What Is The GRE Exam?

May 4, 2022

3 min read

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Writing the GRE test to study abroad can be upsetting given the term and length of the question paper. Henceforth, all the educational institutions which provide GRE training give their students a couple of prep tips, for example, fast computations, tips and tricks, and time the executives.

The most important learning here is time the board that solitary gets through the thorough act of test papers and counterfeit tests. Despite the fact that one knows about the GRE Syllabus and knows all the appropriate responses, the inability to oversee time can prompt a fragmented test. This is the place the significance of being acquainted with the GRE Exam design is of most extreme significance.

The GRE question paper is isolated into three principal segments, in particular, Analytical Writing, Verbal Reasoning, and Quantitative Reasoning. The absolute time given to finish the test is three hours and thirty minutes (3 hours 30 minutes=210 mins) and for computer-based, it is three hours and forty minutes (3 hours 40 minutes= 220 mins).

GRE Paper-based Exam Pattern

The paper-based test incorporates two sub-segments of every one of the fundamental classifications Analytical Writing, Verbal and Quantitative Reasoning. The explanatory Writing part contains two undertakings with a length of 60 minutes. Verbal and Quantitative thinking each contains two areas and 50 questions with a maximum time cutoff of 60 and 70 minutes, subsequently. The variable segments of Research and Unscored are excluded from the paper-based test.

GRE Computer-based Exam Pattern

For the computer-based example, every one of these areas is additionally partitioned into two-sub-segments with 40 questions altogether (Verbal Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning). Logical Writing has just one area that contains two errands with a time period of 60 minutes. Aside from these fundamental areas, there are two other variable segments remembered for the computer-based example test. This segment is trailed by a 10-minute break after the Quantitative Reasoning part is finished. In any case, these two variable areas Unscored and Research segments are excluded from the last GRE Scores.

While the GRE Pattern may change now and again, for the most part, the core of the organization continues as before. At present, coming up next is the test design which competitors can anticipate:

Analytical Writing

2 sections with 2 tasks

60 mins

1 section- two tasks

60 mins

Verbal Reasoning

2 sections with 50 questions

70 mins

2 section- 40 questions

60 mins

Quantitative Reasoning

2 sections with 50 questions

80 mins

2 section- 40 questions

70 mins











 It is essential to focus on the plan of the question paper just as watch out for the time devoted to each part. As there are certain sections included in the tests, you can anticipate that the test should go on somewhat longer than anticipated. It is best not to get on edge or anxious while writing the test as it will just make you more focused. A quiet and ready brain is the most ideal approach to move toward this test.

How to Register for GRE Exam?

There are numerous ways that aspirants can register for their GRE exam in India:

·  Online Registration

GRE enrollment is done online and the aspirants are needed to maintain a record of the same.

·  Mail Registration

Aspirants planning to give the GRE exam are needed to print and complete the Application Form, and send it to the correspondence address with the suitable expense.

·  Telephone Registration

Students are required to connect with the Regional Registration Center (RRC), which is located in Gurgaon, Haryana.

·  Fax Registration

Applicants are required to first take out a print copy and then complete the GRE Application Form, and after that send it to the fax number with a suitable expense.

Colleges accepting GRE test results

It is a most common and frequent confusion that most colleges abroad having MBA program just acknowledges GMAT scores. Whereas colleges encouraging MBA to study in Canada don't just request GMAT scores, they also ask for GRE scores additionally in Canada. So if you intend to study MBA in Canada, ensure that you have shown up for both of the two tests. Also, check the list of colleges that accept GRE in Canada.

Apart from other nations, the UK also acknowledges GRE scores for MBA courses in their colleges or universities. The motivation behind why the number of colleges accepting GRE scores is less is that PG Diploma courses take the essential spot in being the main decision. Apart from Canada, also check the list of colleges that are accepting GRE in the UK and the USA. Besides GMAT, numerous American B-schools also acknowledge the GRE scores for admission in MBA courses. The GRE scores are typically required for MS programs, however, the patterns are currently evolving. Many American B-schools are currently accepting GRE scores.

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