Why Some Retro Games Are Impossible to Play Without Cheats

Jul 21, 2022

2 min read

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For all of us who grew up playing retro games on the Sega, Nintendo and Super Nintendo; we knew which games warranted cheating even if it was just a little.

By the time retro games were phased out, many of us still had our old consoles and still playing those games that we fell oh so in love with. Games like Castlevania 3, every Contra game, Ninja Gaiden even Zelda II: The Adventures of Link.

Looking back at games like Contra III on SNES, a good game to be sure but you were never going to get past the first level or even subsequent levels without cheats or cheating.

Nowadays, gaming emulators don't come with the cheats already installed which is stupid, but I believe that's an opportunity to find the cheats of old, install them on the hard drive for the future then use them when you want to.

The difficulty of some of the retro games demanded that we cheat otherwise spend hours trying to get through only to get more and more pissed off.

Predating back to games like Jackal, Bionic Commando, Mega Man; these games didn't seem so hard at first until you started going through them then you really started feeling the pressure.

For example, using the electric beam against the yellow devil in Dr. Wily's Castle, then pausing and unpausing when the beam makes contact thereby inflicting major points of damage in a single shot.

Sometimes, it isn't cheat codes directly. Sometimes, it is certain things in a game that can put you on that cheating path but no matter what, the ends justifies the means.

I used to be against cheating in video games but now I see things differently, you have to be able to play any video game with an open mind whether you're using cheats or not.

Take current games like Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, you can make meals that temporarily add hearts onto the ones you have already which makes it ALMOST possible to get the Master Sword!

Now, this is something I did not do because I wanted to get the Master Sword legally by pulling it out with your 13 hearts. Ninja Gaiden 3 is another game that demands cheats.

But this further supports the point that if you're going to play certain retro games then its okay to cheat. Awesome games like Mega Man X don't demand cheats so much, but being able to run around launching fireballs like Ryu really gives the game that challenge factor.

My takeaway from this is that if you're going to retro games or play a retro game, if you have to cheat to get through then do because there are so many retro games that warrant that.

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