53 Work From Home Quotes For Motivation

Aug 3, 2022

17 min read

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The earliest images of being an ideal older self of my own were when I first saw my father as a child well suited and booted, with a laptop bag across his shoulders leaving for work. “Papa goes to the office “was what I was told, I had always imagined as a child what the word office meant. I had the privilege to visit my father’s workplace when I was eight my father’s cabin was a little larger than our storehouse and the first thing that caught my attention was the sleek LCD display screen of his computer.

“Wow papa gets to use the computer the whole day, I thought, as kids we just had one computer practical period in school once a week as a luxury that was when we as children would use our artistic skills and draw various kinds of design with all possible colors, keeping a word window minimized to escape the teachers hawk eye.

It has been 2 yrs since the outbreak of the pandemic, people are still trapped in their houses while animals and birds explore nature freely. We are glued to our screens desperately waiting for mails to be delivered, composed and addressed. Still in this very depressing situation people continue to do what they do best because “Work provides a person solace in the hours of pain.”

Here, in this article, I've listed the Work From Home quotes that will be relatable to all of you guys, no doubt!

1. He logged in it was 9, when he logged out it was 6 or 9 he could not tell.

The first one on our list of work from home quotes expresses the traumatizing environment created by work even in our homes.

While working from home people have been working double and sometimes endlessly beyond the stipulated working hours to achieve targets. Companies have this mindset that working from home prevents people from traveling which is why they are expected to deliver a little extra than expected.

2. She worked from office, she prepared 3 meals for a day, took care of the kids, and reprimanded the maid when she was late; she worked from home she prepared 5 meals a day. Washed the dishes, and watered the plants while keeping a check on the maid.

This work from home quote is dedicated to our real-life superhero, women. As women we all have KRA’s to deliver to win the tag of the world’s best mom, while trying to manage our career along with the responsibilities we are expected to perform, our responsibilities keep on growing each day.

3. Home is where the heart is, and work is where needs are met, the only place where my compulsion didn’t creep in was now feasting over the time I owed to the ones that matter.

Working from home has indeed proven to be an additional stress for employees because companies and HR professionals dwell under the opinion that when an employee is working from home the access to food and the lack of travel is thus expecting them to work more.

4. Home was a place where I could be all myself until covid- 19  happened.

Because of the covid 19 pandemic, people who could wear pajamas and slippers at home, boys unshaven, and girls with disheveled hair now are forced to be in their formals with a plastic smile attending zoom meetings because of the long working hours.

This work from home quote shows that the place which was earlier a safe, relaxing place for us is now an extended office, where one has to be formal.

5. I used to chat with my colleagues collect all office gossip, make a joke and share a high five, I still chat with my colleagues, collect office gossip, and make a joke unable to share a high five.

We all have been desperate enough to get to the office, and catch up with our colleagues we still are able to catch up with our colleagues but it is over a virtual platform.

6. It was the first day at the office, a red shirt and a contrasting pair of trousers complemented her petite structure, a year later it was her work anniversary it was the same maroon shirt, and her laptop screen managed for the Mickey mouse pajamas below.

This work from home quote shows the massive difference that Covid created. The new joiners who were supposed to be learning about the formal culture totally missed out on it.  

7. He was sick he was sneezing yet he managed to deliver targets because he was working from home and his HR expected him to have a nurse by his side  –

Employees are expected to work more while working from home because HR believe they are working from a safe environment and can manage with a dose or two.

8. Long-distance relationships work for more details ask your HR.

The human resource team has been working tirelessly to ensure the appropriate amount of manpower is required as working from home means more savings.

9. She stayed up late while working from the office, the deliberate negligence was taken into consideration while working from home when she said there is an issue with my network.

We all deserve a break from our hectic schedule at times because of our busy schedule and at times because of our own me time, some people fake their reasons to escape work some do it deliberately because they have been sincere long enough.

