23 WFH Tips To Keep In Mind That Always Comes Handy

Nov 3, 2021

7 min read

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You may find yourself working from home (WFH) as the COVID-19 epidemic continues to spread over the world. You can stay productive while caring for yourself and your loved ones if you put forth the necessary effort.

Everyone is in the same boat to some extent, but your circumstance is likely to be unique. Everyone involved deserves compassion, understanding, and sensitivity. Self-isolation during the COVID-19 epidemic brings with it new obstacles, but it also brings with it the chance for new perspectives.

1. Designate a workplace for new WFHers

Set up a spot in your home to serve as an office. Sitting in this location signals to your brain that it's time to concentrate. When you're not working, stay away from your assigned workspace. After your workday is done, avoid the impulse to check in on any professional duties until you return to work.

2. Get up and about

Set up a few areas in your house where you can work if creating a mobile office helps you concentrate. Because you'll be changing your seat position, this may enhance your posture. Setting aside a specific amount of time in each area may assist you in better managing your time. 

Make sure your workspace is comfortable. This will reduce the risk of musculoskeletal injuries while also improving performance and productivity. While sitting on a plush couch or in your bed may sound appealing, typing on your laptop for an extended period of time might cause back and neck pain.

3. Prepare yourself for the day

Take your time getting ready for the day by going through your typical morning routine, showering, and getting dressed. If you typically go to the gym, add bodyweight exercises or strength training to your Programme. 

Even if they're more comfortable than your regular business wear, set aside some work clothes. Allow your skin to breathe and utilize this time to improve its health by applying only serums, toners, or masks if you like to do your hair and makeup, even if it's just for you.

4. Make a timetable

Create a daily timetable and write it down instead of having a hazy plan. Create a digital schedule or scribble it down on paper and post it somewhere noticeable. Make a detailed to-do list that is divided into categories based on their priority.

5. Make an eating schedule

Prepare your meals and snacks in advance, such as at the start of the week or during the workday. This keeps you from working till you're hungry and then scrambling to find anything to eat. You should also refrain from eating at your desk.

Pumpkin seeds, dark chocolate, and eggs are among the items that can help you improve your memory, attention, and alertness. Refined carbohydrates, processed meals, and sugary beverages should all be avoided.

Advice for parents with children

6. Working with a baby

To keep your child near to you, use a baby carrier or wrap. Use a dictation Programme to keep your hands free. If you're on the phone with someone, tell them you have a baby at home in case there are any disruptions or disturbances. Make the most of their nap times by scheduling tasks that need great concentration or conference calls during these times.

While working from home with a newborn, you might want to talk to your boss about a customized schedule that works for both of you.

7. Assisting older children

If you have small children, you should concentrate on their requirements. However, if you have an older child who is capable of taking on additional responsibilities, you can provide them with clear instructions and activities to assist in the care of younger children or the completion of domestic duties. 

When you need to focus on complex chores, you may prefer to work in the early morning or late evenings while your children are sleeping.

8. Pay attention to what they're going through emotionally

Even though a tantrum leaves everyone involved fatigued or upset, your children may require additional love, affection, and attention during this time. Your children are tuned in to both your emotions and the general energy of the universe. 

They may struggle to adjust to a new schedule or get overstimulated. Play soothing music throughout your home to aid with the relaxation process.

9. Strike a balance between structure and play

Encourage your children to enjoy themselves, but assist them in time management. Set up activities that will keep kids interested. Children can become overstimulated as well, so restrict their screen usage and allow for boredom on occasion. Set clear boundaries, expectations, and consequences in your approach.

10. Screen sharing

If you're sharing a screen with a child, let them know that your work comes first. Allow them to use the screen when it is convenient for you. Take a quick break or do something that doesn't require a screen at this time.

Tips for persons suffering from anxiety

11. The current situation of the planet

Make your own choices regarding the information you consume, especially when you're at work. Set up apps on your devices to prevent any news linked to COVID-19 if you don't want to look at it. In the same way, let your loved ones know if you don't want to talk about the virus or sickness.

