Top 10 Best Places To Visit In All Of Ukraine

Jun 28, 2022

6 min read

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I want to show you some of my favorite places in the beautiful country of Ukraine. So here is my Ukraine Top 10. Ukraine is home to some of the most scenic landscapes. From medieval castles to the towering Carpathian mountains. Ukraine has so many hidden gems waiting to be explored.

1.     Kyiv

Let’s start this article off in the beautiful city of Kyiv. Located in North Central Ukraine. Kyiv is a sight to see. Its home to nearly 3 million residents, making it the seventh most populous city in Europe. Its believed to have been founded around the 5th century as a Slavic settlement that grew as it was positioned on the trade route between Scandinavia and Constantinople. Today, Kyiv is an important, culturally scientific, and industrial center of eastern Europe. I’m amazed by how beautiful the city is, especially during the summertime. It’s, so great and inviting. One of the most famous places in the city is the Kyiv Monastery of the Caves.

It’s an orthodox Christian monastery. It began as a cave monastery in the year 1051. Today. It’s an active monastery with over 100 monks and is named one of the seven wonders of Ukraine. Right next to the monastery is the Motherland Monument it’s a 203 feet tall, stainless steel statue that was completed in 1981. It’s Such a unique statue that towers over the city. Kyiv is such a spectacular city and I hope you all can visit it. One day

2.     Chernobyl

Afterward, we’re going to head to the infamous Chernobyl Located about a 2 hours drive from Kyiv right near the border of Belarus. Chernobyl is where the tragic Nuclear accident took place in April 1986, where a failed safety test caused a reactor to explode which resulted in the worst nuclear disaster in history. If you want to binge-watch a great show, I highly recommend watching HBO’s Chernobyl Series. In 2011 Chernobyl was opened to the public. Today you can take a guided tour and witness the deserted area around Chernobyl. The town of Pripyat will give you a true sense of what a post-apocalyptic world would look, like, deserted buildings and an abandoned amusement park will give you a sense of eeriness and wonder as you imagine what it must have been like to live here before the Catastrophe.

3. The Carpathian Mountains

Afterward, we are going to visit the Carpathian Mountains. I have to say this is one of my favorite regions of the country located in the western part of Ukraine. The Carpathians are a massive mountain range that also passes through Slovakia, Poland, Hungary, and Romania. The mountains are home to browns, bears, wolves, and lynx. While the Carpathians aren’t as jagged as other European mountains, such as the alps. The Carpathians have their beauty with giant rolling mountains covered in dense forests. During the wintertime. The Carpathians are a perfect place to go skiing. I think one of the best times to visit these mountains is during the fall when they are covered in the most beautiful colors. If I could live anywhere in Ukraine, I’d – probably shack up in a cabin somewhere in these incredible mountains.

4.     Palanok Castle

After that, we are going to visit Palanok Castle located on the western side of the Carpathian mountains near the Slovakia and Hungarian borders, Palanok Castle is a uniquely shaped, medieval fortress that is built upon a volcanic hill that overlooks the city. The exact date of the castle’s founding is unknown, but it was first mentioned in the 11th century and the castle you see today was built from the 14th to 17th centuries. The fortress is divided between the lower middle and upper castles for defense. I would’ve felt safe here during medieval times. If you visit, you can take a tour of the castle and wonder what it must have been like to live here during the middle ages.

5.     Lyiv

After we’re going to visit the city of Lviv. Located in Western Ukraine 70 miles from the border of Poland. One thing interesting about Lviv is that it’s home to 1500 cafes, making it the highest number of cafes per capita in the world. I just love all the architecture throughout the city There are, so many beautiful churches and other historic buildings. The roofs are so colorful and unique. Outside of the Lviv. The countryside offers some unique castles, such as the Zolochiv or Pidhirtsi Castles, which is Such a stunning places.

6.     Pochayiv Lavra Monastery

After we are going to head over to the Pochayiv Lavra Monastery, Located about a 2-hour drive outside of Lviv. This monastery is the second largest in the country after the one. In Kyiv, It’s just absolutely enormous. The monastery dates back to 1527 and today it’s one of the most important religious places in Western Ukraine. I love the golden plated domes contrasted with the green roofs Such a fascinating place

7.     Ivano-Frankivsk

After we’re going to head to Ivano-Frankivsk. Located at the foothills of the Carpathian Mountains. Ivano-Frankivsk is a beautiful city. It began as a polish fortress in the 17th century and grew into one of the most prominent cities in the region. Today, it’s a beautiful city. I love how it has a lake in the center of it a perfect place to enjoy a hot summer. Day. The central square of the city is another great spot, with the uniquely designed Ratusha building in the center.

8.     Chernivtsi

After that, we’re going to head to Chernivtsi located about a 2 hours drive from Ivano-Frankivsk Chernivtsi is one of Ukraine’s important educational and architectural sites. The Chernivtsi National University is one of the highlights of the city. It was founded back in 1875 and is one of Ukraine’s most beautiful and prominent universities.

9.     Bakota

Afterward, we’re going to head to Bakota located on the Dniester River about a 2 hours drive from Chernivtsi. It’s such a beautiful area with a massive bay and rocky cliffs that overlook the river. It is believed the area was settled around the 12th century by Christian monks who left behind cave monasteries filled with ancient frescoes and paintings. Overall, I just think it’s a beautiful area in western Ukraine, Another stunning nearby spot is the Kamianets-Podilskyi Castle. I think this is one of the most impressive medieval castles in all of Ukraine Located just an hour’s drive outside of Bakota. It is perched perfectly on a peninsula, as it overlooks the town. It is believed that the castle was built sometime around the 13th century. Due to its strategic position. The fortress was subject to many foreign invaders throughout the years. I just love the towers with their pointy roofs. It kinda reminds me of a mini Hogwarts. You can walk around the castle and marvel at its medieval stone. Walls. The cobblestone bridge, leading up to the castle frames it perfectly. It’s such a cool medieval place. You got ta check out if you visit Ukraine

10.  Crimea

Afterward, we are going to visit Crimea. The status of Crimea is currently disputed in 2014. It was annexed by Russia, but Crimea is still internationally recognized as being part of Ukraine by the United Nations and other countries. Politics. Aside, I just want to show the beauty of Crimea, because it’s such a beautiful place that deserves recognition. Crimea is located on a peninsula on the northern coast of the Black Sea. The coastline reminds me a lot of the Mediterranean with its rocky coast and vineyards. One of the most beautiful towns in Crimea is Simeiz, It’s a great resort town with some striking rock formations that line the coast. Another impressive place is the Genoese Fortress. Located in the small town of Sudak. The medieval fortress was built by the Italian Republic of Genoa and was completed in 1469. It’s an impressive stone wall with over 14 towers. Crimea is such a beautiful place.

11.  Odessa

For our final destination. We are going out to head over to the seaside town of Odessa Located about a 6-hour drive from Kyiv. Odesa is a port city located on the northwest shore of the Black sea. The history of Odessa is fascinating. It was an ancient Greek settlement. Then it became a Tatar settlement in 1440 by the Khan of Crimea and later became the domain of the Ottomans in 1529. Today it is Ukraine’s third, most populous city and a popular tourist spot. It’s a great place to come in the summer and bathe in the Black sea. One of the coolest spots in Odessa is the Akkerman Fortress. It’s unclear when the fortress was founded, but it’s believed to have been established in the 13th century by the Republic of Genoa. Odessa is just such a beautiful and historic city. You got to visit if you’re ever in Ukraine.

Well, that is it for my Ukraine Top 10.


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