10. He logged in at 9, he continued till 9 refreshed himself, and wanted to continue again but the loud clapping of the thunder, the power cut, and the incessant rain urged him to retire to bed early, above in the skies, the god of weather and sleep shared a high five.

Sometimes nature has its own ways to make people to do what they need the most to be done at a particular moment whether it is working from the office, working from a hybrid, or working from home.

We all need a break, sometimes when we don't give it to ourselves, nature gifts that break to us. This work from home quote expresses that.

11. When he worked from the office, he had a smoking break, a political analysis break, a casual gossip break, and a lunch break when he worked from home he just had a lunch break.

This work from home quote states that we are not allowed to take breaks now! Why? Just because we are working from our safe place, home!

Working from home has put an additional load on the employees expecting them to deliver expected results now having extra leverage of time for the same. 

12.   He was stuck upon a client's request, he stretched over the cubicle and called out to his office buddy for help, a month later he was again stuck on something, habitually he stretched again and realized he was working from home. –

People have been habituated to a certain kind of culture while working from a workplace, they have not been able to connect with their buddies for help because all working from different locations.

13. A laptop, a stable internet connection, an air-conditioned chic interior, and a cup of coffee were all he needed to keep himself motivated, a year later; a laptop, a wobbly internet connection a four-walled dull colored house with a fan that circulated hot air through the room was something he had still not been able to adapt with

This work from home quote says that the routine we have now has robbed people of the responsibilities and the facilities that are provided by the company like wifi, coffee machine, on-duty lunch, etc.

14. The team that had worked collectively to emerge as the best was now finding it difficult to connect with each other while working from home –

Working from home has resulted in people being distanced and thus the enthusiasm of collective team effort being reduced.

15. The team that was driven by the idea of bringing in more than what was expected now needed an external motivation to deliver basic targets –

Working from home has really resulted in people being less motivated and thus delivering less than expected.

15. It was formal from Monday to Thursday and casual for Fridays, now while working from home whether it was Tuesday, Thursday, or Saturday it was always the same pair of pajamas and t-shirts. –

While working from home people have been less considerate about their appearance and how they look rather than what they have been while working from the office.

16. Two people sat in a favorite corner of their home with their laptops as they began working, the freelancer chose his work hours, and the employee logged in at the expected log-in time.

This work from home quote differentiates the two types of people during WFH.

Freelancers have the leverage of choosing when to work irrespective of whether they are working from home or from a different city.

17. He slept late night and involuntarily opened his eyes at 7:30 and hurried to catch up with the office cab, while working from home he worked later than usual , slept later than usual involuntarily woke up at 7:30 realizing there was no office cab to catch up with.

While working from home people have been accustomed to a certain kind of schedule hence this abrupt change and the announcement of a lockdown has disturbed our regular lives.

18. He was no longer “Going to work “ because work was wherever around him

While working from home people work later than usual and no transport is involved hence the work finds itself everywhere.

19. The mobile gallery that was previously filled with images of office lunches, colleagues, and weekend vibes was now cluttered with screenshots of emails, reports, and deadlines.

While working from WhatsApp becomes the only official communication to communicate work-related stuff among team members.

20. One of the biggest concerns, when you work from home, is not to fall into the trap of using excuses not to work-

While working from home the major concern lies in not making excuses because there is no supervisor or a manager to keep in check the insincere people find it easier to cheat.

21. The WhatsApp group that was all about weekend plans, what to wear, where to eat, and the best places to travel with friends while working from home was all about deadlines, emails, and screenshots.

Work from has been all about work as all about work as employees do not have the pressure of commuting hence working longer than before.

22. We are not managers and employees after working hours, we are friends. She had assured this on her first day but while working from home, she found it difficult to stand by her words.

It's never easy to analyze the situation of a person on a virtual meet. This work from home quote says that.

While working from home people work extra and because of restricted movement and no means of physical activity or recreation they are working longer than usual.

23. He was working from the office. He somehow managed his work because he had people of his kind, expressing the same that he felt. Now that he was working from home he could hear the voices in his head.

