What Is Dowry System?

Aug 14, 2022

6 min read

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It is a kind of payment, Goods or a kind of a property given by a bride or her family to a groom and his family during marriage ceremony time. 

is Dowry Necessary! 

Yes, we can say that dowry is necessary for a girls when she get married. For what sense it seems necessary! It become necessary for a womens to take their dowry part. Because its a right to her from her parents side, so when she get married. She has full Charge to take her right as dowry part. I think right of giving dowry is part of bridge parents. Only they decide what they want give to daughters as her not right of groom's parents what they demand to bride family otherwise it becomes illegal and erroneous. 

What is the main Cause Of Dowry ? 

Rapacity; mean (greedy wish) The supposition that dowry will given at the flow of bride and grooms enagaement. Why this concept? Why Grooms family demand that a dowry will be given at time of Engagement. Its because, the dowry amount will be Remunerate to the groom's career, his lifestyle, his education, his property. So, The Bridge's Education,career,future her living,her way of maintaining lifestyle are wholly set aside as she is not given same social standard to a man. 

is Dowry Good? 

Termination; Dowry culture is good expect for or upto its is not view as gift given to a girl (bride) by her family. If the Groom's side means his parents demaning more wealth as dowry or challenging to bride family to get married on the basis of dowry,then that dowry is becomes illegal and erroneous. 

Can impact of dowry on other girls ? 

Yes, obviously it's impact will hit other girls beacause, most of parents dont have such wealth, property & cash money as they would give to daughters during marriage. So if we stop this trend may be it become easy for those parents who has no big survival to compensate your daughters. So they hold marriage without receiving or giving dowry. stop this culture, stop this thinking, save yourself or save other's 

Is Marriage possible without Dowry? 

As per concern of Dowry, most of poepls thinking is relate with the concept of Dowry. They think when a women get marry is to be necessary for her she should brings some wealth,money or property at where she is going marry. So with think people's accepting women's are very few. 

Because,if women's cant effort to bring dowry part from her side. Then aceepting of women's are very less in society its because of dowry cause. 

So that why it is become necessary for women's to take her dowry part when she is get marry. We can say dowry is necessary for women's! 

As per increasing of social demands, to maintain social culture, with this view women's have need to dowry for her safety,to safe yourself from taunts, to safe yourself from insulting. At last we can say it's necessary for women's as per her safety. 

Why is dowry system exclaim a social problem? 

Dowry is consider as one of bad social evil in our society. It is sign of rapacity, Avarice and mean. Also it is see as selfishness. 

what kind of social problem is happening. If the demanded amount of dowry isn't given to groom's and his family. Otherwise the bride is fully torment and may be sometimes beaten till her death!. 

Who started dowry system? 

Dowry culture system was introduced in the 12th of century in England By Normans. Before dowry there was a another class of culture or a system. Where the Husband is giving several style of morning gifts to his Wife. Dowry was normally given at the time of wedding by the husband towards wife at the door of church in head of all peoples audience who is remain present that time. 

Who started Dowry System in India? 

The dowry system in India was start by a link or root. In India it was started by roots in medieval times. When a dowry value has in cash or kind. Means,when a gift in cash or kind where it was given to women's by her family side so they maintain yourself as independent or enjoy your independence after marriage. At time of Colonial Period this way set as legal way to get married. Then after the Britishers make this dowry use as mandatory. 

Who Break Off Dowry System in India? 

The dowry prohibition Act (1961) consolidated (strong) the anti dowry laws later, which had been spend on certain states area's and the legislation provides some penalties and mentioned in section 3 about taking or giving of dowry. According to the Legislation if anybody or any person is gives or takes and try to giving and receiving of Dowry, after then they will be intense punishment

 Why legislation had made this rule? 

They had made this rule because, Every person will aware and they understand what is effect of taking or giving or giving or receiving of dowry amout. So i think this step is best to control of dowry system in our society. 

How Do You control dowry Culture system? 

1:- we should understand our daughter about dowry; that it is not good to take because, if you take dowry from parents. It will become social problem, social conflict, social misunderstanding

Why, when you control & and understand yourself that dowry part is compulsory to get married when you understand, it is simple otherwise will also. So then these social conflicts on base of dowry will come to an end. 

2:-Teach Them To Be Independent and Responsible 

As per view of dowry, we should motivate our daughters and teach them to be independent and responsible in your life.that dowry isn't making your life, instead you have to create your own by your hard work not by depending or demanding. 

3:- Never ever encourage your daughter to givr or take dowry

Firstly, Parents should teach your daughters good & legal things from start to end. As per veiw of dowry every parents should take responsibility to teach your daughters and never ever encourage them the practice of giving or receiving dowry. 

4:- Give them best practice of everthing :-

All parents should also take responsibility of giving best practices on base of every thing to your Childerns like girls or boys. There are so many practices & one of them is Dowry, because it is also form of practice .Here on this matter parents should be in control of dowry. They must take full responsibility on your Childerns on the event of dowry. 

5:- Educate them :-

Education is not about to learn the facts but, 

the practice of the mind to think.      __ kamranbhat... 

When Parents will Educate your daughters, so they become aware and clever about dowry. They will let all information about dowry. It is possible when they educated. They ought to more focus on daughters education. 

They also might ready your daughter to staying away from this evil. What effect will on daughters if they not educated?

Simply, this is known everyone. Without education nothing is possible & nothing is to be achieve without education, education is most important way where, we identify what is wrong and what is right. So if we not provide proper education to our daughters or to our childrens, obviously they will go wrong path and then, responsible will parents, so educate your daughters. 

My message for you peoples on system of dowry :-

Never ever think that the dowry is solution of our daughters. Dowry doesn't or never explain our daughters worth, status, or reputation okey clear this. This is compulsory to think for both sides such grooms side and bride's side. If bride family gifting anything to her daughter  on basis of what they have present that time to give as gift. It must be accepting by groom's family without any further demanding.Don't see dowry culture take your marriages without dowry. Don't make differences, don't make selection on the basis of dowry. Accept women by her love by care by respect. Don't tease your womens if they had fails to brings dowry amount. Don't beat your women If they fail to fullfill your needs don't look that just instead of this love her accept her respect to her care to her & be to her forever. 

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