When I Last Felt to Be Proud of Myself

Now a Mentor and poet. Retired as Teacher, Scientist, Industry Professional

Sep 15, 2022

1 min read

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There might have been a number of occasions in my vivid memory, when I felt proud of myself. But one event, which instantly strikes me, whenever I think of my proud moments, is etched very clearly in my memories.

That was around 25 years ago. I recall being on a short trip  to Bikaner, Rajasthan. On the last day of my trip at around 1PM, I was at a sweet shop buying some sweets for children back home.  While I  was busy, sorting the sweets, a nomadic family with 2-3 small kids came close to me and begged for something, The begging eyes of the family seemed to agitate me. The husband and wife were asking for some alms. It was lunch time and I was myself, thinking  of my lunch. I wanted to give them a penny or so and asked them if they needed more. The kids seemed to be hungry and the family head said that they had not eaten since morning. I asked the sweet shop owner, if he could provide lunch to this family. The family felt elated, as the shop owner asked them to sit down at the entrance and directed his staff to provide lunch to them outside his shop.

I remember having protested to the shop owner for the shabby treatment to the family and asked for a proper sitting arrangement for the entire family  and  for me inside the shop. The next 20-30 minutes were very satisfying for me. The entire family took their lunch as per the menu in the shop and me feeling elated with the sign of happiness on faces of the nomadic family.

I can only remember, the comments from the shop owner, when he, too, felt very happy and offered not to charge anything for the family lunch.

I felt proud. I felt happiness in the eyes of the nomadic family and the sense of satisfaction in the eyes of the shop owner.

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