Top 20 Best Places To Visit In All Of Spain

Jun 28, 2022

11 min read

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I spent the last few years exploring the wonderful country of Spain and I want to show you my favorite places so here’s my Spain top 20. Spain has to be one of my all-time favorite countries. It’s home to some of the world’s most stunning landscapes, intriguing history, and pure Mediterranean vibes. I’ve been to Spain three times now and I just can’t get enough of this country.

1.     Mallorca

Let’s start this article off at possibly my favorite island in the world, Mallorca when you think of a Mediterranean paradise, this is, it Mallorca is home to crystal clear water, windy, roads, and some of the world’s best clutch jumping spots. When I started solo traveling, this was the first place I went to so it will forever have a special place in my heart. One of my favorite places in Mallorca is Cala Varques now to get to Cala Varques. You can walk down this long dirt road and make it down to the beach now you’re going to be blown away by the beauty of this place.

I mean it has everything from sandy beaches to prime clip jumping spots, the combination of white limestone, green vegetation, and crystal blue water makes for one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever been. Now, when I was there, I did one of the biggest club jumps of my life and I gained this massive 60-foot arch it was so freaking terrifying, but to this day it’s one of my all-time favorite childhood memories. Another cool thing I did is me and my brother: I found these underwater caves and we swam through them. I mean I couldn’t believe how clear this water was. It’s my dream playground and I can’t recommend it enough.

2.     Sa Calobra

Now, on the other side of Mallorca, you can visit the famous road to Sa Calobra. Now coming from the US, I’m used to wide roads and highways. So this blew my mind. Roads in Europe tend to be pretty skinny, but this was by far the craziest road I’ve ever driven on. It was full of hairpin turns and loops that wind down the mountain, the surrounding area is gorgeous. I mean just had a massive bounce that lead down to the sea. I believe a lot of car commercials are filmed here and I understand why I found a cool lookout point to get a view of the road when I was driving down it.

I was just pretty terrified. Some spots only had enough room for one car. Now you can take the road down to the bottom and visit Torrent De Pareis. It’s this awesome beach between these two cliffs. I had just a good time chilling. I was just amazed by all those sailboats that were just vibing in the bay there when I was there. I wish I would have stayed for sunset because I hear it’s just incredible on that side of the island anyway. I can’t recommend Mallorca enough. It’s just an amazing place all right.

3. The Canary Islands

So after that, we’re going to go ahead to the Atlantic ocean to visit the volcanic Canary Islands that are located off the coast of north western Africa. The Canary Islands are home to some of the world’s most unique landscapes. You might as well call them the Hawaiian islands of Europe because that’s what they remind me of the biggest and most populated island on the archipelago is called Tenerife. Now it looks like a prime location to film the next Jurassic Park The film, I mean it’s just so crazy out there.

4.     Los Gigantes

One of the craziest places in Tenerife is the cliffs of Los Gigantes. They are these massive, sheer cliff walls that rise 800 meters out of the ocean. I mean I felt like I was going to see a flying dinosaur soaring over those cliffs. You can go venture to the windy roads of the Moscow gorge or you can explore the incredible seaside views at Playa De Benijo. I seriously just can’t get over how beautiful this place is. Now you can also head over to the nearby island of Fuerteventura it being the second largest of the canary islands.

Fuerteventura also offers some jaw-dropping landscapes. The Playa De Cofete is an incredible isolated beach with a backdrop of desolate mountains. One of my favorite places is the Parque National De Corralejo, it’s home to a pristine area that has dunes that go right up to the ocean. I mean just how freaking cool is that Fuerteventura is such a unique location aside from Tenerife and Fuerteventura. The canary islands are also home to islands such as Lanzarote and Gran Canaria. Canaries is a place that I haven’t visited yet, but you best believe I’m going there as soon as I can.

5.     Northern Spain

After that, we’re going to head to Northern Spain. Now Northern Spain is such a stunning region, it’s full of green scenery, huge mountains, and an incredible coastline. Now one of the most impressive cities in northern Spain in Bilbao. Bilbao is a beautiful port city filled with stunning architecture in history. One of the crowding features of the city is the Guggenheim museum. It’s one of the most unique buildings I’ve ever seen it is now just an hour’s drive from Bilbao. You can visit the island of Gaztelugatxe. Now the first church was built on the island back in the 10th century. If you visit you’ll have to walk up a narrow path of more than 200 stairs now you may recognize this island from the game of thrones as Dragonstone I mean just such an epic location hope you all can check it out.

