True freedom?

Jul 16, 2022

3 min read

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The concept itself is captivating. The key is to look for what you want. Whether you want independence from time, boundaries, restrictions, people, tools or work that you are surrounded with. At what level of achievement can you allow your mind to rest. Also, it’s debatable whether you want to be free or not.

As long as I am thinking about something, I am not free from it. This is what I believe anyway.

What do I want freedom from, is also crucial to determine.

We are all slaves of time but for instance, let’s assume a little dubiety to this fact.

Tangled in time

I want freedom of time and I seldom like to amuse myself by telling that I have it. I can find a sense of contentment in this false freedom and I am confident to list this as my desired level of achievement.

Let’s talk about freedom from restrictions. We all have had those times when we are denied what we wish to do by our parents. Especially in India, where I am from. But there are times where I was thankful that I succumbed to those restrictions rather than retaliating. I am not saying they are right or wrong. Personally, I am not very fond of them, restrictions. My parents are very liberal but I still desire to be free of the smallest restrictions.

Whenever I talk about freedom, The favourite argument of many of my friends is that the government is controlling you and you are not actually free. This statement in itself isn’t black or white. Neither it is grey. I always reciprocate by evading the obvious problem. My point is, why should we focus on something that is impractical to counter? In this instance, if you have the power to overthrow the government, only then it’s wise to think and invest time in it. It does pain me to accept but there are things that I cannot rival.

The gist is to wisely choose where you want to put your efforts in fighting for your freedom. Give some thought to determine whether you want that freedom or you don’t. Simplifying things is what will amount to a satisfying and resolved answer. And I hope you all find it. Although, I am still looking for it myself. The destination might be a blur but I will forge a clear path to it. And all I wish to end up at is a destination where I am free of regrets.

Feel the breeze

Freedom is not chaos. Putting chaos and freedom in the same basket made sense to a lot of people. It did to me for a while. But they are poles apart. The major difference is mindfulness. Chaos keeps the mind occupied and freedom keeps it ready for new things. In the grand scheme of life, what I can do is search, try, excel and make the most of it.

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