Three Excellent Drills for Young Basketball Players

Nov 16, 2022

3 min read

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Although there is no magic formula, a young athlete can significantly improve their game with a few basketball drills along with old-fashioned hard work. The basketball summer sports Maple camps coaches will teach you some effective exercises that will help you improve your skill sets. These will help you to finish more layups under pressure, score more points with better team offense and make better passes. 

We bring to you five drills suggested by the leading Maple Basketball coaches to help you improve your game.

Form Shooting

Form shooting is a crucial drill for young basketball athletes. It promotes muscle memories that aid in developing excellent shooting form. It further results in good game-speed shooting. 

In the basketball summer sports Maple camp, you might be taught two form shoot:

One-hand shoot

Two-hands shoot

Form shooting is a slow, methodical drill performed close to the basket and as far as the layup. Each rep should be attempted to be performed the same. 

George Mikan Drill

This drill is named after George Mikan, an NBA legend. It helps the young atheist with their layup footwork and finishing with either hand. It can be performed by following the guidelines shared below:

For Beginners

The one-foot drill begins in the front of the rim, looking at the basket. Take a big step towards the basket’s right side with your left foot. Jump off that foot, drive your right knee up and shoot the layup off the backboard with your right hand. Quickly grab the rebound and reset in the front of the rim. Repeat the process with your right foot towards the left basket side. No drilling is involved.  

The two feet begin in the front of the rim, looking at the basket. Take a big left-foot-right-foot step toward the basket’s right side. Jump off both feet and shoot the layup backboard with your right hand. Quickly grab the rebound and reset in the front of the rim. Repeat the process with your right-foot-left-foot step towards the basket’s left side. No dribbling is involved. 


It is similar to the beginner drill; however, no resetting is involved. You must constantly go from the right to the left side without dribbling or letting the ball hit the floor. No dribbling. 

Advanced or Reverse Mikan Basketball Drill

It is similar to the intermediate drill with the below-mentioned changes:

Instead of facing the basket, you must face towards the half-court and start under the backboard

Instead of the normal layups, you must do reverse layups.

Ensure that you are using your outside hand and the correct corresponding foot

Two-Ball Dribbling

Most young basketball players can only dribble with their dominant hand and not their weak hand. The tow-ball dribbling aims to improve the ball-handling skills of the young player. It involves dribbling two basketballs at once. As a result, young players are forced to use their weak hands and challenge their coordination. 

According to Maple Basketball coach, if a player can dribble two basketballs at once, they can dribble one ball excellently with either hand.

Bottom Line

The above are some of the best fun drills for young football players. They are excellent ways to begin and end the practice. 

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