Whiskey Decanters and How They Revolutionise Your Drink

Aug 23, 2022

3 min read

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How about having some whiskey in your kitchen, for starters? Whiskey is versatile as it makes pretty much any drink taste better. At first glance, you might view whiskey as a "not-so-serious" drink, but when you start exploring the wide variety of whiskies available — right down to the kind you can use in cocktails — you'll see that it's anything but. Whiskey is both sophisticated and approachable by anyone who wants to enjoy it. And guess what? You can even kick it up a notch by using a whiskey decanter set.

What Is A Whiskey Decanter Set? 

A whiskey decanter set is a small collection of items that help keep whiskey tasting great. Whiskey is at its best when it reaches maturity, which is something that you have to do manually with whiskey decanters. All you need to do is pour your drink into the decanter and let it sit in there for a while. If you pay attention, you'll notice that the colour of your drink becomes lighter and its aroma transforms into something more complex. Aesthetically speaking, pouring whiskey through a decanter just looks incredible and gives you that authentic experience you may not find otherwise, but there's more to it. 

What Happens When You Store Whiskey In A Decanter Set? 

It Tastes Better 

That's right whiskey stored in a whiskey decanter set tastes different. It becomes mature and more refined. The taste of whiskey in decanters becomes more enhanced than it was earlier. Additionally, the aroma becomes stronger and kicks in the throat. Anyone who has used a globe whiskey decanter knows the great difference it can make. 

It Improves The Splash 

If you store your drink in a whiskey decanter set, it makes an even more impressive splash, and the taste will turn out even better. Of course, this is not necessary. You can store your whiskey for as long as you want to in a regular bottle just as fine. But it's safe to assume having an enhanced and appetizing whiskey may require extra effort on your part. A word of caution — don't overdo it either. Too much aging will ruin a drink.

It Starts To Diffuse 

The process of aging your whiskey in a decanter causes the flavours to diffuse. In such cases, the taste of your drink becomes more complex. and When mixed with various drinks, the effect can be strong. People will talk about how great a particular drink is when they smell it from across the bar and when they get close enough to take a sip — it's pretty cool. Another interesting fact about this — is if you've been storing your whiskey in a decanter for too long without drinking it, you're going to have to throw out some of your old drink because it may turn bad. 

The Colour Of The Whiskey Improves 

If you thought that the colour of whiskey remained unchanged, you're wrong. The colour of whiskey changes a lot when you put it into a decanter set. It becomes lighter and brighter and because of this, the effect on your drinks will also be intense. If you think about it, what better way to start your evening than with a nice drink that starts as a golden colour at first glance but turns out to be amber in the end? That's pretty amazing.

It Helps To Wipe Out All The Odours 

You have to store your whiskey in a whiskey decanter set for some time before you can begin drinking it for the first time. This is because a rifle decanter helps you wipe out all the odours that come in a packaged bottle of whiskey making it a clean refined and strong drink.


So there you have it! Whiskey has a lot of intricacies to it and there's so much more that can be said about the taste and how each type of whiskey will make you feel. Whiskey decanter sets are the best way to take your drink to the next level. There are also other ways to store your drink and make sure that it tastes good, but this is something that takes time and effort. With your own unique decanter set, you can already see results in as little as one week. You'll definitely be able to appreciate the difference with your own eyes.


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