You need a certain environment to work. And if that is not there, it will harm either the productivity or the mental health of a person. This work from home quote expresses this situation.

Work from home has given an opportunity to people to introspect and understand what their real Ikigai is, as there is a difference while working from home and from a workplace.

24. While working from home he realized the motivation that he had been using for himself and his team was all conditioned over the years

Working from home has given all of us to understand our true calling and to whether this is what we have really been waiting for.

25. That one person in the team who could not withstand the air conditioner now missed its presence while working from home.

Working from home has been difficult as people have been accustomed to certain kind of and environment and the lack of them reduce the motivation to work.

26. The bed that I used to lie down on carefree was now one of the reasons for my stress.

As people are working from and the majority of them not being able to recreate the same environment as that of the office, the bed has also become a place of stress.

27. Working from home made people realize they were actually much more worth than their managers thought they could be.

This work from home quote states the positive side of this culture.

Working from home has given people the "me time” that they much needed and has allowed them to experiment and explore their creative side.

28. Earlier they were separated by cubicles connected through minds, now they are separated by distance and connected through laptop screens.

People were together they had more to bond over and gossip about now they are working from home they are searching for reasons to gossip. This work from home quote tries to express the bond and culture that is built while working together.

29. The most talkative person in the team was now unable to find reasons to talk about while working from home.

Work from home has resulted in people only taking about work, work and work which has made their lives really monotonous.

30. The boy who was used to disinterestedly wear flex shoes was now finding it awkward to fit into his bathroom slippers while working from home.

People have been used to a certain kind of attire while working from home hence fitting into something they have not been used to is difficult.

31. The team members who planned for each other’s birthdays well in advance were now finding it difficult to memorize dates.

This work from home quote expresses the absence of the physical presence of our near and dear ones.

While working from home people have been not been meeting colleagues and hence not been able to remember and relive the life they wish to.

32. While working from the office, you needed the persistence to listen to your managers and while working from home, you needed the persistence to deal with the wobbly WIFI connection, the ever-changing weather, the household chores to attend to, and also to listen to your managers.

The office environment is one of the key factors behind the productivity of the employees and that is quite difficult to maintain at home. This work from home quote states this problem.

Work from home does not come with the facilities that are provided at the workplace hence people need a whole lot of patience to attend to the same.

33. The one who was eager to rush out of his cubicle was now used to being a couch potato while working from home.

This work from home quote states the level of laziness that everyone has achieved while adapting to this culture,

Working from home has reduced movement and physical activity hence people are sitting more, and moving less.

34. People enjoy their work even more when they work from where they choose to work rather than being conditioned to a certain culture.

We have all kinds of people. Some need office space to work while some need their comfort place to work. This work from home quote is for the latter ones.

Most of them prefer to travel so working on a hybrid mode gives them the privilege to work from the city they always longed to visit and explore.

35. Work from home made us realize that laptops connect people but distance feelings.

The importance of human touch has been reduced as technology and work from home becoming the new normal people have been unaware of each other’s feelings.

36. Working virtually taught me to set boundaries something which I had been struggling since long.

This work from home quote states the positive side of WFH culture.

Working from home has educated people on setting priorities because people for an all-round diverse personality development need to set boundaries between work life, personal life, and time for self.

37. Sometimes all you need is a little bit of silence to work efficiently.

This work from home quote again expresses the importance of office space to work.

Because of working from home, people have been getting the time and space they need to be productive hence their efficiency has increased.

38. Some have work, some just have a home, some have work but not a home, some have a home but no work, some have work from home and some don’t have both.

The pandemic was not a sweet dessert for all. A lot of industries suffered due to this, some even collapsed completely. This work from home quote expresses the pain of the ones who couldn't even earn their livelihood during the pandeamic.

All industries cannot afford to work from home like journalists, logistics and hospitality hence work from home is a privilege only certain people have.

39. The rewards that were circulated among team members for having delivered performance was now reduced to mere messages mails and emoticons on Whatsapp groups.

