Being Bad Is So Much More Fun Than Being Good - Villains Tell Heroes

Jan 7, 2019

6 min read

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For today’s teens we can say that the baddest is the coolest. Gone is the era of heroes. Here comes the era of villains.

The youngsters today love our heroes, but not more than our charismatic villains. The villains of latest movies win more hearts and praises than our heroes.

While Bollywood has given us iconic villains like Gabbar in Sholay and Mogambo in Mr. India, Hollywood is no way behind. The magic of his iconic dialog “Kitney aadmi they?” and “Holi kab hai?” echoes in our ears.

And how can we forget our one and only Amrish Puri?

His all-time famous dialog “Mogambo Khush Hua...” is used in swag by many of us.

If you step out of the B-wood world, the city of Hollywood is no way behind. No one can ever forget the role of fierce James Bond villains, which have an infinite list consisting of Le Chiffre, Mr Big, Sir Hugo Drax, Jack Spang, Nicole Hunter and many more.

Not only then, but in today’s date too, our villains have always emerged as iconic, charismatic and commendable actors than the leading protagonist. Their moves, looks, styles win millions of hearts today and are copied by many youngsters.

Do you know the best villains of Hollywood?

If you don’t, today you will. (Discussing heroes has become quite outdated.)


There was a time when we used to laugh at the acts of joker but now this word has become the worst nightmare of our protagonists.

Does this antagonist really need any introduction? Be it Jack Nicolson's grinning gangster avatar or Heath Ledger’s ground breaking maniacal performance, the Joker is and will always be one amongst the coolest and greatest villains of all time.

The Joker was introduced for the first time in the movie Batman: The Dark Knight. His acting won him a posthumous academy award for Best Supporting Actor. And how can anyone forget the epic joker song:




There is something about him that makes him the epitome of antagonism. Be it his enigmatic face, his grasping tone or simply the amazing music which is played in the background when he walks on the screen – everything adds more to his villainous character.

Nobody can deny that Darth Vader is one of the coolest villains who ever graced the screen. The voice of Darth Vader is one of the best-known sound in the movie history.

The man behind the mask is actor David Prowse. He brought Vader's terrifying ability and his signature hand gestures to life. But when Darth Vader’s mask is finally removed in episode VI, you can certainly make the difference in his voice.

Yes, the voice without mask is actor David Prowse but can you guess the voice with mask?? No?? Well it’s none other than legendary actor James Earl Jones.

3. T-1000:

T-1000 in Terminator 2: The Judgement Day was played by Robert Patrick. Has there ever been a villain cooler than him?

Not only he can take any form, but also he turns his arms to the cool mercury blades. If there is one guy who can give army hell, it’s got to be T- 1000.


The colonel Hans Landa played by Christoph Waltz in Quentin Tarantino film Inglorious Besterds is another loved villain.

Tarantino did biggest favour to the public by introducing it to the deadly and the dapper Hans Landa. You cannot help but love this hateful Nazi colonel.

Even the folks in the academy had to honour him for the brilliant portrayal of his character.


Agent Smith played by Hugo Weaving in the movie The Matrix Franchise, can’t be forgotten in this list. The actor has given a mastered performance of agent.

With his killer smile, sophisticated looks and being capable of splitting up into infinite version of himself, he is Neo's worst nightmare.

The loving murderous accent in his voice when he says “Mr. Anderson gets to bus every time.” Can never be forgotten.


While talking about villains how can we ever forget the one “you know who”? Yes. The one and only, “ the one who must not be names”, the one and only all time famous villains of 90s kids our LORD VOLDEMORT.

This immensely powerful character played by actor Ralph Fiennes in the Harry Potter series has set the new levels for the villains in the history.

The way he speaks, the way he attacks, his horcruxes and the amazing nagini accent – all have a different approach.

He was the leader of death eaters and his only aim was to achieve pure dominance in both muggles and wizarding worlds.


Here comes another supervillain of the era, VENOM. His amazing performance in the movie Spider Man was praised by everyone. His attacks, his tactics, the way he tortures our hero is tremendous.

The character was portrayed by the actor Tom Hardy. Venom is originally a symbiote alien who tortures spider man out of vengeance.


And now comes the star of the show, Thanos. Yes, due to his incredible performance as an antagonist in the movie ‘Avengers : The infinity war’, it was Thanos who was considered the star of the movie.

Even though he was the villain of the movie, almost everybody was talking about Thanos. It was because of him that half of the universe turned into ash.

Critics think that Josh Brolin, the actor who played Thanos should receive the award of the best actor. And if the audience was supposed to vote, he would have definitely won.

He has emerged as the most power villain in the marvel cinematic universe and will be remembered ever after.

These are the 8 villains who graced the screen and made Hollywood films more valuable. But of course, there are many more to be named.

These villains have created fantasies for the today’s generation and are most loved characters of all time.

And I can bet that they’ll always be!

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