6.     Picos De Europa

After we’re going to head over to the nearby mountains of Picos de Europa, now located in northern Spain lies these crazy mountains. That reminds me a lot about the dolomites.

7.     Naranjo de Bulnes

Another place that I haven’t been to yet, and I just want to go so freaking bad one of the craziest and most impressive places is Naranjo De Bulnes, and it’s this massive rock tower that shoots straight out of the mountain and is just so freaking epic, I mean, I can’t believe it is the highest point in Picos, the Europa is Torre De Cerrado at an elevation of 2650 meters. If you want to get lost in the mountains for a few days, you’ll have to add Pico De Europa to your Spain travel list.

8.     Barcelona

After we’re going to visit the famous city of Barcelona, now, when you think of Spain, this is what you probably imagined. Barcelona is home to incredible architecture, Mediterranean beaches, and an energetic vibe all around the most iconic attraction in Barcelona is the La Sagrada Familia. It’s this roman catholic, minor basilica that began construction over 138 years ago and it still isn’t finished. It’s anticipated that construction will be finished in 2026, but who knows all I know is one of the most unique buildings in the world and I still can’t get my head around that it’s been under construction since 1882.

9.     Montserrat

After Barcelona, we’re going to head over to the nearby mountains of Montserrat. It was just a quick hour, train ride, or drive from Barcelona, making it a perfect day trip now. Montserrat is cool because it has these unique mountains that give a view of all of Catalonia. Now when you get there, you can go. Take a cable car up to the abbey of Montserrat, which is a mountain monastery that offers some incredible views. Now, there are a ton of hiking trails that lead you to a religious relic around the mountains. Do some hikes once you’re up there I mean it’s just such a unique location, and you know me I, like my rocks this place, has a bunch of them.

10.  Zaragoza

After we’re going to visit the city of Zaragoza now, located about three hour, drive from Barcelona, Zaragoza is the fifth most populated city in Spain, with a population of around seven hundred thousand. One of the most impressive features of the city is the Cathedral Basilica of our lady of the pillar. It’s believed that Saint James was preaching the gospel in Spain, around 40 a.d when the mother of God appeared to him on the banks of the river here and instructed him to build a church in her honor soon after a little church was built.

But this massive church you see today began construction in 1681 and took nearly 300 years. To finish, I mean I just can’t believe how massive it is now, while we’re still on the topic of st James, we’re going to head to Northwestern Spain to visit Santiago de Compostela now, what’s cool about the city is it’s the location of the shrine of the apostle Saint James. Now, since the 9th century, there has been a Catholic pilgrimage route named the Camino de Santiago or English, the way of Saint James during the middle ages, it was one of the most important Christian pilgrimages to do. The beginning pilgrimage begins at one’s home and ends at the shrine. The route passes through some stunning towns, such as Logrono or Estorica. A lot of people will walk it or you can also cycle it. I mean it’d just be such a fun trek to make one day now

11.  Madrid

Afterward, we’re going to head over to the capital of Spain, Madrid now located in the center of the country. Madrid is a beautiful, modern city. The plaza mayor is a great place to visit and experience the heart of Madrid.

12.  The Royal Palace

The Royal Palace is another incredible spot. It’s the official residence of the Spanish royal family and it’s the biggest palace in all of Europe. I just can’t believe how big it is.

13.  Alcazar de Segovia

After Madrid we’re going to head over to visit the nearby Alcazar de Segovia, now located in central Spain about an hour’s drive from Madrid, I have to say this is one of Spain’s most dramatic castles and has a very distinct shape that resembles the battle of the ship. The castle was built in the 12th century as a fortress but served as a royal palace, prison, and military academy throughout the years. Today, it’s a museum and one of Spain’s most unique castles.

