Why Choose an Organic Mattress Over a Non-Organic One?

4 months ago

4 min read

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Now more than ever before, people are trying to adopt a clean, healthy lifestyle, which includes the use of natural products and materials.

The world is observing a cultural shift towards organic textiles, natural wood furniture, healthy food products, and everything else that contributes to our well-being and comfort. We are more cautious about the raw materials used to manufacture all of our material possessions, so as to ensure pesticide-free, chemical-free, and eco-friendly products.

Similarly, organic mattresses are one major contributor to our health. Owing to the amount of time spent sleeping, a mattress filled with chemicals and harmful raw materials does affect the overall sleep cycle and eventually impacts the health of the individual. Hence, we have prepared a guide to clarify the need for an organic mattress for your bedroom.

What Is an Organic Mattress?

Organic mattresses are made from organic, natural materials, without the use of any harmful chemicals. This mattress doesn’t contain synthetic compounds, adhesives, and other injurious agents.

Several types of materials are used in an organic mattress such as wool, latex, cotton, or a mixture of all of these. These filling materials have different characteristics and features. According to the needs of the individual, a suitable organic mattress with the preferred materials can be chosen.

Benefits of Organic Mattresses

Traditional mattresses often contain vinyl, polyester fabrics, polyurethane foam, formaldehyde, etc. The fumes from these chemicals are released into the air of your bedroom and impact your body when you are sleeping on the mattress. Conversely, organic mattresses are chemical-free, which ensures healthy sleep without exposure to harmful substances and chemicals.

Mentioned below are the benefits of organic mattresses:

  • Chemical Free

    Organic mattresses are called organic because they are made with zero use of chemicals. This means that no synthetic product is utilized at the time of manufacturing. Take a woolen organic mattress, for example. The wool acquired for the organic mattresses is not treated with pesticides. Further, no carcinogenic flame retardants are used on an organic mattress.

  • Hypoallergenic

    A lot of people suffer from respiratory issues and allergies. Sleeping on a traditional mattress can increase exposure to chemicals such as toxins and pesticides, which can trigger allergies. Since an organic mattress is free from such chemicals, it is naturally allergy-resistant. For example, an organic cotton mattress is free from pigments, dyes, pesticides, flame retardants, etc. This makes these mattresses completely hypoallergenic. Organic wool can additionally repel bacteria, mildew, and dust mites.

  • Regulates Temperature

    Most organic mattresses, such as those made of wool, latex, or cotton, can regulate body temperature. This means that when you sleep on an organic mattress it keeps your body cool during summers and warm during winters.

    Natural substances play a major role in reducing the amount of moisture in the body. In particular, wool has natural properties that can absorb perspiration while keeping the top mattress layer free from moisture. Due to this, it is best to regularly disinfect a wool mattress by sunbathing it.

  • Durable

    Natural wool and latex mattresses are more durable than synthetic mattresses. The organic mattresses can stretch and then immediately bounce back to their original shape. It is known that you can bend wool 20,000 times without harming its original structure.

  • Biodegradable

    One of the major benefits of organic mattresses is that they are quite environmentally friendly and can help reduce our carbon footprint. Organic materials are always naturally biodegradable, which means they don't pollute the earth when disposed of, unlike synthetic mattresses. These need extreme processing just for disposal and they can still pollute the earth for decades or even centuries later.

Chemicals Present in Non-Organic Mattresses

Traditional or synthetic mattresses use various chemicals during various stages of the manufacturing process. Harmful chemicals are present in the adhesive used, the outer covering, and the filling. Below we have discussed some of these injurious chemicals in detail:


PCBs are present in various products around us. Originally, PCBs were used due to their low flammability and insulating properties. When present in the mattress, these chemicals accumulate in the bedroom environment or the human body. But, these can’t be broken down easily, which means that the accumulation of PCBs in the body can lead to an adverse impact on the nervous, reproductive, and immune systems.


PVCs are as harmful as PCBs to the human body. These are hard to dispose of as PVCs release dioxins into the environment. When an individual is regularly exposed to PVC, he or she may develop risks of kidney damage and reproductive issues.


PBDEs are originally used as flame retardants in mattress materials. However, many toxicological studies have proved that PBDEs can cause thyroid, neurodevelopmental issues, and other health problems.


Formaldehyde is used to make organic mattresses water-repellent. However, formaldehyde releases a foul-smelling gas, extreme exposure to which can cause asthma or allergic reactions in individuals.

In Conclusion

Before purchasing an organic mattress, it is imperative to assess the materials used in its manufacturing. For a fully organic mattress, learn about the raw materials used and check for certifications that the manufacturer has. According to various standards such as GOTS and GOLS, no harmful chemical can be utilized during the manufacturing process. Hence, ensure the organic nature of the mattress before purchase.

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