Why Registering a Patent in Ireland Is So Important

Nov 17, 2022

4 min read

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Over three quarters of all the patent applications filed globally last year were filed in America. This has led to many people registering patents and trademarks in countries such as Canada, China, India, Japan and more. But what about Ireland? For many years, Ireland has been a hotbed for intellectual property registration with over 50% of all global patent filings going through the country.


How will a patent protect your invention?


A patent Ireland protects your invention by providing you with exclusive rights to the invention for a specific period of time. This period of time is typically 20 years from the date of filing a patent application. If you inventor has made any substantial changes or modifications to your invention during this time, you will need to file a new patent application.


If someone else independently invents the same or similar product or process while your patent is still in force, they are likely not going to be able to market their product until they have obtained a license from you.


If you file a patent application before anyone else does, it gives you the first chance at obtaining exclusive rights to your invention. This can be important because not everyone has the money or resources to INVENT an idea and then pursue a patented product or process. By filing a provisional patent application, you can show that you have an idea and that it may be worth investing in further development. File early, and often!


Patents are also an important tool for protecting trade secrets. Trade secrets are information that is valuable enough to be protected from competitors because it could give them an unfair competitive advantage over their business. For example, if I were working on developing a new type of vegetable oil extraction process, I might want to keep my process secret so that other companies couldn’t easily copy my oil products and compete against me on price. By filing for a patent on my oil extraction process, I can make sure that no one else


What does it cost to register a patent in Ireland?


Ireland is one of the few countries in the world that allows for a patent to be registered without having to physically reside in the country. This makes Ireland an ideal choice for businesses and individuals who want to secure their intellectual property rights but don't have the time or resources to travel to register their patents in other countries.


The cost of registering a patent in Ireland varies depending on the type of patent being registered, but most costs range between €1,500 and €5,000. There are no fees associated with filing a provisional application or with later stages of the process.


Are there any other benefits to investing in an Irish patent?


There are a number of other benefits to investing in an Irish patent, including the following:


 Ireland is a member of the European Patent Convention (EPC), meaning that Irish patents offer protection across Europe.


Irish patent applications are considered priority applications under the European Patent Rules, which means that they receive more attention from patent offices and may be granted in less time than applications filed in other countries.


Irish law provides for a number of special protections for inventions, such as a two-year period within which an invention can be commercially exploited before it becomes subject to IP rights protection. This period is shorter than the three years provided under U.S. law, for example.


In addition, Irish law provides for cross-border disputes between inventors and companies based in different countries to be resolved through independent courts rather than by national courts, which is an advantage when there is a conflict involving intellectual property rights.


How long is the protection provided by a registered Irish patent?


Patents in Ireland provide a minimum of twelve years of protection, which is twice as long as the European Union average. This is because Irish patent law provides for a limitation period of six years from the filing date, which is less than the twelve-year maximum provided by most other countries. Additionally, Ireland has a no-fault system, which means that an inventor can still enforce his or her patent even if the patentee defaults on payments. Finally, Ireland's fast track procedure allows for patents to be issued in just four months.


Who can file for an Irish patent application?


To protect your intellectual property (IP), you should file for an Irish patent application as soon as possible. Here's why:


-Irish law is more favorable to IP owners, providing stronger protection for your invention than in many other countries. For example, a patent granted in Ireland can last up to 20 years from the date of filing, while a patent in the United States can only last 14 years.


-Irish courts are much faster and easier to work with than those in other countries. This is especially important if you're seeking patents on new or innovative technology.


-If you file a patent application in Ireland, you can rely on the country's extensive network of technology companies and universities to assist with marketing and licensing your product or technology.

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