Cracking 50 Crazy Tongue Twisters

Aug 30, 2022

8 min read

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English is not just a language of people but it is also a language of science computers and tourism. There are hundreds of fun activities in the English language and tongue twisters are one of them, my personal favorite. Several people fail in trying tricky tongue twisters.

Well, here we listed about crazy 50 tongue twisters to make your fluency strong and your tongue sharp. Try these crazy tongue twisters, and at the end see how well you did. Have a glimpse.

1. "How can a clam cram in a clean cream can"?

 Let's give a twist to our tongue. Try this funny tongue Twister and start counting your points.

2." Pad kid poured curd pulled cod".

A team of researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology says this is the most difficult tongue Twister in the world.

3."Brisk brave brigadiers brandished board bright blades, blunderbusses, and bludgeons -----balancing them badly."

Ugh! Finally, I typed it well. Just imagine if it is so hard in typing, then this can be hard in pronouncing as well. Because it is the 2nd hardest Tongue Twister in the world.

3." Peter piper picked a peck of pickled peppers ".

This third tongue twister is listed among the best tongue twister ever.

4." Zebras zig and zebras zag".

This tongue Twister is probably for kids and is even listed as the shortest tongue twister. Ask your kids to say it and see how it goes.

5." She sells seashells on the seashore ".

This difficult expression was popular in the 19th century. This tongue twister was initially published in 1850 as a diction activity.

6." All I want is a proper cup of coffee. Made in a proper copper coffee pot".

This tongue twister is listed as the longest tongue twister. Try this funny tongue twister with your buddies.

7." The sixth sick sheik's sixth sheep's sick ".

Try this deliberative difficult tongue twister to a person whose lucky number is six. I am sure after this he will change his lucky number.

8." Through tough, though thought, though.

This tongue twister is definitely for the one who can't pronounce the proper "T" letter. Well, it's all about past, present, and future forms in the English language.

9." Scissors sizzle, thistle sizzle.

Well, it might seem easy at first but it is not. Try these in a row without pausing and see your upshot by yourself.

10." I slit the sheet, the sheet I slit, and on the slotted sheet I sit.

Try these with your friends and see how it clears out.

11. " Lesser leather never weathered wetter weather better".

In simple words don't forget to wear your leather in clumsy weather.

12." Singing Sammy sang songs on sinking sand."

Try these tongue twisters with a friend who loves to sing.

13." Thirty-three thirsty, thundering thoroughbreds".

Nothing much but this is counted as the toughest tongue twister on the list of thirty.

14. " Is it harder to toot, or to tutor two tooters to toot?"

No offense, but don't forget to try to do this at least once with a dentist if you visit him next time for the appointment.

15. "He threw three free rows ".

It looks easy, right? Why not try it by yourself? Repeat it 3-5 times and you will get to know.

16." Round the rough and rugged rock the rugged rascal rudely ran.

This tongue twister is definitely for troublemakers. Take your revenge by letting them try this one.

17." The 33 thieves thought that they thrilled the throne ".

18. " Toy boat "

The shortest and the hardest tongue twister. Try saying it 5 times faster.

19. " If two witches were watching two watches, which witch would watch which watch."

This is the most popular tongue twister in the devil world I guess two witches play this twister in the night.

20." If you must cross a coarse cross cow ".

21." The Great Greek grape growers grow great Greek grape.

After a lot of confusion in the Greek and Latin language, I believe the Greeks finally got a place in the world of tongue twisters.

22. " A big black bear sat on a big black rug ".

Try this extremely complicated tongue twister with your friends. It will be fun to see tripping tongues.

23. " Blake the baker bakes black bread."

I think the baker named blake failed to bake good bread. Are you counting your points? Let's see will u be able to stay till the end.

24." I scream you scream we all scream for the ice cream."

This was the most common and most memorable tongue twister for me. Especially when I was a child I used to play it with my friends.

25. " Elegant elephants".

