The Website Migration Checklist

9 months ago

2 min read

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Website migration can be a daunting process. Whether switching to a new domain, moving to a new hosting provider, or redesigning your site from scratch, many elements need careful attention to ensure a seamless transition. A mishandled migration can lead to lost traffic, broken links, and compromised SEO rankings. To help you navigate through this process, we've compiled a comprehensive website migration checklist.

Define Clear Objectives

Before you even begin, you must know why you're migrating your website. Is it to change hosting providers? Are you rebranding? Having clear objectives will guide your actions and priorities.

Choose the Right Time

Avoid migrating during peak traffic times or essential marketing campaigns. This will reduce the risk of losing revenue and damaging your brand's reputation.

Backup Everything

Before making any changes, back up your entire website. This includes databases, content, media files, and other critical data. This will be your safety net if anything goes wrong.

Analyze and List Current Assets

Make a list of all your website assets. This could include:

  • URLs

  • Content pages

  • Images, videos, and other media

  • Metadata

  • XML sitemaps

Check for Broken Links

Ensure all internal and external links work as intended. Broken links can harm user experience and SEO.


Implement 301 redirects for any changed or deleted URLs. This is essential for preserving link equity and ensuring visitors find what they want.

Update Internal Links

If your site's structure changes, update internal links to their new locations.

SEO Considerations

  • Metadata: Ensure all pages have optimized title tags and meta descriptions.

  • Robots.txt: Update this file to ensure search engines can crawl your new site.

  • XML Sitemap: Create a new sitemap and submit it to search engines.

Test Load Times

A new design or hosting provider might affect your site's speed. Make sure your new site loads quickly, as this impacts user experience and SEO.

Mobile Optimization

Ensure your migrated site is mobile-friendly. This is crucial, with many users accessing areas via mobile devices.

Update Analytics and Tracking

Ensure tools like Google Analytics or other tracking scripts are correctly implemented on your new site.

Check Functionalities:

Test all website functionalities, including forms, checkout processes, and interactive elements.

Notify Stakeholders

Before going live, notify all stakeholders about the migration. This includes staff, users, and third parties like affiliates or advertisers.

Post-migration Testing

  • Check for crawl errors in Google Search Console or similar tools.

  • Monitor site traffic and user behavior.

  • Review SEO rankings and make adjustments as necessary.

Monitor Feedback

After migration, pay attention to user feedback. They might spot issues that you missed.


Website migration, while intricate, doesn't have to be stressful. By following this checklist, you can ensure that you cover all bases and make the transition as smooth as possible. Remember, preparation is critical; with the proper steps, your new website will be up and running successfully.

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