Why You Should Avoid Social Media if You Have Depression

Sep 5, 2022

3 min read

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If you're depressed, social media might not be the best way to process your emotions and overcome your situation. When you see happy images of families getting along or people in shape while you struggle to lose weight, it could make your depression worse. People who post stories on social media often show their most positive sides but rarely do they show you the times when they failed or suffered in tremendous ways. Here are more reasons why social media is not good for those with depression.

It Increases Your FOMO

When you're depressed, you feel as if you're missing out on the best that life has to offer. When you look at countless hours of social media, envy comes into your life and you're wishing you could be like your favorite influencers. You're not as grateful for the life and blessings you already have.

Excess Social Media Usage Isolates You

Depression can make you isolated for a period of time. But this isolation is worsened when you spend too much time on social media. Instead of social media, reach out to relatives and friends when you need emotional support and a listening ear. The problem with social media is that it doesn't provide the closeness and warmth that human relationships offer.

It Distracts You From Your Recovery

When you're depressed and are on social media a lot, it serves as a distraction from the recovery process. Social media is not meant to be a treatment for depression. In fact, it is more like a Band-Aid that covers the root causes of your depression rather than eliminate them. Your best strategy would be to seek counseling from a therapist and do the hard work in order to truly heal.

Your Anxiety Increases

Another issue with excess social media while you're depressed is that your anxiety increases. This is especially true if you look at content that talks about depressing events that are happening around the world. Take a break from social media if you feel that it is causing you too much anxiety.

It Messes With Your Sleep Patterns

Those who have depression would benefit from getting a good night's sleep. But when they stay up for hours on social media late at night, they're not getting the adequate hours of sleep they need in order to be well-rested the next day.

It Reduces Physical Activity

When you spend too much time on social media, you miss out on a vital aspect of overcoming depression, physical activity. Regular exercise can help you as you recover from depression and social media might interfere with your motivation to engage in physical activity.

Social media can be used for positive things if you're seeking extra support for your depression or if you want to share how you overcame depression with those who struggle with it. However, those with depression need to be careful how they consume social media so that it won't cause them more anxiety and insecurity.

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