14.  Toledo

After exploring the castle, we’re going to visit nearby Toledo located about 70 kilometers south of Madrid to lead, it was a stunning ancient city perfectly placed on a hill, it’s known as the city of three cultures due to its influences from Christians, Muslims, and Jews. The history of Toledo is fascinating and complex. It was taken over by the Moors for several centuries until it was conquered in the 11th century by the Castilians. Today the city has a population of around 80 000 one of the most impressive is the Alcazar de toledo. It was once used as a Roman palace, and then it was eventually restored in the 16th century.

15.  Cordoba

Another amazing city in Spain is Cordoba. It’s home to more world heritage sites than anywhere in the world with four one of the coolest features of the city. Is the mosque-cathedral of Cordoba it’s regarded as the most accomplished monument of morse architecture? It was finished in 746 a.d and it was converted to a Christian church in the 16th century.

16.  Ronda

Another one of my favorite cities in Spain is Ronda. It’s just a two hours drive from Cordoba and it’s home to one of the most scenic bridges. I’ve ever seen called Puente Nuevo. It was built in the 18th century to cross the El Tajo Gorge. It stands 120 meters over the canyon floor. I just can’t get over the architecture of the arches, what a beautiful spot now from Ronda we’re going to make the two hours drive to Granada now loaded at the base of the Sierra Nevada mountains. Granada is an elegant Spanish city. The crowning feature of Granada is the Alhambra. It’s a fortified Moorish palace that was completed in 1354. The interior of this palace is stunning. There’s a reflection, pool, and a pillared courtyard. I mean I understand why it’s one of the most renowned Islamic buildings in Europe.

17.  Seville

After Granada we’re going to head over to Seville now as the capital of the Andalusia region in Spain, Seville is a very historic city where flamenco dancing was born. The cathedral of Seville will blow your mind. It’s one of the largest churches in the world and it’s the world’s largest gothic church. Another impressive sight in the city includes the Plaza de Espana. It’s a beautiful place. That’s the perfect combination of baroque renaissance and morris architecture.

18.  Cadiz

Afterward, we’re going to visit the nearby port city of Cadiz, the located on Spain’s southern coast about an hour’s drive from Seville Cadiz is one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in Europe, as it was founded by the Phoenicians over 3000 years ago, and I just think It’s such a beautiful city with its white buildings, as they’re placed perfectly on the narrow strip of land.

19.  Valencia

Now after Cadiz we’re going to head over to the energetic city of Valencia, now being Spain’s third most popular city, valencia is full of culture and history. It’s located on Spain’s southeastern coast, one of the most impressive attractions in Valencia is the city of arts and sciences. I mean it’s one of the most unique modern architectural structures that I’ve ever seen. Construction began in 1996 and it was inaugurated nine years later it was estimated that construction costs almost one billion dollars, but anyways you can go paddleboard on the water or you can go watch a film in the Imax theater. There I mean the surrounding science museum park is also a beautiful place to walk around and enjoy the beauty of valencia, all right so for my last location, we’re going to head over to the wild island of Ibiza.

Now Ibiza is known for its crazy nightlife and party city. It also has some of the world’s best beaches and cliff jumping me and my brother decided to go to bees up for Halloween, because why not anyways? We spent the first few days exploring the island and honestly, I was pretty disappointed because I couldn’t find any cool jump spots, but on our last day we had just a few hours before our plane was about to take off and we found the secluded cove. We hiked down and made sure the water was deep enough and we found this perfect cliff I threw some jumps off and then my brother did a wild double backflip off the cliff.

20.  Island de Es Vedra

One of my favorite places in Ibiza is this island called Island de Es Vedra. It’s this rugged, uninhabited island that shoots over 400 meters straight out of the ocean. Now, there are a lot of myths and legends about Es Vedra, and some claim that it’s the third most magnetic place in the world. I’m not sure if that’s true, I just know that it’s one of the most beautiful islands, I’ve ever seen you can rent a boat and go cruise around the island. Looking for some epic cliff jump spots or just enjoy the beauty of this limestone island next time, I’m in Ibiza I’m going to make sure to go check out his Vedra and see if the myths and legends are true. Whether you want to go to Ibiza for cliff jumping, or just partying it’s one of the most entertaining places to visit well, that is it for my Spain top 20.


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