Uterine Prolapse – What’s Everything You Need to Know?

Oct 16, 2022

2 min read

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After all the vicissitudes that occurred to your body through pregnancy, you’d think nothing could wonder you. But having one of your pelvic organs (as in your uterus, bladder, or bowels) blunder out of place can come as a shock. In this article, we will discuss the age for a vaginal prolapse that you should know.

Uterine prolapse happens when the muscles and material in your pelvis deteriorate. The weakness lets the uterus droplet down into your vagina. Sometimes, it comes out through your vaginal inaugural.

Nearly half of all females between ages 50 and 79 have this disorder. It is ideal to find one of the well-known ayurvedic centres for taking prolapse uterus treatment non-surgical. Let’s take a look to know the age of the female that may face prolapse problems.

What Causes Uterine Prolapse?

Uterine prolapse is instigated when the muscles and tissue of the pelvic floor are declining and can’t support the mass of the uterus. This lets it drop into your vagina.

What are the Risk Factors for Uterine Prolapse?

Risk factors include:

·         Giving birth (highest risk)

·         Vaginal delivery (vs. C-section)

·         Menopause

·         Being Caucasian

·         Being overweight

·         Smoking

How is Uterine Prolapse Diagnosed?

If your healthcare provider contemplates that you have a prolapsed uterus, he or she will possibly do a physical examination to check your pelvis. If you also have urinary dissoluteness or a sense like you can’t empty your bladder, your doctor may do a process called a cystoscopy to scrutinize your bladder and urethra.

Your healthcare provider might also demand an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging). This process uses a magnet and radio waves to make images. This will let your healthcare provider get a good look at your kidneys and other pelvic organs.

Can Uterine Prolapse Be Prevented?

There is no certain method to stop uterine prolapse. However, the following can benefit lower your risk:

·         Lose weight if you’re heavy

·         Follow nourishment rich in fibre and fluids to avoid constipation and straining

·         Avoid heavy lifting

·         Quit smoking if you smoke


The above-mentioned information will let you know what the age is for prolapse. You can find one of the reliable ayurvedic centres for taking prolapse rectum treatment non-surgical.

About the Author:

The author is associated with one of the top ayurvedic centres in India. The expert provides prolapse uterus treatment non-surgical to solve their patients’ problems shortly and keep them safe and protected from the harmful consequences of modern medicines or surgeries.

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