First of all, elephants aren't elegant. Second, try these frequently 6 times and at the end, you will notice a change in your tone and pronunciation.

26. " A snake sneaks to seek a snack".

In simple words, a hungry snake is trying to seek some snacks for himself. Forget about the snake and try these tongue twisters.

27." Imagine an imaginary menagerie".

28." A happy hippo hopped and hiccuped ".

By this tongue twister, you can guess that a hippopotamus is happy and hopping, but it didn't end well for him.

29." A gentle Judge judges gently".

Passing judgment Is all about being fair and true to the victim and only a gentle judge can do it. Fair enough to the victim.

30. " A chapped chap chopped chips ".

There is something special cooking in the kitchen, it's the chap chopped chips. What's your favorite? Fries or chips?

31." A flea and a fly flew up in a flue ".

This might seem easy for you. but it's not when it comes to the children. Play this tongue twister with them and see if they can pronounce it.

32. " Nine nice night nurses nursing nicely".

By this tongue twister, it's sure that nine nurses are doing their job nicely. Try these twisters with any of your favorite nurses.

33." If a dog chews shoes, whose shoes does he choose?"

The pet dog is mostly fond of rubbery materials example, shoes, or stuffed toys. I guess this dog is naughty and chews shoes but doesn't know whose.

34." Betty bought a bit of butter .but the butter Betty bought was bitter."

34." I have got a date at a quarter to eight; I will see you at the gate so don't be late".

This tongue Twister is for our un-punctual friends and buddies, give them this tongue twister challenge. If they fail they will give you a treat, if the only time they get late.

35." Four furious friends fought for the phone".

This funny tongue twister is for the gang of four friends who always fight but can't live without each other.

36."A twister of twists once twisted a twist ".

Who doesn't like a twist whether it is films or storytelling? If there is a twist it gives different vibes. Adding a twist to a story is not everyone's piece of cake.

37." I wish to watch my wristwatch".

What do you think about this tongue twister? Easy or hard? Well, it is easy. Add up a point if you crack this one.

38." Eddie edited it ".

This is the most epic one. Try these 5-6 times and at the end, you will hear yourself pronouncing just "E" and " D". It is worth trying for the least fun.

39." I saw a kitten eating Chicken in the kitchen".

Well, the words here are "Chicken" and "Kitchen " which are a bit similar in pronunciation so try these with your kids so they can know the difference between them and don't end up being confused.

40." I like New York, unique New York, I like unique New York".

41."Extinct insects' instincts, extant insects' instincts."

Let us end this list of well-known tongue twisters in English with this one again by Pierre Abbat.  There are some tongue twisters in the language which need to repeat at least 3 times.

42. " Send toast to ten tenses shout saints ten tall tents."

This tongue twister was recorded in the gunnies world record as the toughest one.

43." Double bubble gum bubbles double".

Add some fun while saying this tongue twister. Tell your playmates to fill up their mouths with marshmallows and try to say this tongue twister.

44." A short silk shirt ".

Do you think it's easy? Absolutely NO. This might be the shortest tongue twister but isn't the easiest one. Try it by yourself.

45." Sun should shine soon ".

This tongue twister is for the one who loves sunsets or sunrise.

46." Rory the warrior and roger the worrier..."

47." I wish to wish the wish you wish to wish ".

There are a lot of wishes going on here, which makes this a hard tongue twister to crack.

48." Faithful friends freely forgive ".

I wonder if you maybe tried trying all these fun tongue twisters. The next one will be easy I promise.

49." Flip flop, clip-clop, slick slop".

What do you think about this one? Was this easy? For me it was. Don't forget to count your points. We are just one twister away to win.

50." Red lorry, yellow lorry ".

This tongue twister is short, but it's still challenging.

So how many you were able to crack? Now we came to an end of the journey a pretty fun and craziness. I hope you guys got an idea of how tongue twisters are said or played. This one craziness game can be played with your friends and family in your free time.

Try all these crazy tongue twisters and do let us know your results in the comments section.

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