Why You Shouldn’t Give a F*ck O̶n̶ ̶P̶e̶o̶p̶l̶e̶’̶s̶ ̶L̶i̶f̶e̶

Jul 9, 2022

4 min read

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The book The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck by Mark Manson is a must-read book that talks about self-development. It changed my perspective about life and see what reality is.

I would recommend this book for those people who always overthink and depend on other people’s thoughts about what they need to do.

After finishing it, it opens my mind to reality and lessens my anxious way of thinking about myself.

So far, one of the best things that I learned and marked on my mind is not to give a f*ck about everything and to everyone. You have your life, you are yourself, and you have your choices.

Yourself is who will help you from your downfall; not other people. You might be different from them but as long as you are happy and you know that you are doing right, then continue.

Most people love to drag other people down instead of pushing them up. In that case, don’t let their words control you, instead, prove them wrong.

This image is captured by the author

Subtlety #3 also taught me to become mature. It states that whether you realize it or not, you are always choosing what to give a fuck about. In short, select the things that are worth your time.

You should never waste your time on nonsense things. Don’t waste your time on things that will not make you grow. If you choose to listen to negative thoughts from other people, it will control you, it will lower your self-esteem, and worse, become dependent on them.

Be mature enough. You already know the difference between right and wrong so act like a mature one.

I, myself, suffer from being conscious and overthinking things. I always care about other people’s thoughts (negatively) before doing something because I always think that people might laugh at me.

I am telling myself to ignore them yet my actions are the opposite of my words. But this book pushes me to do so. I learned how to accept myself.

Although I admit that not yet fully accepted, I know to myself that I have progressed and I am learning.

It was funny that I couldn’t start jogging before because I was thinking that people will say something (although positive words, I am overthinking that there is some sense of sarcasm) so I couldn’t do it.

I finished the book, then I added jogging to my routine. I was not wearing shoes when I am jogging because I was also thinking that they would say something, yet I was wrong.

But in case they are talking behind my back, I don’t care anymore. I don’t see anything bad to myself by having a healthy morning routine…

But here’s the thing, not all people care. You are just pushing yourself to suffer from your thoughts.

I am also not sharing my blogs and articles with my friends, but recently, I realized that I should start promoting and posting my links even on Twitter.

Now, I can freely share it with them not to all of my friends yet, but hopefully soon. I am not so confident with my work and I am thinking that they will say it is corny.

It is funny how small these things are but I think this is how most people, especially teens live and think nowadays. They are embarrassed by doing the right things like selling, working, etc.

But I guess, as time passes by, we will learn how to become mature. It is all part of adulting after all.

On the other hand, not because you don’t care about other people’s thoughts doesn’t mean you can say anything to them. Most of the time, when I learned about these things, I noticed that there are some changes in my behavior.

I became inconsiderate of their feelings. Not because you learn to ignore them doesn’t mean that you are mature, it doesn’t mean that you are right.

Remove the self-entitlement and listen to them, at least sometimes…it is complicated but you have to listen to the truth.

Learn to keep it balanced. There are times that you have to listen to them to make your life better.

Furthermore, you shouldn’t also give a f*ck to them. You don’t have the right to judge them. Calling them ignorant, hungry for money, and other verbal abuse is too much.

Being a self-proclaimed smart is not a sign of intelligence. Calling other people money-hungry yet you are mad because you receive less reward than them is a sign of being greedy.

This image is designed and created by the author

Sometimes, staying silent is better than talking about many nonsense things. People should not judge you, on the other hand, you should not judge them.

There are stories behind the person’s character. As they said, less talk means less mistakes. And again, learn not to give a f*ck on everything and everyone. If you haven’t read the book yet, I would suggest that you must read it.

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