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Luke Dasher, a well-known Bitcoin Core developer, has recently called out an unauthorized NFT (Non-Fungible Token) that uses his name without his consent. The NFT in question is called

Apr 20, 2023

3 min read

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Luke Dasher, a well-known Bitcoin Core developer, has recently called out an unauthorized NFT (Non-Fungible Token) that uses his name without his consent. The NFT in question is called "Luke Dasher’s 0th Birthday," and it has been listed for sale on Open Sea, a popular NFT marketplace.

The NFT is a digital artwork that includes a portrait of Dasher and some code snippets from the Bitcoin Core software. The creators of the NFT claim that it is a tribute to Dasher and his contributions to the Bitcoin community. However, Dasher has stated that he did not give permission for his name or likeness to be used in the NFT, and that he does not support it in any way bitcoin code. In a tweet, Dasher said, "I do not support this NFT, nor did I authorize its creation or use of my name." He went on to say that he believes the use of his name in the NFT is "unauthorized and unethical."

Dasher’s concerns about the NFT are not just about the use of his name without permission. He is also worried about the potential implications of the NFT for the Bitcoin community as a whole. Dasher has been a vocal critic of the use of NFTs and other blockchain-based digital assets, arguing that they are a distraction from the real work of building decentralized financial systems.

In a blog post from last year, Dasher wrote, "We need to focus on developing and improving the core infrastructure of Bitcoin, not creating new speculative markets for digital assets." He went on to argue that NFTs and other blockchain-based assets "create a new class of 'crypto-rich' individuals who have little to no connection to the underlying technology and who are primarily interested in speculation and profit."

Dasher’s concerns about the NFT market are not unique. Many members of the Bitcoin community have expressed skepticism about the value and utility of NFTs, and some have even argued that they are a threat to the integrity of the blockchain. Despite the concerns raised by Dasher and others, the NFT market continues to grow at an impressive rate Elon Musk bitcoin. According to a recent report by


the NFT market generated more than $2 billion in sales in the first quarter of 2021 alone.

In response to Dasher’s comments, the creators of the "Luke Dasher’s 0th Birthday" NFT have stated that they meant no harm and that they were simply trying to pay tribute to Dasher’s contributions to the Bitcoin community. However, they have also acknowledged that they should have sought Dasher’s permission before using his name and likeness in the NFT.

The incident highlights the ongoing tension within the Bitcoin community between those who see NFTs and other blockchain-based assets as a distraction from the core work of building decentralized financial systems and those who see them as an important part of the future of finance. As the NFT market continues to grow, it is likely that this tension will only increase.


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