40 Vitamins K Rich Foods That Enrich Your Diet

Sep 17, 2022

13 min read

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Vitamins are essential for our body. Vitamins are of different kinds, Vitamins A, B, C, D, E, and K. This article has information about the 40 Vitamins K Rich Foods. Vitamins K helps in blood clotting and strengthens bones.

It the recommended that the intake of Vitamin K should be 90 mcg in Women and 120 mcg in Men per day.

What happens if there is a deficiency of Vitamin K?

If there is a lack of Vitamin K Rich Food, it may lead to a range of health issues in our body. If you intake less dosage as it may also cause health issues. Its deficiency may lead to heart disease, tooth decay, certain types of cancer, difficulty in blood clotting, and low bone density.

Which Food contains Vitamin K?

Vitamin K is divided into two parts: Vitamin K1(most commonly found in dark green leaves) and Vitamin K2(found in animal food, fermented plant food)

Intake of Vitamin K is essential for our body. Here are some Vitamin K-Rich Food items that you make to include in your daily routine.

1. Kale

Kale is rich in Vitamin K1 as it is a green leafy vegetable. It is also called the superfood of Vitamin K Rich Food. Kale contains many vitamins and proteins which help the body with blood clotting. Only ½ cup of cooked kale contains 565 mcg.

2. Collard Greens

The collard green belongs to the cabbage family. It is a good source of Vitamin K-rich food. Collard greens are beneficial for healthy bones, and we get calcium which strengthens the bones. Just ½ cup of boiled collard greens gives 530 mcg.

3. Spinach

Spinach is also a Vitamin K-rich food and contains all sorts of nutrients such as Vitamin A, and Vitamin B, as well. It contains iron, magnesium, and many minerals as well. Just ½ cup of cooked spinach contains 444 mcg and is 3 times more beneficial than raw spinach.

4. Turnip Greens

Turnip greens are Vitamin K-rich food and are used in popular side dishes in the US. It helps to strengthen bones and is calcium-rich. Just ½ cup of cooked turnip greens contains 425 mcg.

5. Brussels sprouts

Brussels sprouts are also a Vitamin K-rich food and a member of cabbage. This vegetable gains its name in Brussels, Belgium where it is popular. People may not like Brussels sprouts, but they can taste many food items well. Just ½ cup of cooked Brussels sprouts contains 150 mcg.

6. Broccoli

Broccoli is also a Vitamin K-rich food item and a member of the cabbage family. Broccoli is mainly prepared in olive oil or canola oil to add flavor and boost the Vitamins in it. This Vitamin K-rich food item benefits us in many ways. Just ½ cup of cooked broccoli contains 85 mcg.

7. Asparagus

Asparagus is a flowering plant that is Vitamin K-rich food. Asparagus is also good because it has low calories and many Vitamins. It is also beneficial to lose weight, to lower blood pressure. Just ½ cup of cooked Asparagus contains 72 mcg.

8. Lettuce

Lettuce is the main source of Vitamin K-rich food and is probably the main source of the American diet. It is available at salad bars in different cities or countries. Just ½ cup with iceberg contains 60 mcg.

9. Sauerkraut

Sauerkraut is produced through controlled microbial growth and is a Vitamin K-rich food. It contains many minerals and vitamins. Sauerkraut can be eaten in both cooked and raw form. Just½ cup of cooked or raw Sauerkraut contains 56 mcg.

10. Soybeans

Soybeans come in the category of Vitamin K2. It is a Vitamin K-rich food. Soybeans reduce the risk of health problems. It contains iron, calcium, protein, and fiber. Raw soybeans are not good for health. Just ½ cup of roasted Soybeans contains 43 mcg.

11. Edamame

Edamame, a Vitamin K-rich food, is popular in Japanese cuisine. It is rich in many vitamins, minerals, protein, and antioxidants. It is prepared from Soybeans in the pods and served with salt. Just ½ cup of boiled Edamame contains 25 mcg.

12. Pickles

Pickles are a Vitamin K-rich food that is 20% of the daily recommended amount of Vitamin K in our body. It keeps our bones strong and maintains blood clotting. It has zero calories, and our body also produces Vitamin K2. An intake of 25 mcg is required.

13. Pumpkin

Pumpkin seeds are Vitamin K-rich food and contain vitamins and minerals. It keeps the immune system strong and healthy. It decreases high blood pressure. Pumpkin is eaten during the time of rainy weather and on Halloween. Just ½ cup of canned Pumpkin contains 20 mcg.

14. Pine nuts

Pine nuts are Vitamin K-rich dry fruit. Pine nuts increase energy levels because it contains vitamins, protein, iron, and magnesium. Pine nuts require more time and effort to grow that's why it is more expensive. Pine nuts work as a salad and give a different taste to it. Only 28.34 grams per contains 15 mcg.

15. Blueberries

Blueberries are another Vitamin K-rich food that contains low calories. Blueberries are high in vitamins and minerals. It has 85% of water present in it. Just ½ cup of blueberries contains 14 mcg.

16. Beet Green

Beet green is a Vitamin K-rich food, it has a high amount of nitrates which lower blood pressure and increase oxygen levels in our body. Raw Beet green is more beneficial than cooked one.

17. Mustard Greens

Mustard green is the best Vitamin K-rich food. It is rich in calcium, magnesium, iron, and zinc. We can eat mustard greens in both raw and cooked ways. Mustard contains more vitamins than other vegetables.

