This Simple Hack Will Increase Your Crypto Miner Returns By 25%

Jul 5, 2022

4 min read

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Crypto Miners, such as BNB Miner or Baked Beans, already create amazing returns. However, what if I told you there’s a super simple hack everyone can you to increase the annual return by an additional 25%. Sounds good? Let’s have a look!

Crypto Miners — What is it about?

Before I explain the simple hack that increases your return by 25%, here’s some background for those unfamiliar with crypto mining.

Crypto mining is an investment strategy that observes massively growing attention. First off, crypto mining in this context has nothing in common with the traditional Bitcoin mining process. On the contrary, you can compare crypto mining with staking or lending — however, it’s slightly different.

Here’s how crypto mining works

Usually, you deposit an amount of money in the first step. This deposit is locked, and you can’t withdraw it. However, you will receive a constant return (usually 3% — 8% daily) for an infinitive or defined timeframe from the time of depositing. Nevertheless, most crypto mining projects encourage you to re-stake (compound) your return and thereby grow the value of the project and your rewards.

How many crypto mining projects exist?

There are hundreds of crypto mining projects in the market (Check out this article: ). However, only a few of them have managed to become sustainable. Most of the projects run on the Binance Smart Chain. Nevertheless, you can find some projects on the Avalanche, Cronos, Matic, or Fantom blockchain.

Are crypto miners legit?

Well, there are two things you have to know: The vast majority of crypto miners are based on some kind of Ponzi scheme. Moreover, the high return comes with high risk. Therefore, the scam and rug pull potential is high. Here are two articles with more details about crypto miners:

How You Can Increase Your Crypto Miners Returns by 25%

Alright, since we set the foundation and are all clear about crypto miners, we can get down to business. To explain the hack, we will take BNB Miner as an example. BNB Miner is one of the longest-running crypto miners and prints a 3% daily return. So let’s say on day 1, we invest $100.

The 6+1 method and its results

Almost every miner suggests going for the 6+1 strategy. That means you compound your earnings for six days straight and withdraw the return on day 7. Therefore, for the first week, our example looks like this:

  • Day 1: Return $3 → Compounding

  • Day 2: Return $3.09 → Compounding

  • Day 3: Return $3.18 → Compounding

  • Day 4: Return $3.27 → Compounding

  • Day 5: Return $3.38 → Compounding

  • Day 6: Return $3.48 → Compounding

  • Day 7: Return $3.58 → Withdraw!

I think the strategy is clear. By following this approach, your assets and the amount you can withdraw every week will constantly grow.

As a result, it will take you eleven weeks to break even. But more importantly, after one year, you will end up with $178,795.

And to be honest, if that works out, you can already call yourself a lucky guy! However, why should we stick with that amount when it is possible to increase it by 25% quickly.

Additional 25% with the 14+1 strategy!

So increasing your overall return is actually super easy. Instead of following the 6+1 strategy, we will go for the 14+1 strategy. Accordingly, we will compound for 14 days straight and withdraw every fifteenth day. As a result, within one year, we can compound ~24 times more often compared to the 6+1 strategy. And everyone who understands the power of compounding knows how powerful 24 additional compounding cycles are.

First, it will take us a little longer to break even: Around 13 weeks. However, if we look at the year’s result, this shouldn’t bother us: Instead of $178,795, we will make more than $225,000! That’s almost $50,000 additional return by a simple change of your compounding approach.

Instead of $178,795, we will make more than $225,000! That’s almost $50,000 additional return by a simple change of your compounding approach.

You can do the math with other miners!

BNB Miner is one of the miners with the “lowest” daily returns. Still, it’s one of my favorites because it has been running for a long time and seems one of the most legit.

However, the absolute difference between the return will, of course, grow with the daily return rate.

Links to mentioned miners:

This post is not financial advice!! DYOR!!

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