What is up with Marvel’s CGI lately?

Jul 6, 2022

3 min read

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What is up with Marvel’s CGI lately?

We all know, or have at least heard of the infamous Marvel Studios, who began their cinematic universe back in 2008 with the debut of their first and memorable film “IronMan”.

Fast forward almost 15 whole years later and they are still kicking, now with releasing much more projects within a year, and the addition of releasing shows onto Disney Plus.

So you would think that since Marvel has been growing at a steady rate over the past decade they should be on top of their game right now correct? Well, not quite.

You see, if you re-read the second paragraph of this post, I stated that Marvel has been increasing their quantity of content within in a year, or as they refer to it their “phases”, but I hadn’t mentioned if they have been upkeeping the same quality they’re famously known for.

With that, there has been a noticable sense of a lack of focus for each project they had been releasing within the last year, and I say noticable because of the goofy CGI work that they put into it.

I am not saying that Marvel CGI is cheap and fast to do, because it’s not. I am not saying that Marvel should not be releasing all the content they choose to, because they should in order to keep a captive audience. They should however be smart and thoughtful about how much attention they are providing each of their projects, because if they don’t, then we would get another Black Widow CGI catastrophic moment.

If you were to look up Marvel's Phase 1 to Phase 4, then you would notice a drastic difference in why I think Marvels CGI was better all those years ago in their first phase.

Look it up.

Between Phase 1 to Phase 4, you notice a significantly lower quantity of movies being released, which means more time devoted to a singular project, as well as those 6 movies in Phase 1 being released in the span of 4 years.

Meanwhile, with Marvel Phase 4, you can see over 20 titles of Marvel-issued content, a majority of which they plan to release within the next year, keeping them busy.

If Marvel does do this, it would be a disaster, since there would be no focus towards a singular project, especially if they would keep releasing movie after show after movie within the same month until they unveil the next 40 projects they want to release in the span of another year.

I do not entirely judge what I watch by its visual effects, including Marvel because of how I have come to love these charcaters without the usage of CGI, (Ironman’s suit is CGI but I love Tony Stark out of the suit as much as I love him in it) they have done it for me before so they can do it for me again with all the new characters they are set to introduce.

I am seeing Thor “Love and Thunder” in theaters tomorrow, which I plan on giving my review about, and yes; I will mention how the CGI played out in the film and if Marvel actually gave the film's visual effects the proper amount of time it most likely needed.

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