What Defines a Man?

Jul 20, 2022

3 min read

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 The very first dominating being created by God, today there are certain things that defines a man making him an opportunity to the opposite sex or we can just say what makes a man attractive. I know your mind we go to a lot of things but I will only be talking about the major obvious characteristics that defines a man.

1. Power: this is the ability to dominate or control. When I talk about power there are various things that gives people power in the society, which are: Money, connection, Intelligence, support and care, level of maturity etc. I will only be talking about the major ones among the factors I listed.

·         Intelligence: Take Albert Einstein for example his invention brought about the :Avogadro’s Number, quantum theory of light , general theory of relativity, the relationship between mass and energy and so much more. All this invention serve as a foundation to the modern advancement of technology. This great inventor/scientist will forever be remembered by the world not because he is a scientist but for his laid down foundational contribution to the world success through his intelligence.

. Maturity: (Full development), now talking about maturity in terms of defining a man, this is what differentiates a man to a boy, it clearly a big gap which cannot be covered by age. Note: Maturity is not defined by age but by the understanding and being able to relate and comprehend any situation providing an efficient solution to it. A man with high level of maturity are mostly respected not because they are fully grown or experience they have gathered but by their level of comprehension and proficient high level of reasoning.

2.    Money: Yes!!!! Money the high god of this world worshiped by billions of people, it actually have a big say in every corner of the world. This factor gives people the advantage of turning and manipulating things the way they like even the law is not accepted.

3.    The body: in this part I will be stating the feature of man that makes him attractive which are: handsomeness, sweet tongue, Body build.

·         Mr Handsome: Women never fail to drool over handsome men, this is also one of their high rated priority because no woman wants an ugly boyfriend or husband, basically they need someone who matches their appearance and also presentable.

·         Sweet tongued men: A p*vert for example this type of men casually play with their words meaning flirt but they create a deep impression in the heart of women. Women are always aware they are being manipulated but they can’t just resist the feelings and pleasure they get from this type of men.

·         The Body Builder: A man with height, broad chest, big arms with it veins popping out fitted body showing every curves and strength of the body. This is a very big turn on for most women, they are willing to bend for this type of men.

Guys women have their own spec of the type of men they want, but they all fall under the factors I listed above. Remember you might not be rich or handsome enough but one thing you must always consider as a man is upgrading your brain and level of maturity, this will build your confidence making you unique. Even those bodybuilder, Mr handsome and the rich people will have no choice but to respect you.

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