Tips and Tricks to Eliminate Silverfish From Your Home

Nov 17, 2022

2 min read

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If you live in an area where Silverfish are a common pest, you know how annoying they can be. These little creatures are attracted to damp, dark places and feast on your books, paper, and clothing. While they're not harmful to humans, they can cause damage to your belongings. If you're dealing with a silverfish infestation, it's time to eliminate them using effective products like silverfish glue traps.

Things to do to get rid of Silverfish

You're not alone if you have a problem with Silverfish in your home. These little pests are attracted to many things inside your home, including paper, clothing, and even dead skin cells. Here are some things you can do to eliminate Silverfish and keep them from returning.

1. Eliminate their food sources: Silverfish are attracted to paper and clothing because they contain cellulose, a food source for Silverfish. To get rid of Silverfish, you need to eliminate their food sources. Start by removing any clutter in your home and throwing away any old newspapers or magazines. It would help if you also washed your clothes regularly in hot water, which will kill any silverfish hiding in your clothes.

2. Create an unfavorable habitat for Silverfish: Silverfish thrive in humid environments, so make your home as dry as possible to discourage them. Use a dehumidifier in your home and keep your bathroom doors and windows open to promote airflow. It would help if you sealed any cracks or crevices in your home where Silverfish could enter.

3. Use traps to catch Silverfish: There are a variety of traps you can use to catch Silverfish, including glue traps and sticky traps. Place the traps in areas where you've seen silverfish activity and check them regularly. When you catch a silverfish, throw it away immediately.

4. Use a pesticide: If you have a serious silverfish problem, you may need to use a pesticide. There are various silverfish sticky pest control products on the market like silverfish sticky glue traps, silverfish bug traps , so choose that and follow the directions carefully and apply the pesticide in the areas where you've seen silverfish activity.

5. Call an exterminator: If you can't get rid of Silverfish on your own, you may need to call an exterminator. An exterminator will be able to identify the areas in your home where Silverfish are hiding and will use the appropriate method to get rid of them.


Overall, Silverfish are attracted to many things inside your home. It's important to be aware of the potential for silverfish infestation. However, there are some things you can do to help deter Silverfish. These include keeping your home clean and free of clutter and sealing any cracks or crevices where they could enter. Use products like Silverfish Pest Control Glue Trap and with a little care, you can help keep Silverfish out of your home.

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