Understanding the Principles of Marriage

Sep 21, 2022

3 min read

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Marriage a unique foundational institution created by God meant for closing in the relationship of humans, also classified as the beginning of a family serving as an opportunity of lifelong commitment between a man and a woman to each other.

This is not just a random relationship you can jump in and out because it is a life bond in disguise of love and commitment once you are in, you are definitely submitting to each other, no secret, no privacy, no games just pure love and absolute commitment.

Marriage is an agreement between a man and a woman to become husband and wife. Y’all are quite familiar with the definition it almost like a random rhyme to you guys but most people fail to understand what it entails of which I will be explaining below.

Influence: this is the ability of having an effect on someone’s behavior. Human being are not created to be perfect but due to continual correction and adjustment, it brings up a discipline person. A man can prove to be perfect in everything he does but a woman are said to see more further than a man and according to science women seems to be more intelligent than a man.

Ego is one of the superficial thing that controls a man but with a woman by his side she tends to channel the ego to the right place in terms of stating out the advantage and disadvantage of taking a particular risk, thereby influencing him to channel his decision to a particular issue with high success rate.

Communication: this is the sharing of fact, ideas and information with one another. A problem shared is a problem solved. Communication is one of the foundational principles of marriage because it strengthen the relationship in the family and also give access to solving out issues.

Husband: hi honey am home

Wife: babe how u doing, how was your day?

Husband: it fine

Wife: quickly come and have your bath then come to the dining to eat

”The man rush to the bathroom, takes a quick shower then rush to the dining to eat after eating, goes back to the parlor to rest, then his wife walks up to him in a sexy see through lingerie”.

Wife: babe how was your day

Husband: it all fine, just some random issue which suddenly wants to become a serious one

Wife: tell me about it

Husband:  my best friend want to travel abroad, he asked me to borrow him some money, so I had some company’s money at hand. I decided to lend him with an agreed pay up date, but now he seems to be having some issues holding him back from paying. My boss is asking for the money now

Wife: is that all?

Husband: yes

Wife: Fine babe I will lend you the money to return back to your boss till when your friend pays up you return back my money

Husband: Thanks so much babe.

Communication serves as a ground to pour one’s heart to another, it also a ground of relief and getting of solution. A pressing matter might get one to be depressed, increase the pressure of anxiety but due to sharing of the issue, the person gets relieved partially then when solution is been brought up he/she finally get relived and happy.

Patience and forgiveness: “to err is human, to forgive is divine” humans are prone to make mistakes leading to so many issues that might affect them or people around them. When we make mistakes and letting down our ego in the terms of admitting, accepting of correction and asking for forgiveness. Mistakes leading to issues, conflict are meant to be, they are part of life and what makes us humans but through the application of patience and forgiveness, this issues will be treated and overcome.


Getting a ring is the goal but you might want to understand what it entails and mean.

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