Top 11 Ways to Collect Customer Feedback on Instagram

Aug 1, 2022

5 min read

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Collecting customer feedback is neither easy nor difficult; it is strategic. Collecting customer feedback has been made super easy on Instagram, where you can get customer reviews without a hustle. 

Customer feedback is the name of reviews and opinions of your customer after using your products. Most customers tend to speak about their experiences; therefore, giving them a particular platform to speak about their experiences is important. 

Customer feedback is important; therefore, in marketing, there is a complete concept of customer feedback management (CFM). CFM has become increasingly important, and organizations are hiring people to build teams who can analyze customer feedback. 

Customer feedback is significant and, at heart, to the organization, as it provides opinions and the realization that there is room for improvement. 

Polling and surveying are used to collect customer feedback. Customer feedback can be active or passive. Active customer feedback is one that is asked through surveys and email, whereas passive customer feedback comes in the shape of comments and complaints. 

Customer feedback management involves three steps gathering customer feedback, analyzing it, and taking action on it. Some teams can prepare graphs and tables to evaluate customer feedback and come up with loopholes. Here the task for improvement and seeking a solution starts. 

Why Is Customer Feedback Important?

Customer feedback is important because it helps identify methods to improve the quality and service. It helps improve communication, customer service, quality, texture, and design. 

It builds loyalty and trust on both sides. After getting improved, the service provider builds its trust and ensures quality. Similarly, a customer becomes a loyal customer who can add value to your business. 

Collecting Customer Feedback on Instagram

Do you know why Instagram has become everyone's favorite? Because of its diverse features. It provides so many features that make it whole. 

That is why businesses are shifting to Instagram and making it more than a social media platform. People work day and night to get their brand identity on Instagram. Businesses invest to buy Instagram Followers. They are seeking growth through quality and quantity both. 

But the right usage of Instagram can make this task a piece of cake for you. 

Collecting customer feedback is super easy on Instagram because Instagram has some amazing features that do not even make you feel like you are doing something. 

Customer feedback collecting is handy and convenient on Instagram. All you know is to use every feature Instagram has introduced.

Here are some of the effective ways to collect customer feedback on Instagram:

  1. Putting Email in the Contact Tools:

For this feature, you must ensure that your profile is switched from personal to professional. Having a professional account gives you a lot of benefits. You can add your email address to get customer feedback in the contact toolbar. 

This way, customers can send you an email with feedback without any rush. Responding to feedback through emails is more professional and effectively builds a strong customer-service relationship. 

  1. Keep Checking Inbox:

Instagram inbox is different from other social media platforms. It has three different sections for messaging in a professional account. 

i. Primary

ii. General

iii. Requests

Instagram provides these three types of inboxes. You can always have full control over them, and you can shift any conversation to any of the boxes. When someone with whom you have not interacted before sends you a message on Instagram, it sends you a notification like "Eliza Murphy wants to send you a message." Once you open the message, if you accept the request, it shifts to the general section. 

All the new messages from the accounts you have not interacted with before come to the 'request' box.

Well, there is a general box where all the messages are lying you have responded with. 

The 'primary' box has messages from other professional accounts or the ones you manually shift to the primary section. 

To collect customer feedback, you must keep track of all of these sections and respond to every DM immediately. 

  1. Conducting Q/A sessions:

Businesses and brands are well-aware of marketing techniques and try to use every tool to amplify their growth. Some get Instagram followers or Instagram Auto likes to increase their engagement rate and get into the explore page.

To get customer feedback, you can have a Q/A session by putting a 'Ask me a question' sticker on your Story. Yes, Instagram has such amazing features. 

You can put that in your Story and then post the question with its relevant answer. 

You can edit the question before putting it into the Story, i.e., from 'ask me a question to 'how did you like our perfume ABC?'

  1. Conducting a Poll:

This is another amazing feature of Instagram that allows you to get votes. You can post a question, and people can answer it as Yes or No. You can also edit these Yes or No to any other edits, like 'when should I come live?' -10 PM or 11 PM.

This way, you can get people's opinions and feedback. Instagram shows the percentage of these polls, i.e., what percent of people say yes and what percent says no. 

This is one of the best ways to collect feedback on Instagram. You can ask for a review or product feedback from your customers through this poll. 

  1. Keep an Eye on Brand Mentions:

You will get a notification if some other profile mentions your brand. These brand mentions are extremely important to get customer feedback.

Sometimes customers themselves post a review or feedback on your product and mention your brand. You can always check what has been posted by mentioning your brand and get feedback. 

  1. Through Comments:

It is a double benefit. Asking for feedback through comments will increase your engagement rate and feedback generation. 

You can ask your customers to give feedback by posting a story or feed post of a product. IG Bots them to rank your Instagram Story viewers.

  1. Live Sessions:

It is a bold way to hold an IG Live session to get customer feedback. You can hold a live session specifically for this and ask your customers to participate and give feedback.


You can also save this live session on your IGTV so that people can watch it later. You can add this as IGTV and ask for feedback from more customers in the comment sections. 

  1. Conducting Quiz:

Conducting quizzes can be another highly effective way of collecting customer feedback on Instagram. This Instagram Story feature allows you to put quiz stickers on your Story and get answers.

It is very much fun, and you can ask about a specific product and then add four options. Later, you can check what percentage is laid on each answer. 

  1. Posting Slides:

You can also use this feature to collect customer feedback. Slides are used to get to know what is the most common answer. People will slide the pointer/slider to a certain point, and Instagram will evaluate what most people think. 

  1. Feed Posting and Asking for Feedback:

You can make a feed post directly addressing your customers and asking for feedback. Also, mention how this feedback will benefit them and improve quality.

  1. IG Insights:

If you are running a professional profile, you can go to IG Insights and get to know which product has the most saves, views, reach, and engagement. 

It explicitly tells you the number of interactions, profile visits, engagement rate, and reach.


You should use the above-mentioned methods to collect customer feedback for your service, product, and content. These are convenient to use. One can easily use them without implementing any technical or formal prerequisites. 

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