Top 10 Best Places To Visit In All Of Romania

Jun 28, 2022

6 min read

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I want to show you my favorite places in the magical country of Romania. So here is my Romania top 10. Romania is one of Europe’s most underrated countries. It’s a land full of alluring castles and beautiful medieval cities from the windy roads of the transfer garden highway to the wonders of the bran castle. Romania has so much waiting to be explored.

1.     Sighisoara

Let’s start this article off in the medieval city of Sighisoara now Loki in central Romania, Sighisoara is a beautiful town with a unique history. Back in the 12th century, the king of Hungary invited german craftsmen and merchants to settle in Romania, and they were known as the Transylvanian Saxons. Now the group settled in 1191 in present-day Sighisoara and the city rose to become an important strategic and commercial destination for central Europe.

Today, it’s one of Romania’s best-preserved medieval walled cities. I just love how the fortified part is built upon a hill, and it can be seen from all over is a magical destination that deserves a visit now just 30 minutes from Sighisoara is the little Bierton fortified church now located in the small village of Burton The impressive church was completed in 1524 and was originally roman catholic and then changed the Lutheran after the reformation. Now, what is unique about this church is that it’s heavily fortified with three layers of protective walls. Ottoman armies were a threat in the area, and so the people of the village decided to fortify the church. I mean such a unique and beautiful place If you ask me.

2.     Sibiu

Now afterward we’re going to visit the city of Sibiu, now look at just an hour and a half from Sighisoara Sibiu is another alluring city in Transylvania. It’s nicknamed the city of eyes, thanks to its roof windows that make the houses feel alive. Now, just like the city shore, the city was founded by German settlers during the 12th century and grew to become an important training center during medieval times in 2007, Sibiu was named the European capital culture, and I think it deserved that award with all historical sites.

3.     Transfagarasan Highway

Now, afterward, we’re going to take a drive on the famous Transfagarasan Highway. Now, this is the most well-known road in Romania and was claimed to be the best road in the world by the tv show top gear. The road was built by the Romanian military in the 1970s as a response to the 1968 invasion of Czechoslovakia by the soviet union. Now the military wanted to make sure they had quick access across the mountains in case of invasion.

Today, the road is an incredibly scenic drive as it passes through the Transylvanian elves. The road is usually open from July to October and climbs to an altitude of 2042 meters at the top of the pass is the ballet lake which can also be accessed by a cable car in the wintertime now, while you’re there, you can make a pit stop and do some hiking in the transfer garage mountains in such an incredible area and drive.

4.     Alba Lulia

Now afterward we’re going to visit the city of Alba Lulia, located just an hour’s drive from Alba Lulia, which is a historic city full of charm. Now my favorite feature of the city is the Alba Carolina citadel. This massive fortress was finished in 1738 and has a unique star shape. It was built to ensure the defenses of the newly conquered provinces of the Habsburg empire. It became one of the main fortifications of the roman empire in Romania. Now today you can wander the perfectly preserved citadel. There are beautiful cathedrals and churches to admire, and it is an incredible area and piece of history.

5.     Brasov

Afterward, we’re going to head over to the city of Brasov now located near the Carpathian Mountains in Transylvania, Brasov is a charming city known for its medieval Saxon walls and towering gothic black church. The city began, like many others, thanks to the Transylvanian Saxons, the Teutonic Knights also helped Brasov in the 13th century. Sadly, in the 17th century, a fire destroyed almost all of the resolved walled city, but thankfully it was rebuilt today it’s one of the most popular cities in Transylvania, and thanks to its location, it’s a great hub to explore other places around Romania.

Now one of my favorite nearby places is the Bran castle. It’s located just 30 minutes outside of herself and it’s famously known as Dracula’s Castle. Now, while there is no evidence that Arthur Dracula knew anything about this castle, it has a spooky vibe to it. People also associate the castle with Vlad, then paler, who also didn’t have much to do with the castle, but it’s fun to speculate the spooky origins of this fortress now the Bran Castle was built in the 14th century and is placed right. The start of a mountain pass and it was used to defend against the ottoman empire and also became a customs post today, it’s one of Romania’s most visited castles. I’d love to visit during Halloween time now.

6.     Corvin Castle

Another impressive castle in Romania is the Corvin Castle. Now it’s located in western Romania in the town of Hunedoara. Corvin Castle is one of the largest castles in all of Europe. I mean just absolutely massive: it was constructed during the 15th century and was added onto throughout the ages like a Bran castle. It has a creepy vibe to it. It was used as a residence and also served as a prison in a few areas. I mean I can’t imagine what it must have been like to see this castle during medieval times and which is so enormous. Needless to say, Romania is home to some incredible castles

7. The Carpathians

Afterward, we’re going to visit the Carpathian mountains. Now I have to say this is one of my favorite parts of Romania now located in the north and central Romania. The Carpathians are a massive mountain range that also passed through Slovakia, Poland, Hungary, and Ukraine. Now the mountains are home to wildlife such as brown bears, wolves, and links. Now, while the Carpathians are as jagged as other European mountains, such as the Alps, the Carpathians have their beauty with giant mountains covered in dense forests during the wintertime. The Carpathians are a perfect place to go skiing.

I also think one of the best times to visit the mountains is during the fall when they are covered in beautiful autumn colors. I mean if I could live anywhere. Romania I’d, probably shock up in a cabin somewhere in these incredible mountains. One cool set of mountains in the Carpathians is the Choucas mountains. The highest point is the 1954 meters, and they have this unique Look at them with their rounded boulders. The mountains are located on the border between Brasov and Prahova counties and offer some spectacular, hiking trails.

8.     Piatra Singuratica

Now, while we’re still in the topics and mountains, another cool destination is the lonely, rock or Piatra Singuratica. Now it’s located in the northern part of the country, and it has this unique rock formation that sticks out like a sore thumb. It reminds me of the dolomites there’s also a cabin there. You could eat or spend the night at I mean it’s just such a beautiful area worth a visit.

9. The Black Sea

Now after the mountains, we’re going to head over to the Black Sea. When you think of Romania, you probably don’t imagine sandy beaches in the beautiful water, but Romania surprisingly has over 275 kilometers of black sea coastline. The biggest city on the coast is Constanta. It’s located just two and a half hours drive from Bucharest, there are also other resort towns across Romania’s coastline. One that I like is Mamaia. It’s built on a narrow stretch of land right on the black sea and it’s a great place to enjoy the Romania riviera.

10.  Bucharest

Now, for our final destination, we’re going to visit Bucharest now located in the south of Romania. Bucharest is the country’s capital with a population of 1.8 million. It’s referred to as the Paris of the east, thanks to its elegant architecture. Now one of the most impressive buildings in the city is the palace of parliament. It’s the heaviest building in the world weighing over 4 million tons. I mean that’s kind of crazy to think about now. I just love how the long street leads up to the palace. Now, similar to Paris, Bucharest, has arch a triumph dedicated to the heroes of world war, one and Romania’s war independence. Bucharest is a European capital worth visiting.

Well, that is it for my Romania top 10.


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