To My Grown Up Princess

Nov 26, 2022

1 min read

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Hey princess do you remember?

How you had curled your fingers around my single finger?

The first time when you uttered P-A-P-A?

The first time when you learned how to ride a bicycle?

When you were caught while trying to copy my signature on your report card?

You refused to eat when I was angry on you?

The times when we celebrated your every birthday with great enthusiasm?

The way I cheered and clapped for you when you topped in your boards

When you bought home your first salary, do you remember how I hid my tears of joy behind my smile?

Look at you now,

You are all grown up and ready to start your new life with your to-be-husband now

Being at your wedding today and sharing all these feelings today, makes my heart rejoice and my eyes moist

My little girl who was afraid of being away from me is now brave enough to bid a bye to me

I wish you all the very best and happy married life!

I will always be there for you, waiting for us start the unfinished chess game again!

Lots of Love,



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