What Are the Benefits of Cnapp?

Sep 27, 2022

3 min read

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A streamlined security architecture called a cloud-native application protection platform (CNAPP) enables businesses to fully take advantage of the cloud-native ecosystem. It helps companies to transition from the price and complexity of security products that are siloed to a continuous security fabric without making significant investments in development resources or tooling.

The demand for security technologies that can assist businesses in securing their cloud infrastructure and apps is rising. As a result of the fast growing cloud security market. Information security and DevOps professionals may increase productivity and find software flaws with the use of cloud security tools. Thus, enabling businesses to maintain their agility in software development while enhancing security throughout the software lifecycle process.

Instead of having to piece together numerous solutions that each address a different security issue, using a CNAPP enables organizations to establish full end-to-end security for cloud-native systems.

This strategy has several advantages. Perhaps most importantly, a CNAPP enables organizations to gain a complete understanding of application risks. As a result, secure applications consistently throughout their life cycle by supplying shared context between development and production.

The Four Primary Benefits of a CNAPP

There are four main advantages of a Cloud-Native Application Protection Platform (CNAPP) that help to lower risk and increase visibility. 

A CNAPP offers complete protection for cloud native applications. A CNAPP allows security teams to pinpoint and address the most important security concerns. All the while still addressing vulnerabilities in cloud settings in an all-encompassing manner. Implementing a CNAPP offers the following four main advantages:

Increased Awareness

The visibility and insights provided by a CNAPP allow security teams to evaluate and rank the dangers to which their cloud apps have been exposed. Additionally, security teams can improve their organization's security posture with better visibility.

Increased Compatibility

Tools for point security that gear towards fixing a particular problem or application frequently have restricted compatibility with other tools. Compatibility, in contrast, is one of the major advantages of a CNAPP. This is because it is cloud-native and can be used for any workload. Improved interoperability with a CNAPP makes it possible for cloud workloads to operate more effectively.

Earlier Detection

Compared to many point security technologies, a CNAPP can scan and resolve problems far earlier in the pipeline. Since CNAPP improves visibility into cloud workloads, security teams can find configuration errors or compliance problems. They can locate them well before they affect live systems. As a result, teams can quickly identify and rank the worst security risks. Take appropriate action to fix the problems before they have a substantial impact.

Large-Scale Automation

A CNAPP is incorporated into continuous integration/continuous development (CI/CD) pipelines, where it automatically and constantly scans production and development environments for vulnerabilities and threats over the course of the entire lifecycle. With a CNAPP, risk detection and compliance are automated, reducing the effort on security teams so they can concentrate on growing their cloud infrastructure and enhancing security at the same time.

The Benefits of CNAPP for Cloud Security

The majority of businesses are integrating numerous products from various suppliers to get the cloud security coverage they require for modern infrastructures. IT teams struggle because of this patchwork approach because many of these tools do not perform well together. This leads to unneeded conflict between the security and operations teams, which reduces visibility and adds complexity that slows down teams.

CNAPP, a brand-new class of cloud security, is made to address all of these issues. It combines the best features of many technologies like CASB (Cloud Access Security Broker), CSPM (Cloud Security Posture Management), and CWPP (Cloud Workload Protection Platform) into one.

Thus, adopting a novel approach to cloud security. The lifespan of cloud-native applications and the complete cloud infrastructure are both under protection by this integrated, unified tool.

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