“The tower” tarot card today made me think

Jun 27, 2022

2 min read

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Today, like every other day, I made a coffee, and until I was enjoying my time in solitude, I have read my rot reading for the day. I picked up the “The Tower” tarot card.

I am a fan of Numerology, Astrology, and Tarot. I do not fully believe them, but I find good pieces of advice in their meanings.”The tower”’s card is a scary one. It shows a big change coming — after negative situations in most cases. But, everything that is difficult makes me grow as a person.

Indeed, I felt that change is coming, and it is a basis for me to see the reality in some of my recent life events. For example, yesterday, I understood that Medium would not give me the results I want for my writing in the long term. I am not complaining about it. I use smart my paid membership to learn as much as possible.

Another example is that I contacted my ex-boyfriend after months to check on his health, simply by my sincere care for the people I have been with for a long time. The thing I found out was something I knew all along — he lied to me all the time and cheated on me when we were together.

It is funny people in love put on their eyes the bandage of not willing to see the reality. Many will say: “I told you so,” and they have right, but telling the facts, does not change the situation.

“The tower”’s tarot card made me think carefully about what I want and if that is a heart-whole wish. It opened my eyes to see the ugly truth, but I am not afraid of it, and I will move forward, as always. I should move on until I am alive anyway.
I challenged myself to write every day until my membership on Medium an article between 300 and 500 words. I love telling things shortly and clearly. I have been losing it recently.
So today, I say just that whatever the life situations are, no matter if feelings are involved, I keep following the steps of my plan without distractions.

I hope you find yourself inspired to do so, too.

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