25 Vitamin C-Rich Foods to Keep You Healthy

Sep 6, 2022

9 min read

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Vitamin C also known as ascorbic acid has very impressive benefits. It's a water-soluble vitamin. Our body cannot synthesize Vitamin C endogenously, so it is essential to take it through food and supplements. To maintain adequate levels of vitamin C in the body, people need to consume foods containing vitamin C daily. The Recommended Dietary Allowance for adults 19 years and older is 90 mg and for women, it's 75 mg daily. For pregnant and lactating women the amount is 120 mg.

Do you know smoking can deplete the levels of vitamin C in the body? It means the smoker needs to take an additional 35 mg of vitamin C beyond the RDA.

Why do we need to take Vitamin C every day?

Vitamin C plays a very important role in the production of collagen. Collagen is a protein and the main component of connective tissue which provides structure, support, and strength to your skin, bones, muscles, and connective tissues. It also keeps your skin healthy.

  • It works as an antioxidant that helps protect your cells against the effect of free radicles by neutralizing them.
  • It helps in the absorption of iron.
  • It enhances wound healing and boosts your immunity.

To maintain a healthy lifestyle you should take enough vitamin C for the proper functioning of the body. Fruits and vegetables are the best sources of vitamin C. Here are some amazing Vitamin C-rich foods that you must incorporate into your diet.

1. Lemons

Lemons are the most common vitamin C-rich foods loaded with the goodness of Vitamin C. One whole lemon provides 45 mg of vitamin C.

2. Kiwis

Kiwis contain a high amount of vitamin C and dietary fiber which provides ample health benefits. Kiwis also have an inhibitory effect on blood platelets, which may help to reduce the risk of blood clots and stroke. One medium size kiwi contains 56 mg of vitamin C.

3. Broccoli

Broccoli is a cruciferous vegetable. A half cup of cooked broccoli contains about 50 mg of vitamin C. Broccoli is a vitamin C-rich food that is loaded with plenty of fibers and antioxidants that helps to reduce inflammation.

4. Chilli peppers

Chilli peppers are vitamin C-rich food with amazing benefits. One green chili pepper contains 109 mg of vitamin C. It boosts your immunity and reduces the risk of chronic health conditions.

5. Guavas

Single guava contains 125 mg of vitamin C. This vitamin C-rich food is considered great for strengthening your immunity. It is rich in the antioxidant lycopene.

6. Strawberries

One cup of sliced strawberries contains 97mg of vitamin C. It reduces the risk of serious heart and brain disorders.

7. Papayas

Papayas are an excellent source of vitamin C. This vitamin C-rich food keeps you healthy. One large papaya is packed with 235 mg of vitamin C.

8. Oranges

These are the most common foods rich in vitamin C. One medium size orange provides 59 mg of vitamin C. Citrus fruits are loaded with the goodness of vitamin C.

9. Lychees

One lychee contains 7 mg of vitamin C. One more interesting benefit of lychee is that its 'extract has anti-cancer properties.

10. Kale

Kale is an amazing vitamin C-rich food. It's a cruciferous vegetable. One cup of cooked kale provides 21 mg of vitamin C. It also contains a good amount of vitamins A, K, and B6.

11. Brussels Sprouts

Brussels sprouts are also vitamin C-rich foods. One half-cup of cooked Brussels sprouts provides 49 mg of vitamin C. It is a highly nutritious vegetable.

12. Mustard spinach

One cup of raw mustard spinach contains 195 mg of vitamin C. This vitamin C-rich food also contains antioxidants like beta carotene, which protects our skin and lowers the risk factor of diabetes.

13. Parsley

Parsley is an excellent source of vitamin C, K, and antioxidants. Two- tablespoons of fresh parsley contains 8 mg of vitamin C.

14. Kakadu plums

Kakadu plums are native Australian fruit that is extremely rich in vitamin C. This vitamin C-rich food contains 100 times more vitamins C than oranges. It has the highest known concentration of vitamin C i.e. up to 2,907 mg per 100 grams.

15. Acerola cherries

This vitamin C-rich food also has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. One half-cup of acerola cherries provides 825 mg of vitamin C.

16. Sweet yellow peppers

Sweet yellow peppers are vitamin C-rich foods. One large yellow pepper provides 342 mg of vitamin C.

17. Blackcurrants

Black currants are vitamin C-rich foods that contain 85% of your daily recommended value in a single serving. their rich dark color is due to antioxidant flavonoids known as anthocyanins.

18. Cantaloupe

It is a high-fiber-rich food. One cup of sliced cantaloupe contains 17.4 mg of vitamin C.

19. Rose hips

These are small, tangy, and sweet fruit from the rose plant and is a vitamin C-rich food. 

100 grams of rose hips contain 426 grams of vitamin C.

20. American persimmons

These are orange-colored fruits that have a resemblance to tomatoes. One American persimmon provides 16.5 mg of vitamin C.

21. Cauliflower

Cauliflower is a vitamin C-rich food that has a good source of folate. 100 grams of cauliflower provides 48.2 mg of vitamin C. It is also fat and cholesterol free.

22. Pineapple

Pineapple is again a vitamin C-rich food. It boosts your immunity and keeps you away from harmful infections. One cup of raw pineapple contains 78.9 mg of vitamin C.

23. Potato

Potatoes are considered an excellent source of vitamin C. One large potato contains 72.7 gm of vitamin C.

24. Mangoes

A cup of sliced mango provides 60.1 mg of vitamin C. Mango is also a great source of beta-carotene and antioxidants.

25. Tomato

Tomato is also considered a vitamin C-rich food. A medium tomato contains 20 mg of vitamin C. Tomatoes have amazing health benefits. It is also loaded with Vitamins B, K, and potassium.

So these were some foods rich in vitamin C. You will be surprised to know that vitamin C is not only important for our physical health but also for our mental health.

A low level of vitamin C may lead to cognitive impairment and depression. It is extremely important to include all those juicy fruits and vegetables in your diet every day. Always go for seasonal fruits and vegetables. Maintain an adequate intake of foods rich in vitamin C. I hope you find this article useful.

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