Your Answer to Chaar Log Kya Kahenge ?

3 months ago

3 min read

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Do you often find yourself thinking, "Chaar log kya kahenge?" Does this thought only strike? Maybe not, sometimes it sends us into deep thoughts, sometimes into worries, sometimes into depressive thoughts, sometimes into getting awkwardly conscious. All in all, this is one of the harmful thoughts that we often get stuck with. 

But why?

Since our childhood, we have been moulded to behave according to society, so since then till now we have lived up to society. We strived only to get appreciation from others around us and around our families, we thrived so that we were identified as fame and not shame in front of all people. We fear being seen as a failure. 

Remember those family gatherings where we danced, sang, or recited poems? Many of us did it not out of joy but because everyone wanted to see us perform and we craved their applause.

Is this harmful?

Yes, this is harmful. Because this way of living leaves you no space to make mistakes, it doesn’t allow you to stumble, doesn’t allow you to fall and doesn’t allow you to accept and behave as you are. Why should You not be You? I not be I? Why?

Living to please others leaves little room for personal growth. We are born to live and not to be perfect. We are completely allowed to make mistakes, we are allowed to be us, and we are allowed to live as per our needs and desires. 

With always thinking chaar log kya kahenge you won’t be able to excel because you might be in constant worry of achieving something that people find as reputable. Also as people don’t accept failures, so if you fail you will keep wondering about chaar log kya kahenge and your focus will drift from you to them. You won’t be able to accept your failure proudly as you will consider it as shame because those four people consider it as shame. 

Failures should be accepted proudly

You must own up your downfall . Because that particular failure is one of the stepping stones to success. 

Okay, so no more gyan. Let’s get to the point

What is the answer to chaar log kya kahenge?

I will never say don’t mind to this stuff, ignore them or just let it slide. Instead, I will give you an answer and a way to solve the mystery of what will they say.

The answer is - Quality consciousness

So where did I get this word from? While I was reading the book “ Unposted Letters” by Mahatria Ra , I discovered this Gem of a word in one of the unposted letters. The author says Quality is an invisible detail, the presence of which makes all difference. He says that Quality consciousness is setting higher standards for yourself than what the world has set for you. It is a belief that anything can be improved and it must be improved. 

The author ends his letter by saying “ Quality - the presence of which is seldom noticed, but the absence of which can never be missed”.

Why Quality Consciousness?

So why am I talking about Quality consciousness instead of chaar log kya kahenge?

It's because if want you to find your answers within yourself and not among those four people. I don’t want you to seek validation from others. When you strive for quality, things will naturally fall into place. Over time, you won’t worry about what people think because your work and efficiency will speak for themselves. Excellence is self-explanatory.

So once you add the spice of quality into your life, your life will become tastier and  more fulfilling. 

And I believe this is your sure-shot answer to what 4 people will think!! Work on your quality and let your work speak. 

4 log kahenge ….. Wah!! Amazing!! You are the best. 

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