What can we expect from The Flash season 9?

Jul 10, 2022

4 min read

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With The Flash season 8 having wrapped up a couple of weeks ago, and it has been confirmed that the people behind the show are taking a lengthy break from starting up the storylines and writing for the upcoming season 9, from what has went down and the details in this previous season is what I want to discuss of how it can play out into next season.

1) Villians

For those that have been remaining fans of The Flash after season 6, are well aware of the new leadership that The Flash fell under, when current showrunner Eric Wallace took over as showrunner.

Wallace’s format of the seasons following have been broken up storylines in a each season, ranging between 2 and 3 per season, in which he calls “graphic novels”.

During the end of season 8, we were taken to a lab of an unknown scientist in the distant year of 2049.

In the lab, we saw a blue crystal that began glowing more bright, and fans began to raise questions about if this is a tease to a long awaited villian we have been wanting on the show, Cobalt Blue.

This might be confirmed for season 9, as we are to get 3 graphic novels in the upcoming season, and Rick Cosnett (Eddie Thawne), expressed his interest in returning in season 9, with fans pestering for him to play the villian Cobalt Blue.

As for the remaining 2 villians that are set to appear in the season, their identities remain unknown.

2. Suits

With The Flash’s suit on the show being complete perfection, as now with the new addition of the golden boots we got this past season, I wouldn’t be expecting any new Flash suits for him.

I would love for Barry to dawn one of his old suits, such as season 1 and season 4’s suits.

As for the other heroes, now with Allegra and Cecile becoming more relevant to the show as heroes on the battlefield, I would expect for there to be new suits for them as curtesy of Chester, or even Cisco maybe.

3. New characters

New characters for an upcoming season are always common for The Flash, and we got a big one to be introducd at the end of season 8.

With Caitlins and Marks attempts to bring back Frost from the dead, we seemingly got introduced to a new fusion of Caitlin and Frost without actually seeing who it was.

Other new characters would have to be the upcoming villians we will be getting in the show, and I am very excited to see who it will be.

4. Other storylines

With Jesse L. Martin’s character Joe West leaving the show but only as a series regular, that leaves us without about 6 main characters left in the show (Barry, Iris, Caitlin, Allegra, Cecile, and Chester).

With the story of Team Flash facing the villians all together remaining the same, I am actually wondering about seperate storylines we will see in the season.

Barry and Iris will most likely become more intimte with each other, and subsequently, have Iris get pregnant so we can see little Bart and Nora Allen running around.

Allegra and Chester will most probably finally get together, as the show has been awkwardly forcing them to throughout the entire last season (no one really cares about if those 2 get together, or at least that’s my opinion).

Allegra and Cecile will learn how to be better heroes on the battlefield, now that they are appearing more frequently on it alongside Barry.

Caitlin will definitely have a storyline with this new Caitlin/Frost fusion that she “accidentally” created.

The Flash season 9 doesn’t arrive onto our screens until the new year, so til then, keep theorizing!

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