Working from home has reduced the motivation among employees as there are no tangible rewards circulated among teams to keep up the motivation.

40.  While he was working from the office, he had a tough time convincing his manager that he was the best but while he was working from home, he had a tough time convincing his manager that he was working.

Trust was a major, rather is a major fact while adapting to WFH culture. This work from home quote states the struggle of the lack of trust.

As employees are working far from the reach of their managers it is hard for the managers also to keep a check on the progress of the tasks assigned to them.

41.  When you work from home you realize work does not have to be as it is expected to be dull, monotonous, and repetitive.

Work from home gives you the creativity to explore the creative approach to your work and make it innovative as per your tastes.

42. The best thing about working from home you can is that decide on your lunch menu.

Working from home makes it easier for people to find out ways to figure out how to design a working pattern.

43. Productivity in work from home is directly proportional to extended working hours and enhanced targets.

This work from home quote states the fact that if we work from our comfort place, we can increase productivity.

Working from home has increased expectations of the employers and hence putting an additional load on the employer.

44. All work and no play makes jack a dull boy, the laptop is now the new adult's toy.

The laptop has become really handy while working from home and thus it is an important asset for people to stay updated with the progress regarding their work. This work from home quote states the harmful effects of WFH culture on us.

45. The laptop that was previously used during weekends for watching spy thrillers, horror movies, and web series was now, while working from home, being used every day to send emails and messages.

The laptop was only used by bachelors and young working women to view series and movies but now while working from home is being used every day. This work from home quote tries to say that things or situations change with time. 

46. He was sick and yet he worked because his employer considered it as his commitment.

Working when you are sick is not a sign of commitment but it shows how shallow and sick the company’s culture is.

47. Working from home has help people explore the darker side of their managers.

It's not easy for everyone to manage their home and office at the same time. Sometimes some of them might explode on you for no reason and you'll see that side of the person that you never even imagined. This work from home quote is referred to such people.

While working from home people have been working more than before stressed more than before so that the targets are met.

48. A break is all we need whether it is working from home or from the workplace.

A break is necessary for people working from home or office so that we can re-explore their work abilities and decide what we can do better. This work from home quote urges you to give yourself a break and enjoy life.

49. The satisfaction level of employees is inversely proportional at the rate which the human resource of the company carries out its hiring.

The mass hiring during the lockdown has been carried out immensely because of the less costing involved hence it is difficult for the human resource personnel to carry out the same.

50. Technology connects people but distances them because when things become available easily, we value them a little less than usual.

Who would agree with this work from home quote? When people missed each other during the olden days they made arrangements to visit the person they had to wait to talk to the person hence they valued the person more now that technology has made things easy we as people take people for granted.

51. The only thing that people had faith in while working from home was “this shall soon pass.”

For those who have been working from home, there had always been a hope that things would get back to normal and they would have the same kind of fun that they previously had. This work from home quote is for the ones who enjoy working from the offices.

52. Working from home has taught me one lesson, if you wish to do it you will, if you don’t, you will always have an excuse.

While we are in our comfort place, our mind works differently. This work from home quote states one of its example.

Once a traitor always a traitor somebody who lied about his targets and faked his commitment while working from office will still do the same if he is working from home.

53. Working from home made some of us hate our jobs even more and some of them love their jobs even more.

Every coin has two sides. So as this work from home quote says, some of us loved our job while working from home while some hated it. The pandemic was not the same for all. Some had family problems, some had work pressure while some had to deal with both of these at the same time.

People while working from home for some of their journeys has been stressful and for some, it has been liberating because of the pressure built up by their employers.

Two and a half years of the pandemic, one of the most important lessons that the pandemic has taught me is that not everyone is grateful to work from home hence gratitude.

I have been working from home bearing with the tantrums of my superiors, struggling hard to meet deadlines increasing like a magical beanstalk. 

I had started hating my job until the maid who washed my dishes found my job really fascinating and wanted her daughter to exactly do the same, guess what since then I don’t hate it so much.

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