15 Vitamin D Rich Foods That Can Make You Healthy

Sep 2, 2022

6 min read

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There are a lot of food items that contain vitamin d. Interest in vitamin d and its role in our health journey is growing. Nowadays people are focusing more on their health .but, not everyone gets enough vitamin d which causes a deficiency in bone building and muscle building.

Getting vitamin d in a form of food or supplements is the best way to increase vitamin d in your healthy diet. Vitamin d rich food items are listed in the below article Have a glimpse and add them to your shopping list.


Yes, orange juice has many health benefits promoting nutrients and vitamin d is one of them. Some people consume orange juice daily which contains high antioxidants and micronutrients like vitamin C and potassium. orange juice is one of the vitamin d rich food items or beverages.

2.      PORK CHOPS

 Pork chops are mostly eaten in the United States. They eat in a form of hot dogs. According to research pork contains about 10% of vitamin -D in one pork chop. It is listed as a vitamin d rich food item and as many other nutrients.

3.      EGGS

Eggs contain protein but also contain vitamin d. Eggs can be eaten in many ways, for example, scrambled, boiled, etc. Eggs contain about 1.1 MCG of vitamin -d. Eggs ranked at no.5 in vitamin -D-rich food items.

4.      YOGURT

Yogurt comes under the category of dairy products and for sure contains a lot of vitamins and nutrients including protein. Yogurt contains about 16% of vitamin d per cup. Yogurt is an excellent source of vitamin d rich food, and calcium while also providing riboflavin and phosphorus.

5.      SALMON

Salmon is a type of fish that is eaten with basil leaves and sweet yogurt. Salmon contains about 142 MCG in one fish. Salmon is considered as vitamin d rich food not only includes potassium but also other nutrients like iron.

6.      BROCCOLI

According to the health, line broccoli is a cruciferous vegetable related to cabbage and cauliflower. Broccoli is also rich in vitamins and minerals like calcium iron zinc potassium etc. Broccoli is counted as a vitamin d rich food item.


Mushrooms are either eaten raw or cooked it contains a lot of health benefits. Mushroom contains about 9.2 MCG of vitamin d. Mushrooms are rich food of vitamin d, fiber protein, and antioxidants.

8.      COD LIVER

The cod liver not only contains vitamin d but also vitamin D2 and vitamin per 100 grams of the food. The cod liver is considered the highest vitamin d rich food item.

9.      BUTTER

Butter is an important edible fat in northern Europe, America, and other places. Butter comes in the category of milk products which is considered one of the healthiest vitamin d rich food. Butter contains compounds that are ranked to lower the chances of obesity.


Shocked right?  Yes, chocolates also contain vitamins-K vitamin C, and vitamin d. But these vitamins and nutrients are only available in real and dark chocolate but not mixed ones. Dark chocolate has the highest vitamin d to content ranging from 1.902 to 5.48 power 100 grams.

11.   CHEESE

There are nearly 5 to 7 types of cheese and every cheese contains its vitamins. Vitamin d is a rich food item that also contains vitamin K and vitamin A, these vitamins present in cheese contribute to bone health.

12.    CARROT

Among other vegetables, a carrot is claimed to be a perfect health food and is highly nutritious. It contains fiber vitamin K1 potassium antioxidants and carrots are vitamin d rich food items.


Oats Are listed as the healthiest grain on the earth. They are gluten-free and are a great source of minerals, fiber, and vitamin d. The benefits of oatmeal include weight loss, reduce risk of heart disease, and low blood sugar levels.

14.   TUNA

Tuna fish is the most healthiest and nutritious fish among all fishes. Tuna fish has a high content of good fatty acids, and vitamin d and is a good source of low-fat protein.


Avocados are highly nutritious and is beneficial for skin and hair. It contains vitamins like magnesium, potassium, and vitamin C and is vitamin d rich food.

So we finally came to an end. If you want to start your diet do not forget to include vitamin d rich food items.

If you are an early bird then this fact is for you. "Sunlight is the best source of vitamin d."

Share your views in the comment section and do let us know more vitamin d rich food items and which one is your favorite among them.

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