12. Make sure you're well-informed rather than overwhelmed

If you want to keep informed but find the news to be overwhelming, set aside time each morning or evening to read the news. Alternatively, you may ask a buddy if you could phone them for a 10-minute briefing. They'll be able to gently communicate any news and keep you updated without making you feel overwhelmed.

13. Your family and friends

If you're worried about the health of someone you care about, let them know. Ascertain that they are taking all essential precautions and will contact you if they begin to exhibit any COVID-19 symptoms. Take the time to express your gratitude to them, either verbally or in writing.

14. Being placed under lockdown

When you're working from home because of a government order to stop the spread of a virus, it's a different experience. Create a joyful environment by gazing out the window, envisioning a tranquil nature scene, or gazing at a relaxing painting.

15. Make contact

Make an appointment with a mental health professional or find someone who can help you control your emotions, especially if they are interfering with your productivity. Be open and honest about how you're feeling. Knowing that help is only a phone call or video chat away can help you cope with anxiety.

Tips for those who don't have the best home setup

16. Temporary office

Improvise if you don't have a defined desk or office. Use a coffee table as your desk and place a cushion on the floor. Alternatively, select a tiny portable foldable table that you can use in multiple locations around your home.

An upside-down basket with a flat bottom can be used to build a makeshift desk. This can be used to create a standing desk with your laptop on the bed, a table, or a counter. Simply pay attention to your body and make modifications if you begin to experience musculoskeletal pain.

17. Make sure you have enough room

Create a relaxing environment. At least once a day, clean your work environment and tidy the clutter. To transport some pleasant scents into the air, utilize an essential oil diffuser. Alternatively, burn sage to improve your energy, mood, and cognitive performance.

Tips for persons who find themselves working next to their partner for the entire day 

18. Talk about your job schedule ahead of time

Discuss whether your working styles are compatible. Decide whether you want to set out time each day for eating or hanging out, or if you'd rather do your own thing. Let your companion know if you like to work in silence or enjoy chit-chat. If your daily work schedules differ, make sure you discuss it ahead of time.

19. Make contact with the ground

Check-in with each other to see how you might assist one another. This could entail letting your partner alone during the day, emailing them amusing memes, or double-checking that they have accomplished their tasks. 

Make a plan for distributing family responsibilities. You can chat about how things are doing in a 10-minute session and decide if you need to make any changes. If you know you'll have time to talk about your day or any duties, you'll be less likely to lose your cool or become frustrated.

20. Put on your headphones

Using headphones will eliminate aural interruptions. Rather than earbuds, invest in a pair of over-ear headphones, which are more comfortable and deliver superior sound quality.

Choose music that helps you concentrate and that you only listen to when you're working. Classical music, binaural beats, or your favorite modern music are all possibilities.

Make a plan and let your spouse know when you'll need to be on a video or voice call. If both of you need to be on a call at the same time, you'll have a plan in place to reduce noise and distractions.

How to Make Useful Breaks

21. Go for a little walk

Many artists have depicted the value of walking throughout history. It doesn't have to be a long stroll to be successful. If you're feeling worried or unsure, go for a 20-minute walk once or twice a day.

22. Pomodoro Technique

The Pomodoro method is a time management approach that some people swear by. Set a timer for 25 minutes and then take a 5-minute break to give it a shot. After four 25-minute sessions, take a 15- to 30-minute break. Carry on with these intervals for the rest of the day.

23. Make the most of the situation

During this time, many yoga and meditation teachers are offering free online sessions. Join an online session to take advantage of the opportunity. A pause in your schedule may assist you in effectively managing your time throughout the day.

Last but not least

Working from home during this period may not be ideal, but you can make the most of it. You can find yourself living a life that feels like a long winter break or summer vacation. Allow yourself time to acclimate to your new work life as it takes time to adjust to the new normal.

Have faith in your ability to adapt and discover a work-life balance that works for you. Give yourself a pat on the back for all you've accomplished, even if there have been some setbacks. Keep in mind that we're all in this together.

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