What Is Love?

Oct 17, 2021

1 min read

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Love is the most tricky sensation, but how it is defined? 

Let me give you an explanation love is the feeling that makes you happy sad emotional lovable angry lonely compassionate all at the same time. Each and every couple relationship is beautiful in itself and have their own definition no one knows it’s existence but still everyone has it in their heart for that special person.

Asking this question once in a life is a normal deed,
But love is everyone's need.
Some say it’s just a waste of time,
But for some others “He is only mine”.
What is love the question remains the same,
Did you check your test of flames?
Love makes you the owl of night,
Although each fight will make you unite.
A watermelon and a pizza together form a bond unique,
Love would act as salt which exchanges the taste of each.
Simply love is when you get hurt by him,
But still, you want him in your dream,
Get your answer of What is love?
Each story defines a new kind of love.

At the last, I just want to add love is like the Cactus as on one side it has harsh phones of sacrifice and adjustment whereas on the other their the flesh and watery surface of happiness and togetherness but still despite such difference the cactus survive for a very long time same like it pure and divine love is also strong and remains for forever and ever and ever. 

No matter what the situations were or are the person beside you remains their for entire life…..and this is only the true explanation of what is love?

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