Tips to Improve Your Amazon Product Photography

Nov 17, 2022

6 min read

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Amazon Product Photography is one of the most important variables in your success. If you're in the market for new amazon product photography, we've got tips to help you take better photos.

What is Amazon Product Photography?

Assuming you are referring to product photography for Amazon sellers, it is the process of taking professional photos of your products to be used on your Amazon product listings. The goal is to make your products look their best in order to attract and convert more shoppers on the platform. 

There are a few things to keep in mind when shooting Amazon product photos: 

- First and foremost, all photos must meet Amazon’s image requirements in order to be eligible for sale. This includes having a white background, being at least 1000px by 1000px, and being less than 10MB in file size. 

- Product photos should be clear and show all details that are important to the customer. This means that there should be no glare or reflection, items should not be cut off in the frame, and all text should be legible. 

- You will also want to stage your products in an aesthetically pleasing way that highlights their features. This may mean using props or models, depending on what you are selling. 

If you follow these guidelines, your product photos will be sure to stand out and help improve your conversions on Amazon!

Why Is It Important?

If you're selling products on Amazon, it's important to have high-quality product photos. Good product photos can help your listings stand out from the competition and result in more sales. Here are some tips to help you take better product photos:

Use a tripod: This will help keep your camera steady and prevent blurry photos.

Use natural light: Turn off all the lights in the room and open the curtains or blinds. This will give you the best lighting for taking pictures.

Edit your photos: Use photo editing software to crop and resize your photos, as well as remove any blemishes or glare.

By following these tips, you can improve the quality of your Amazon product photos and increase your chances of making a sale.

Tips for Good Amazon Product Photography

If you want to improve your Amazon product photography, there are a few things you can do. First, make sure you have a good camera. A DSLR camera will give you the best quality pictures, but a good point-and-shoot camera will also work. Second, take advantage of natural light whenever possible. Taking pictures near a window or outside on a bright day will give you the best results. Third, use a tripod to keep your camera steady and avoid blurry pictures. Fourth, edit your photos to make them look their best before uploading them to Amazon. You can use free online photo editing tools like PicMonkey or Canva to crop, resize, and otherwise edit your photos. Finally, consider hiring a professional photographer if you have the budget for it. A professional can help you take high-quality product photos that will really stand out on Amazon.

Tools of the Trade

If you want to improve your Amazon product photography, there are a few key tools that you'll need. A good camera is essential, of course, but there are also a few other pieces of equipment and software that can really help to take your photos to the next level.

A tripod is a must-have for anyone serious about photography. It will help keep your camera steady and allow you to experiment with different compositions without having to worry about shake or blur.

Editing software like Adobe Photoshop or Lightroom is also essential for anyone looking to improve their Amazon product photography. These programs will allow you to make small adjustments to your images that can make a big difference in the final result.

Finally, a reflector can be a helpful tool for adding some extra light and dimension to your photos. By bouncing light off of a reflector, you can achieve a more professional-looking photo with greater detail and clarity.

Posing Your Products

When it comes to product photography, posing is everything. The way you position your product can make or break the shot, so it's important to take some time to think about the best way to showcase your goods.

There are a few things to keep in mind when posing your products:

1. Make sure the product is in focus. This may seem like a no-brainer, but it's important to make sure your product is the star of the show. Position it so that it's front and center, and make sure the background isn't competing for attention.

2. Consider the angle. The angle at which you shoot your product can make a big difference in how it's perceived. A top-down shot can make a product look small and insignificant, while an angled shot can give it more dimension and depth. Play around with different angles until you find one that flatters your product.

3. Use props sparingly. Props can be a great way to add interest to a shot, but they can also be distracting if used excessively. When in doubt, less is more. A few well-placed props can enhance a shot, but too many will take away from the product itself.

4. Get creative with lighting. Lighting is key in any photography, but it's especially important in product photography. You want to highlight the features of your product, so experiment with different light sources until you find one that works best. Natural light

Lighting Your Products

If you want to improve your Amazon product photography, one of the most important things you can do is to make sure your products are well-lit. There are a few different ways you can do this, and the best method will vary depending on the type of product you're photographing.

One way to light your products is to use a light box. A light box is a small, enclosed space that has lights inside of it. This is a great option if you're photographing smaller items, like jewelry or cosmetics.

Another option is to use natural light. If you have a large window in your home or office, you can set up your product in front of it so that the light shines on it from the outside. Just be sure to avoid direct sunlight, as it can create glare and make your photos look less professional.

Finally, you can also use artificial lighting. This can be done with lamps, spotlights, or even flashlights. If you go this route, just be careful not to overexpose your photos or they'll look washed out.

Editing Your Images

Assuming you're happy with the composition of your photo and the lighting is good, the next step is to edit your image.

There are many ways to edit an image, but for product photography, we recommend using a basic editing program like Adobe Photoshop or GIMP. With these programs, you can make small adjustments to brightness, contrast, saturation, and sharpness.

If you're not familiar with photo editing software, there are plenty of tutorials online that can help you get started. Once you've edited your image to your liking, save it in a high-quality format like JPEG or TIFF.

No matter what type of product you’re selling on Amazon, the quality of your product photography will play a big role in whether or not customers purchase your item. Fortunately, with a little bit of time and effort, you can dramatically improve the quality of your product photos. In this blog post, we’ll share some tips to help you take better product photos for your Amazon listings.

One of the most important things to keep in mind when taking product photos is to make sure that your images are well-lit. Poor lighting can make even the most high-quality products look cheap and unappealing. If possible, take advantage of natural light by taking your photos near a window or outdoors. If you’re taking photos indoors, use overhead lighting or a desk lamp to evenly light your subject.

Another key tip is to edit your images before uploading them to Amazon. This doesn’t mean that you should heavily edit or airbrush your photos – doing so will likely create more problems than it solves. Rather, try making small adjustments to things like brightness, contrast, and color saturation. These simple edits can go a long way in making your photos look more professional and polished.

Finally, be sure to take multiple pictures of each product from different angles. Customers want to see what your product looks like from all sides, so don’t skimp on the number of photos you include in each listing. And if you have any doubts


We hope these ten tips have helped you improve your Amazon product photography skills! If you implement even just a few of these tips, you'll see a significant difference in the quality of your photos. Remember to keep practicing and experimenting to see what works best for you and your products. With a little time and effort, you'll be taking amazing product photos in no time.

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