Reason For Extreme Winter Temperatures Across The Globe Is Also Global Warming

Apr 23, 2020

3 min read

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We are noticing our fingers getting jammed while working on the laptop, are witnessing halt in transportation and accidents due to fog, are attending funerals of our fellow beings who are not able to survive this chill, are gearing that industries with poor insulation are shutting down operations to prevent freezing of chemicals and are expecting that mercury doesn’t drop further.

With extremely low temperatures chilling down our spinal cords, we actually are unaware of the reason behind such extreme winter temperatures.

The entire world is soaked in dew, fog, and mist. Yet, no study has come up to highlight the reason behind this.

Extremely Hot Summers

For the summer temperature rises, our scientists have coined the term global warming and even elaborated it. They even concluded that higher temperatures with cause higher sea levels. It will reduce the temperature variations between the equator and pole considerably. Due to the lesser temperature difference, the wind currents will be disturbed and due to lesser height differences, the flow of water in water bodies. The reason for summer extremes is quite visible.

What about winter extremes? The water bodies are freezing, causing the death of millions of marine plants and animals. This comes as a surprise because water has highest specific heat capacity and can store large amounts of heat in it.

Wait. Have to come to the reason for low winter temperatures?

Yes, we have!

Extremely Cold Winters

The increase in the quantity of water due to the melting of polar ice caps and glaciers due to extremely high summer temperatures, has raised the quantity of heat required by water to maintain its flowability or liquid state. As the temperatures begin to fall during the winters, water absorbs heat from the surroundings and hence contributes more to the lowering of temperature.

The water vapor and gases present in atmosphere freeze first, losing their latent heat and solidifying. When no more heat energy is available to be absorbed, water bodies freeze and soon it might be turned if human bodies to freeze. Once again as summers come, heat energy is supplied to water bodies, they melt and sea level rises. All in all, the reason for extremely low temperatures is also global warming.

Had we never contributed excessive greenhouse gases and pollutants to the atmosphere that created a hole in the ozone layer, nothing like global warming would have occurred. No 45 degrees to withstands in summer and no -20 degrees to withstands in winters would have been there.

And with the passage of years, the difference between the extremes of temperatures (45 and -20) will continue to rise across the globe.

In hope of a warmer morning, the little researcher will be back soon.

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