Why the Golden Triangle Tour Is the Best Way to See India

Feb 20, 2023

5 min read

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Why The Golden Triangle Tour Is the Best Way to See Northern India

The Golden Triangle tours of India is a perfect way to experience your trip to the country. This tour will give you the chance to see three different historical cities, including Delhi and Agra, each with its own unique culture and history. You'll also have a chance to be in the middle of some major religious sites as well as some major monuments such as Taj Mahal and Red Fort. These monuments are spread out across various areas, so it might be worth spending another day or two exploring them if possible!

The Golden Triangle Tour of India encompasses both Delhi and Agra.

The Golden Triangle Tour of India encompasses both Delhi and Agra. Both these cities are well-known for their rich history, culture and architecture.

The Taj Mahal is one of the most famous monuments in India, having stood as a symbol of love for centuries before being completed in 1653 AD by Mughal emperor Shah Jahan. This monument stands as a testament to his wife Mumtaz Mahal who died when giving birth to their 14th child which made him feel guilty enough to build such an impressive mausoleum for her memory after her death.

Agra was founded by Akbar around 1569 AD during his reign as Emperor Akbar had wished there would be somewhere he could return after conquering other parts of India so he chose Agra because it seemed like an ideal location for him due its proximity from Delhi where he ruled at that time but also because it was considered one of finest cities at that time due how many wealthy people lived there making it easier for him build roads connecting two cities together instead having them separated by mountains or rivers etcetera which would have caused problems later on down line if done improperly...

The Golden Triangle tour will give you the full experience of India's Royal Heritage.

The Golden Triangle tour will give you the full experience of India's Royal Heritage. It is one of the most famous tourist attractions in Northern India, and it's easy to see why. The Golden Triangle tour includes places such as Jaipur and Agra, where you can get a glimpse into the history of India through royal palaces and tombs; Jaisalmer is another highlight, as it's home to some amazing forts that date back hundreds of years!

The Golden Triangle Tour also gives travellers an opportunity to experience Indian culture firsthand: from its religion (Hinduism), art forms (music) or cuisine (tandoori chicken).

This is one of the most popular city tours in all of India.

This is one of the most popular city tours in all of India. It's a good option for people who want to see some of the most famous monuments and historical sites, but are short on time. You can also visit other cities along your way if you'd like, such as Agra or Delhi!

This tour takes about three days and includes stops at:

  • Taj Mahal (Agra) — The world's most famous monument

  • Fatehpur Sikri — The former capital of Mughal Empire that was built by Emperor Akbar in 1571

The Golden Triangle Tour gives you the opportunity to explore three different historical cities.

Must Read: Things to Do on The India Golden Triangle Tour

The Golden Triangle Tour gives you the opportunity to explore three different historical cities. Delhi is the capital of India, and it's a great place to start your trip. Agra is home to one of the most famous monuments in India: The Taj Mahal.

The tour also visits Jaipur, which has many palaces built by Maharajas during its history as well as other attractions like Fatehpur Sikri (built by Akbar), another UNESCO World Heritage Site

You'll also have a chance to be in the middle of some major religious sites.

A great way to experience India's religious sites is on the Golden Triangle Tour. You'll get to see some of the most famous and beautiful places in Northern India, including the Taj Mahal and Red Fort. If you're looking for an exciting way to see this part of the country, this tour is perfect!

You will see some of the most famous monuments in India, including the Taj Mahal and Red Fort.

The Golden Triangle Tour is one of the best ways to see Northern India. You will be able to visit some of the most famous monuments in India, including the Taj Mahal and Red Fort.

The Taj Mahal is a mausoleum built by Shah Jahan as a tomb for his wife Mumtaz Mahal in 1632-1643. It's one of India's most popular tourist attractions and can be seen from all over Agra city due to its location on top of nearby Yamuna River embankment (or "water wall"). The red sandstone structure has been admired since it was built but it also has many legends surrounding its construction as well as some controversy over whether or not it was actually finished!

These monuments are spread out across various areas, so you might want to spend a few extra days exploring them.

  • You can spend more time exploring the monuments.

  • You can visit other places in India.

  • You can extend your trip and spend more time in India

The Golden Triangle Tour is a great way to experience your trip to India!

The Golden Triangle Tour is a great way to experience your trip to India! You can see several cities on one tour, and visit monuments, museums and temples.

  • You will see different types of architecture and design. The buildings in Delhi are all different because they were built by the British or the Russians.

  • There are many temples in Varanasi that have been around for thousands of years! Some even have shrines inside them where people go to pray for good health or wealth.

  • The people living in Gujarat speak Gujarati but they also speak Hindi because they live near Mumbai (which was once known as Bombay). This means that you might hear Hindi spoken during your stay there too!


We hope this guide has given you all the information you need to make sure that your trip is a success. It's important to remember that no matter how much research you do, there are always going to be surprises and discoveries on your trip—and we're looking forward to seeing you in India!

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