Governments Need To Be Similar, Benjamin Netanyahu Hints In His Narration Of Thin Man Fat Man Story

Aug 22, 2018

4 min read

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Indian and Israeli Prime Ministers have become friends, bringing a historic day in the world. PM Narendra Modi showed up unexpectedly to greet PM Benjamin Netanyahu on the road, giving hints that 'Ache Din' is soon going to come.

The welcome and hospitality by the Indian Government were too warm, hinting that this meet up will be beneficial to find out various areas of cooperation between India and Israel, other than security and defense. We are expecting agriculture and technology to see a difference after the bilateral ties get strengthen.

Netanyahu's Thin Man Fat Man Story

Israel has compulsory army training for 3-5 years for all its youngsters, wherein they are supposed to stand in line, form pairs while facing the commander, and run across the field. There could be ditches, fences, walls and even barbed wire, which have to be overcome by the person while carrying the other person.

Expectedly, the person who is small (thin) but has to carry a big fat) person, is the first to fall and the winner is usually the one who is big (fat) but has to carry a small (thin) man. According to Benjamin Netanyahu, this story gives a lesson to Businesses and Governments.

They need to understand that if the small (thin) man, usually the citizen or the employee in an organization is burdened, the government (fat) or businesses are bound to trip and fall. In order to sustain themselves, they (fat) must carry the burden of the small (thin) man.

Lesson For Government From This Story

The governments (fat) have to learn to nourish the man (thin) they are carrying, encourage him, and even give him oxygen if necessary. This oxygen may be lower taxes, subsidies in daily commodities, better standards of life, etc.

The governments (fat) even have to learn to go on a diet, become slimmer than they are today, and not become a burden on the existing businesses. The slimming means reducing the burden of regulations, making business easier and encouraging competition.

Example Of Success

Benjamin Netanyahu proudly said that Israel has seen so much growth because it utilized the lessons of the thin man fat man story. And it is evident, as most of the innovations and competition has been developed by Israel.

With just over 6.5 million Jews, Israel is the only Jewish majority, with leaders in business, technology, science, and development. Adding to this is the fact that Israel climbed the ranks in global competitiveness from number 27 to number 15 last year.

Netanyahu also dreams of beating Singapore, Switzerland and the US, who are ahead of them presently, for he is able to see the little reason why Israel should not be ahead of them. And expectedly, Israel shall rank in the top 10 most competitive nations in the next few years.

India Can Flourish WithThis Story

Coming down to India, visiting Taj Mahal and Bollywood, Netanyahu surely has a good plan for India. He terms India and Israel as 'old friends', reminding the Indians about the ancient links that Jewish traders had with Indians. Also, that both the nations, India and Israel are home to the world's oldest civilizations.

In his view, both countries have a lot of similarities. Both countries are democracies, and energetic ones at that. Both can be extremely innovative, and we have plenty of examples too. Both countries face the common threat of terrorism and have to cope with such threats invariably.

And so, the story, if implemented, will also be helpful to India. We hope, the government (fat) takes it as a vital lesson and implements it to benefit the citizens (thin). One of the best ways to implement this is by strengthening the ties between Israel and India.


Agriculture, Tourism, Entertainment, Multimedia, Technology, Trade, and Commerce, will all benefit with this. The brilliant Indian minds, need to be nurtured and encouraged like the brilliant Israeli minds. The governments essentially need to be similar!

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