Top 10 Best Places To Visit In All Of Tuscany

Jun 28, 2022

6 min read

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I just got back from exploring Tuscany, and I want to show you my favorite places. So here is my Tuscany Top 10. Tuscany is easily one of the most fascinating regions in Italy. Located in the central part of the country. Tuscany is known for its landscapes, history, and artistic legacy. It’s a land full of rolling hills, dotted with medieval hilltop towns. From the thermal hot springs of Saturnia to the renaissance city of Florence. Tuscany is a place that needs to be experienced.

1.     San Gimignano

Let’s start this article off in San Gimignano. Located about an hour's drive from Florence. San Gimignano is a stunning medieval city perched upon a hill. One of the most iconic features of the city is the medieval watchtowers. Currently, there are 14 watchtowers still standing, but During its prime, there were 72 towers, with the highest being over 60 meters. Tall. The towers were built due to competing families who wanted to build the tallest and most grand tower.

I can’t imagine how it must have looked back. Then it was the Manhattan of the middle ages. It was so fun to walk through the city. You feel like you are going back in time. San Gimignano flourished as a city until 1348 when the plague of the Black Death struck the town which resulted in killing over half the population. San Gimignano’s, medieval vibe has been untouched throughout time, and it has become one of the most popular medieval locations in all of Italy.

2.     Siena

Afterward, we’re going to visit the nearby city of Siena. I went here many years ago and I just remember it was mesmerizing to me Located about a 40-minute drive from San Gimignano. It is built upon three hills with its central feature being The Piazza del Campo.

This public square was once a roman forum and it was rebuilt in the 13th century. If you look closely, you can see it's made in 9 sections, which represent the council of Nine. The impressive Torre Del Mangia overlooks the plaza it’s over 87 meters high and takes 500 steps to reach the top. Now twice a year the square hosts the wild Palio di Siena Horse race around the edge of the piazza. I would love to see that one day.

3.     Duomo Di Siena

Another one of my favorite features of the city is the Duomo Di Siena. It’s a visually stunning church that was completed back in 1246. The interior blew my mind with its black and white pillars and endless Artwork. I couldn’t recommend Siena enough you’re going to fall in love with this medieval city. Right in between Siena & San Gimignano is the small town of Monteriggioni. It’s one of the best medieval walled fortresses I’ve, seen it was built in 1219 by the people of Siena to act as a front line in the wars against Florence.

4.     Val D’Orcia

Afterward, we’re going to explore the region of Val D’Orcia. When you think of Tuscany this is what you’ll, probably imagine Lush rolling hills, perfectly aligned cypress trees, and those picturesque hilltop towns. This is easily one of the most scenic parts of Tuscany.

Val D’Orcia starts in the hills of south Siena and extends to Monte Amiata. One of my favorite towns in Val D’Orcia is Pienza Located about an hour’s drive from Siena. Pienza is a picture-perfect town built upon a hill. The town was first mentioned in the 9th century, but during the 15th century, the entire village was rebuilt to be a renaissance town to serve as a retreat from Rome. It was one of the first villages to implement urban planning, granting the nickname of “the touchstone of Renaissance urbanism”. I just love how the city overlooks all of the surrounding landscapes. One cool place right below the city is where the iconic shot of Gladiator was filmed. I remember watching the movie and thinking how cool it would be to explore Tuscany.

5.     Montepulciano

Now, just a 20-minute drive from Pienza is the town of Montepulciano. Built high atop, a limestone ridge. This medieval renaissance town is sure to take you back in time From 1390 to the mid-16th century. Montepulciano enjoyed a prosperous period as architects built luxurious homes and renaissance buildings. Today, it’s one of the most popular towns in the region. It’s where part of the movie Twilight New Moon was filmed. If you’re into wine Montepulciano is home to some of Italy’s best red wines. The town is just so impressive to me. One of my favorites in Tuscany.

6.     Saturnia Hot Springs

Afterward, we’re going to visit the Saturnia Hot Springs. Located about a three-hour drive from Florence. These are some of the coolest. Looking hot springs, I’ve ever seen. The water is a milky blue color as it drains down mineral terraces. The water is warm at 37 degrees celsius. All year round, thanks to the thermal activity of a nearby volcano. The Romans used to bathe here to experience the hot springs’ healing effects.

Today they are free to visit all year round and are one of Tuscany’s most beautiful attractions. I went here a few weeks ago and it was so freaking packed granted. It was during the middle of the day during the summer. If you want to avoid the crowds I’d recommend coming to the hot springs super early in the morning or during spring or autumn. Nonetheless, it was still fun to be there. The water felt so good and I couldn’t believe the turquoise blue color Such a cool spot. You got ta visit if you’re in Tuscany.

7.     Pitilignano

Afterward, we’re going to visit the nearby town of Pitilignano. Located about a 30-minute drive from Saturnia Pitilignano. Is this historic city perched upon volcanic rock It’s believed that the area around Pitilignano was inhabited during Etruscan times and in the 1600s the town started to grow a large Jewish presence, as some Jews fled from persecution in Rome, giving it the nickname Little Jerusalem Today Pitilignano is a quaint town, I just love how it’s built upon the cliffs. It’s such an incredible-looking town.

8.     Sorano

Just ten minutes away, is another interesting village called Sorano. Similar to Pitigliano. It is built upon a volcanic rock. Due to its strategic position. It was frequently attacked during medieval times and, as a result, it became one of the most well-fortified villages in Southern Tuscany. When you go there today, you’ll feel like you’re back in time as you explore this alluring village.

9.     Pisa

Now afterward, we are going to visit the famous town of Pisa Located about an hour’s drive from Florence. Pisa is known worldwide for the leaning tower. The tower is over 55 meters tall and has a lean of nearly 4 degrees. The tower was completed back in 1372. The lean is caused by an unstable foundation, and it’s been a problem since it's been constructed. I’m impressed they’ve been able to keep it from falling over for all these years. The world wonders that you got to witness at least once in your life.

10.  Florence

For our final destination. We are going to visit the iconic city of Florence. I have to say that Florence is my favorite city in Italy. It’s considered to be the birth of the Renaissance, and it was the most important political, cultural, and economic city in Europe and the world. During that time, The history of this city is endless, and without its influence, our world would probably be very different today. One thing that makes Florence magical is that almost the entire city center is made up of medieval buildings which transports you back in time. One of the most impressive sites in Florence is the Duomo. When you look at it, you just can’t believe how big it is. It was completed in 1436 and it just amazes me that they were able to engineer such a big dome so long ago. The people of Florence sure dreamt big.

The Ponte Vecchio Bridge is another historic sight. It’s where the famous poet Dante encountered his love Beatrice and also was the only bridge on the Arno river that wasn’t destroyed in WW2. The Palazzo Vecchio is another sight. You got to see it Now to get the best view of Florence. I recommend you go to the Piazzale, Michelangelo you’ll be able to get panoramic views of all the city. I just can’t say enough good things about Florence. You’re going to fall in love with this enchanting city.

Well, that is it for my Tuscany Top Ten.


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