18. Swiss Chard

Swiss chard is also a Vitamin K-rich food because it contains minerals and vitamins. It is a pack of vitamins that strengthen the bones.

19. Parsley

Parsley is a species of flowering plant and another vegetable that comes on the list of Vitamin K-rich food. Parsley reduces the risk of health issues like cancer, strokes, and diabetes. You can add Parsley to your salad menu.

20. Cabbage

Cabbage are different kinds like red cabbage, white cabbage, purple cabbage, and green cabbage. Red cabbage is more beneficial than other cabbage because it contains Vitamins A, C, and B6.

21. Green Beans

Green beans are Vitamin K-rich food and also have a high amount of calcium present in them. The nutrients are required for blood clotting and healthy bones. Green beans contain 31 calories.

22. Green Peas Canned

Green Peas Canned is also called a powerhouse of Vitamin K-rich food. It contains fiber, proteins, and minerals. Green peas canned are already cooked. Frozen green peas are better than canned green peas.

23. Prunes

Prunes are a Vitamin K-rich food. They are a good source of vitamins and minerals. Only ½ cup of prunes is enough to keep a person healthy. This Vitamin K-rich fruit keeps the bones strong.

24. Avocado

Avocado contains high vitamins and minerals. ThisVitamin K-rich food contains healthy fats. It keeps healthy eyes, strong bones, and lower blood pressure. One avocado can fulfill a day's requirement because it contains 20 vitamins.

25. Kiwi

Kiwi is the best fruit to fulfill the requirement of Vitamin K and many other diseases. It helps in blood clotting, prevents asthma, and many more as well. Kiwis originated in China and are also known as Gooseberry.

26. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are not rich in Vitamin K but they contain Vitamin K. Tomatoes reduce the risk of cancer and heart diseases. Just 1 cup of canned tomatoes contains 7 mcg. Lycopene is the main product of tomatoes.

27. Figs

Figs fruit is another Vitamin K-rich food. Figs contain both calcium and magnesium to improve bone density and make strong bones. Dried figs are high in calories, so avoid them. Just 2-3 figs per day complete your diet.

28. Blackberries

Another category of berry is also Vitamin K-rich food. Blackberries contain a high amount of vitamins, minerals, and proteins. Raw blackberries have high vitamins. Just ½ cup of blackberries contains 14 mcg.

29. Red Currants

Red currants are also Vitamin K-rich food. It contains high vitamins, minerals, and potassium. These red currants help to maintain cardiovascular health. 1-ounce red currants have 3.1 mcg.

30. Grapes

Grapes are also rich in Vitamin K and are easily available. Both red and green grapes resist diseases. Just 10 pieces of grapes per day complete the diet and contain 3.5 mcg.

31. Pomegranate

Pomegranate is a Vitamin K-rich food that is high in vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Pomegranate is good for skin and health. Daily consumption of pomegranate reduces health problems. Just ½ cup of pomegranate contains 14 mcg.

32. Chicken

Chicken is high in proteins and is one of the Vitamin K-rich food. Chicken has high protein, which helps to build muscles and repair tissues. Chicken contains other vitamins such as B6, B12, and A. Just 100 grams of chicken contain 60 mcg.

33. Beef liver

Beef liver is a high Vitamin K-rich food. The beef liver helps in bone strengthening as it provides calcium. Through several types of research, we get to know that beef provides calcium directly to bones and cures heart diseases. Just 100 of beef liver contains 106 mcg.

34. Pork

Pork is a high Vitamin K-rich food. Pork gets its name from the meat of domestic pigs. It is high in proteins, vitamins, and minerals. Both fresh and processed pork are in high demand. Just 100 grams of pork contains 69 mcg.

35. Goose liver

Goose liver is also called Foie gras. Goose liver is a Vitamin K-rich food. It is high in vitamins, protein, fat, and iron. Goose liver is expensive because of the product used in it. One tablespoon goose liver 48 mcg.

36. Fish

Fish is a highly Vitamin K-rich food. There are many species of fish that are consumed as food. Fishes like salmon and shrimp are high in Vitamin K, good for eyesight, and health. Three ounces of fish provide 37 mcg.

37. Okra

Okra, in many parts of the country, is called ladyfinger. Okra is rich in Vitamin K and supports a healthy immune system. Okra is not good for kidney stone patients. Just 100 g of okra contains 36 mcg.

38. Natto

Natto is made of fermented soybeans. It is high in protein and minerals. Natto is a Vitamin K-rich food. Three ounces of natto contain 1000 mcg.

39. Miso

Miso is a popular Japanese dish made of fermented beans. It is highly rich in Vitamin K. Fermented food is beneficial for health because they are Vitamin K-rich food. Miso can be eaten with salad, bread, etc. Just 100 g of miso contains 23.9 mcg.

40. Mayonnaise

Mayonnaise is made up of eggs, oil, lemon juice, or vinegar. Mayonnaise is cholesterol-free and contains vitamins like vitamins K and E. Mayonnaise helps to keep the heart healthy and strong bones. Just 1 cup of Mayonnaise contains 197 mcg.

So these were the 40 Vitamin K-Rich Food items. There are different vitamins, and each vitamin has its benefits. Vitamin K-Rich Food helps in blood clotting, heart diseases, and healthy bones.

The deficiency of Vitamins can cause diseases and disorders in our body. Therefore, every vitamin should be consumed in the proper quantity.

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