Utilize Mobile Learning to Enhance Your Training Methodology

4 months ago

4 min read

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You will agree with me if I say we spend more time with our mobiles than our books. So, why not use our smartphones for training purposes? 

Many companies have identified this benefit and adapted mobile learning or mlearning. It is the use of mobile devices and applications to create learning content and share with multiple users. Since you do it with a mobile, you can do it anywhere, anytime. 

Moreover, since users love spending their time on mobile phones, why not use it for a purpose? Give them the learning courses in a form they love, and they’ll do it. Adapting this mentality. Mobile learning has gained momentum in the education as well as corporate field since the last decade.

Primary Characteristics Of Mobile Learning

To begin with, let’s understand the characteristics of mobile learning.

  1. Social learning

You can turn mobile learning into social learning. It will help you gain more engagement. For example, people can ask questions on newsfeeds, forums, chats, or comment sections and other users may respond to it. This way, people can learn together through learner interaction, exchange of opinions, and asking more questions.

  1. Privacy

Users can learn their course materials in privacy. Nobody will know about their performance like their scores, or any other details unless they wish to share it with others. It gives them satisfaction and confidence to follow their gut instincts and answer what they feel is right.

  1. Effortless access

Many mobile learning solutions do not ask for a login. Thus, it makes the process quicker and effortless. Since it requires less time, we get more engagement in mlearning.

  1. Microlearning content

Mobile learning constitutes of bite-sized content ranging from 2-5 minutes, making it engaging for learners. Since these are short videos or materials, learners do not feel lazy to learn and pay attention to the content.

  1. Dynamic learning

Mobile learning supports a dynamic approach. It means the learners can learn in the format they are comfortable with. For instance, if someone is a visual or auditory learner, they can use different audios, videos, or elearning materials to suit their needs. If the same were to be done in an offline mode, the setting for other learners would also have to be changed. Thus, mobile learning helps all types of learners.

Why Should You Use Mobile Learning To Train Your Employees?

Here are certain reasons why you should consider mobile learning for training your employees.

  1. Flexibility

With mobile learning solutions, learners can learn from training materials at their schedules and at any place.

  1. More Engagement

With mobile learning, you can have access to interactive videos and quizzes which gain more engagement and make the learning a fun process. Thus, learners remember more from the content.

  1. Budget-friendly

Mobile learning solutions are budget-friendly as it does not require printed materials and venues.

  1. Real-Time Learning Updates

Since you can give real-time updates through mobiles, learners are adept with the latest information necessary for their industries.

  1. Better Collaboration

Learners can share their knowledge or insight on different mobile platforms and learn from each other.

Tips To Succeed With Mobile Learning

Just using mobile learning will not give you significant benefits as optimizing it. You can use these tips to develop your mobile training strategies.

  1. Streamline Onboarding

Nobody has much patience these days. So, if you can gain engagement within the first 10 seconds or the first 4-5 clicks, it’s likely that users will return to your platform. For this, you need to ensure a seamless onboarding journey. If there’s friction at any stage after login, remove it immediately. If it takes too many clicks to reach the course material, it is likely that learners wouldn’t take the pain to open it.

You can also give direct access to content without requiring repeated logins for an existing user.

  1. Mobile-Friendly Design

You cannot run the same version on a desktop and a mobile. The usage patterns of both devices are different. Thus, you need to ensure you develop a design that enhances the interaction of learner with your platform. 

Your app or website should be easy to navigate and there shouldn’t be any UI/UX errors.

  1. Introduce Gamification

People love challenges so teach them by giving them various challenges through games. This will promote engagement, enjoyment, and will make them more likely to return.

  1. Adopt A Conversational Tone

Don’t be formal always in your materials as it bores the learners. Talk to them in their language. It will seem less burdensome to take the training.

Moreover, it’s necessary that they can access the course 24/7. 


People are occupied in different professions and hobbies nowadays. It’s difficult to find a person who is doing only one specific thing at a time. So, to support their activities, we need to reach them. The only thing they have with them throughout is their mobile. Thus, if you can offer them with mobile learning solutions, you are already the best in their eyes.

Key Takeaways:

  • Mobile learning is also called mlearning.

  • It helps in boosting the engagement rate and is easily accessible to all.

  • Mobile learning helps you save the cost so many companies are keen towards it.

  • Even people with auditory or visual problems can learn through mobiles easily.

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