The story of night, good night!

May 7, 2022

1 min read

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The story of night, good night!

Just night and me....what to do...

The night I don’t want to sleep,

Same time the most sleepy feel,

Whole day indulged to rest,

So, at night can give my best.

But at night only unable to refrain,

Eyes gets fill as well in heavy rain.

Here I see deem light,

Another side tube light.

And think which light should I on

and which should I off.

Should I close eyes or keep open.

One side blanket is lying,

On other side books are gazing.

Outside dogs are barking.

And inside I am sitting and yawning.

Nothing is happening except time pass.

Should I go to bed, give company to blanket?

Or go to books and have a conversation.

Should I let self to get recover

Or use sleeping time also for perfection.

Should do right now or never.

Or forget all the rules and go to sleep

Next morning will fix it.

To think such is wrong then also I do it.

I also know once I think

Then I remain thinking.

I am well known from it

Then also continuing.

After writing so much,

I think to go for sleep.

Good night…

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