Women Empowerment Good or Bad?

Relationship Expert

Sep 30, 2022

3 min read

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Women fragile being created by God to support a man, the second pillar of the house but very close to everyone than the man. Now the main deal, women empowerment good or bad? I know as a woman the first thing that comes to your mind is yes! We deserve that crown and as a man hmmmmm not really you guys are meant to be under us the third source of life. The final big answer to this question is yes! Every woman deserve more and so much even the call of “Empowerment” is also their birthright.

Women empowerment serves as an additional plus and fuel to enhance the development of the family, community and countries. Now am gonna list some reason why women deserves and have the right to be empowered.

it increases their self-worth: as a man we all wish to have a woman we can boast of as a good wife, a woman that prove she is capable of taking of your family when you are not around them also feeling safe your children is in a safe hands. All thanks to empowerment which enhances their self-esteem and confidence to take decision and choosing what they feel is right for them, reducing the rate of making a mistake which might jeopardize the financial or emotional status of the family.

Reduction of the rate of poverty: it is well known that the world is advancing on a daily basis and the resources it requires of everybody to survive is growing gradually. Money is one of the foundational source of pillar that uphold the family growth and development, putting all the works on a man is not accepted again. the chance of a man putting down 70% of the earning for the up keep of the family and the woman adds up 30% to it gives the man a little breathing space to take of himself and also save up for the future.

Environmental protection: women are known to understand all the component of the house and taking care if it. They are also known as invaluable source of knowledge and expertise on environmental problems issues and are more concerned than men, with the problem of environment and climate change due to the nature of the house hold.

it is also known that women understands the art of sustainable consumption patterns more than men in the sense that they tend to choose a friendly environment product. This shows that empowering women with greater household decision making and an active part in environmental protection cannot be ignored.

psychological support: they say the woman understand the characters and personality of everyone in the house which is true and it is said that they tend to have higher ability of knowing what good or bad for the family.


As a man you deserve the best so your woman getting empowered is also a big plus to you and your family. Always knowing everything you own will be supported and maintained

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