it really a recipe blog?
Do the nuns really come from recipe blogs?
My answer: of course they do.
I just made them up!
Please consider that my recipes are also made up (although I don't know about the nuns' recipes).
If you want to know what it's like to start a blog, start a recipe blog.
You'll probably need a recipe blog to keep your readers interested.
So my recipes are all made up and I do not have any recipes to make and post.
Ø I cannot draw a drawing.
Ø I can play football very well, and I can ski (watch out for avalanches though).
Ø I can read your email with my left hand.
Ø I can do many things with my left hand.
Ø i can play football very well with my left leg, i can read your email with my left hand.
Ø i can even ski (watch out for avalanches though, cause i can fall off the ski too!)
Ø we were at the restaurant.
Appreciate the creator