Why Leadership Development

Aug 30, 2022

3 min read

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This questions seems demanding but first let me explain what leadership is all about and what it entails then I move to leadership development before explaining the essence of this topic.

A leader is person who commands or leads a group, organization or country. This set of people are seen as the top people with high intelligence in terms of leading and commands. A person who is seen as a leader most have the following qualities:

intelligence: they say when a lion leads thousands of goat to a battle they will fight like a lion ripping off any obstacle or enemies but compared to a goat leading lions to battle they will surely suffer defeat and shame. A leader is expected to be much higher in terms of intelligence to earn respect and give people the assurance of security.

Ability to analyze accurately: different report or information reported to a leader for reply in terms of action, a leader must be able to determine the right decision that will benefit the people. A leader must be to analyze the behavior of the people around him / her human are not to be trusted, when the people around you know that you understand and know them it will kill the vibes of rebelling against you and also gaining more respect in guise of fear.

Problems comes in two forms of attack (Frustrating and Dominating)

Frustrating: Some problems attacks in the form of frustration this type of problem are easy to take on in short they are weak but the advantage they have is they are so many. They can never overcome their opponent but they prefer pulling the legs of their opponent that is playing hide and seek attacks. They are so vulnerable that they can’t withstand one strike at all.

Dominating problems: this forms of attacks are very strong and have a high level of attacks they pose as tough threat that throw continuous attacks with strong defense.

A leader must be able to analyze a particular issues based on their form of attacks. They say strike down the shepherd and the flock will scatter. So that leader must be wise enough to strike down the tough problems or better still kill off the frustrating problems using them as a launch pad of attacks against the stronger ones.

Risk-taking: “Taking the bull by the horn” facing off an issue threatening your subject is what a leader is expected to do. A commander is expected to be at the front line of the battle commanding the troops not standing at the back commanding a reaping all the efforts, a commander on the frontline adds much morale to the troops.

 Leadership Development this is the process which enhances the capacity of an individual to perform in a leadership role.

Being a leader is not an easy task, it also calls for further advancement in yourself. As a leader you must be seen as a bottomless pit with never ending of mysteries meaning you must not be predictable.

Resourcefulness: resourcefulness is part of the virtual or a hidden trump card a leader must have, that is the ability to utilize anything he can lay his hands on. Environment is part of the resource trump card a leader must have. Environment contribute a lot to the growth to a leader development given him the insight on how to use it to the fullest and also turning it into a weapon.

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