Top 10 Best Places To Visit In All Of Amalfi Coast

Jun 28, 2022

8 min read

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 I just spent ten days exploring the incredible Amalfi Coast, and I want to show you my favorite places. So here is my Amalfi Top Ten. The Amalfi coast is easily one of the most beautiful coastlines in the world. From the magical town of Positano to the hillside, villas of Ravello, the Amalfi Coast is a destination that needs to be experienced.

1.     Fiordo di Furore

Let’s start this article off in Fiordo di Furore. This is one of the coolest beaches I’ve ever been to. It’s located in this little fjord. Complimented by an incredible arch bridge. To get to the beach there’s no car parking, probably the best way is to take the bus there or drive a Vespa over. It’s a paradise for the cliff and jumping there are tons of spots. You can jump from different heights. I had such a fun time sending some flips into the sea. The water felt so good to be in I swam over to the other side of the bridge and found some more cliffs to jump off When you swim under the bridge. You just can’t believe how big it is. Honestly, such an incredible spot. You got to visit while you’re on the Amalfi Coast.

2.     Path of the Gods

After Furore, we’re going to take a walk on the Path of the Gods. This is a super famous hike and with reason, You start in the town called Bomerano and end in this village called Nocelle. All in all, the hike is about 8 kilometers long and takes about 3 hours to do. On the hike. You’ll have incredible views, the whole way. There are tons of ancient houses and hillside farms contrasted with the views of the coast. It’s all downhill, which is super nice. If you do the hike, I recommend doing it early to avoid the heat and crowds When you get about halfway through the hike you’ll be able to get a view of Positano. It’s quite the view When we reached the town of Nocelle the hike wasn’t over.

We were so exhausted and found a place that had delightful, fresh, lemon slushies to cool us down. Afterward, we had to walk down over 1700 stairs to reach the main road in Arienzo. It took my calves & knees several days to recover from that hike, But it was worth it every step of the way

3.     Positano

Afterward, we’re going to visit Positano. Now, this may be the most popular place on the Amalfi Coast and when you go there you’ll understand why. It’s full of beautiful colored buildings, shops, and a scenic beach. One of my favorite things to do in Positano was to rent a boat. It’s a perfect way to escape the crowds and you’ll get the best views of the Amalfi coasts. It cost about 180 euros to rent a boat for 3 hours, and while it was a little pricey, it was 100 percent worth it. It was my first time driving a boat and it’s honestly, not that hard. We were able to cruise all over the coast and make stops along the way to just soak in the sun and jump into the sea to do some snorkeling. While we were out there, we were surrounded by mega yachts. It’s crazy to look at this footage and see how small we were compared to them. So I recommend visiting Positano and if you can rent a boat.

4.     Amalfi

After cruising around Positano, we are going to visit the city of Amalfi. It’s a beautiful town located in a ravine, surrounded by daunting cliffs. They filmed several scenes of Christopher Nolan’s film Tenet here. During medieval times Amalfi was the capital of the maritime republic known as the Duchy of Amalfi and was an important trading power from the 9th to 12th centuries. We went and explored the town. I enjoyed the public square with all its restaurants, shops, and church. Afterward, we explored more of the town’s coast and walked along the pier, and got great views of all of Amalfi. It’s such a beautiful city.

5.     Atrani

Afterward, we are going to visit the small town of Atrani Located right next to Amalfi. I have to say that Atrani is one of my favorite-looking towns on all on the coast. You can get here from Amalfi by walking through some tunnels. Atrani just looks so incredible from the coast. The road that goes through. It is just so unique, especially the part that winds around with its beautiful arches. A fun fact is that Atrani is the smallest city in all of Italy, with a population of around 800. I went inside the town and honestly, there wasn’t too much to see, but it’s said that Atrani is the only town along the coast that preserved its antique traditional Characteristics. Another feature I liked about the city was its beach. It’s a perfect place to soak up some Mediterranean sun.

