There Is A Dumbphone Revival Happening And This Is Good News

Jul 2, 2022

2 min read

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The first cell phone I ever bought was a flip phone, and it didn’t bother me that I couldn’t access Wi-Fi 24/7 like the smartphones. After all, I could surf the Internet on my laptop and that was good enough for me. Around 2015, I received my first smartphone as a Christmas present. I must admit, it soon became quite addictive. I was able to surf the Internet, make phone calls, stream music, and send text messages all on one device. Nowadays, I put limits on my screen time so I won’t let the phone control my life.

Did you know that there is a dumbphone revival taking place among some Americans and in certain countries? There are even some Youtube videos with young people who are ditching their smartphones in favor of dumbphones. Dumbphones are basic cell phones that have call and texting features with no Internet access. One of the main reasons why some people are making the switch is because they want to manage their time more effectively and be more mindful in general.

According to a report from SEM Rush, the number of Google searches for dumbphones increased by 89% between 2018 and 2021.

With Dumbphones, You’re Not Connected All Around The Clock

The main benefit of having a dumbphone is that you’re not treating it as another body part, unlike the smartphone. You would use the dumbphone mainly for calling people and sending text messages. You’re not using the dumbphone for emails, streaming videos, browsing numerous websites, or completing work assignments in Microsoft Word.

It’s A Form Of Digital Minimalism

Another cool thing about dumbphones is that you can practice digital minimalism with them. With a dumbphone, your home screen won’t be cluttered with apps you barely use, and you won’t have to worry about hearing the notification ringtone all day on this kind of phone.

Additional Reasons Behind The Dumbphone Revival

Some people are buying dumbphones because the phone plans are cheaper due to limited data access that is on these phones. Others like the fact that the battery power lasts longer with dumbphones as opposed to how quickly battery power drains with smartphones. Finally, there are the people who buy dumbphones to have a better work-life balance.

As a society, we’ve all grown too attached to our smartphones. It has gotten so bad that many people may not memorize phone numbers the old-school way because they can always look in the “contacts” section of their phones. And you can even deposit your paychecks through smartphones through banking apps. Maybe it’s a good thing that some people are buying dumbphones to keep their sanity in this digitized world.

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