6.     Ravello

Afterward, we’re going to drive up the mountains to visit Ravello. This is one of the highest set towns on the Amalfi coast, as it is located. 365 meters above sea level. Ravello was founded back in the 5th century, and it was where the king of Italy lived for a while during WW2. I was pleasantly surprised by Ravello. It’s such a charming town. We went and explored the Villa Rufolo. It cost a few euros to get in and it’s this beautiful Moorish-style villa that was built during the 13th century. During its time it was one of the largest and most expensive villas on the Amalfi coast. They hold orchestra and opera concerts there with one of the most incredible views. It would be so cool to see someone like Andrea Bocelli sing, there. While you’re in Ravello. You can walk its alleyways or spend some time eating gelato in the public square.  one of my favorite towns on the Amalfi Coast.

7.     Minori

After we’re going to head down to Minori. Now located right below Ravello Minori is a beautiful town on the coast. It is believed to be the oldest inhabited site on the Amalfi Coast, as it was an ancient holiday resort for Romans back in the 1st century. Ad. Now right next to Minori is the larger town of Maiori. Similar to Minori. Maiori has been a popular tourist resort since Roman Times. It’s also home to the longest beach on the Amalfi Coast. I had a good time walking along the boardwalk and also checking out the port and pier. Both Maiori and Minori are great destinations to visit on the Amalfi coast.

8.     Praiano

Afterward, we’re going to visit Praiano situated between Positano and Amalfi. We stayed here in an Airbnb for a few days and I enjoyed it. It’s not nearly as touristy as Positano. So I think it’s a great place to stay. If you come to the Amalfi coast. Now, while we were in Praiano, we walked down to the Spiaggia di Praia. You go through some narrow pathways and made it down to the beach. It’s a great place to chill and swim. I also rented a boat here for sunset and it was about 120 euros for three hours, so a little cheaper than renting from Positano. And I just can’t say it enough. If you’re on the Amalfi coast, you got to rent a boat, it may be a little expensive, but trust me, you won’t regret It. You just get the best views and you’re secluded on your boat away from all the crowds, and you get to soak in the beauty of the coastline. If you can, you got to, take a boat ride for sunset the lighting looks incredible on Positano. While we were out there boating. It didn’t even feel real, because the scenery is some of the most beautiful on the earth Truly mind-blowing

9.     Capri

Next, we’re going to head over to the island of Capri. Ah I’ve been wanting to go here for years and I have to say it lived up to the hype Technically Capri isn’t on the Amalfi coast, but we’re going to add it because it’s right next to it and so epic Now To get to Capri. You can take a boat tour or ferry from a town such as Positano. I wanted to stay a few nights, so we took a ferry from Sorrento and got an Airbnb in Anacapri. I will say the island was a little hectic. The roads there were the smallest I’ve ever seen. Nonetheless, if you go to Capri, you got to, see it by boat, whether you take a tour or rent one yourself. I rented a boat for 4 hours and it costs 120 euros. We decided to loop, the entire island.

We passed the lighthouse on the very western tip and stopped near the massive cliffs on the southern side. Then we sailed over to the Faraglioni. They are these incredible sea stacks that jut right out of the sea. They were the main reason I wanted to go to Capri. I had such a good time, jumping off the boat there and marveling at the Faraglioni. Again we were surrounded by so many mega yachts. I was feeling confident so I decided to drive through the arch in the Faraglioni. It looks small, but once you go through it, you realize how big it is. It was so fun over there.

10.  Monte Solaro

After that, we drove around the eastern part of the island and anchored near the Grotta Bianca We jumped off and had a great time swimming in the crystal clear Mediterranean waters. I mean coming from the states the clarity and warm water of the mediterranean sea blow my mind, there’s, really nothing like it. After we returned our boat, We went up to Monte Solaro. It’s the highest point on the island, with an elevation of 589 meters. To get to the top you can take a chair lift for about 10 euros, a person. The views were incredible. It was nearing sunset, so there was an orange glow all over the island.

I was right by some massive cliffs that dropped into the sea. You get astounding views of the whole island. The Faraglioni looked so small from up there. It was such a fun time and something you got to do while you are in Capri. Well, That is it for my Amalfi Coast Top Ten. It truly is one of the most magical places I’ve been, and I see myself coming back many more times.


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