The Other Side Of The Story.

Jun 28, 2022

6 min read

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The Other Side of the Story.

This is a continuation of Not Your Fault.


I had been observing my dad for sometime, he'd go out in the evening, mindful of his looks and retire into the room as soon as he returned. And, in the morning, he placed much emphasis on punctuality, which was very unusual for a man who didn't grow up with that mentality.

Another thing was odd, very early on every working day, Deola and her mum were always on their way out whenever we passed the junction of our street. Dad would send me to the back seat with a frown and welcome Mrs Benson, Deola's mum, with a smile. He'd spare her quick glances pretending to be looking at the mirror by her side. Sometimes, he intentionally placed his hands on Mrs Benson's and apologized immediately that he was used to his manual car with gears on that side.

Deola couldn't had noticed, she was always staring outside the car, probably still fighting her mum for entering our car, and resenting herself for sitting beside me. I was loving it, but baffled that my dad was enjoying it too.

Then, at some point, Mrs Benson began to show interest. She loved the idea of sitting at the front seat beside my dad and discussing the hustle and bustle of life. Her foundation became enough to construct a storey building. And, her smile, a million miles at once.

It became a routine, seeing the Bensons and dad chasing me to the back with his frown then welcoming his best friend with a smile. Once when I asked him about the strange connection between Mrs Benson and him, he told me she was just a friend. But, that in my dictionary meant his best friend with benefits.

However, I was concerned for my mum, she was too innocent to notice that her man was being drawn elsewhere. I decided not to come to conclusion until I made necessary investigations. The day I would find out, I traced my dad on his evening strolls untill we got to Deola's house. In my mind, I was like, really? But, I quickly called myself to order when Mrs Benson opened the door for my dad and embraced him in a hug!

My dad was asking her about Deola and saying he wanted to be doubly sure she had gone out. He said he would have Mrs Benson to himself that evening. I giggled, wondering why I was excited about this dirty thing. Mom always warned that if sinners enticed me, I shouldn't consent. However, my dad and Deola's mum were the sinners, maybe I would think that twice. I concluded and headed back home, discarding the idea of telling my mum about it. What if she got to know and hated my dad? I didn't want to be an agent of any couple's separation, except if Deola was in a relationship.

I picked my phone and texted Deola, since she had erased me from the list of people she spoke with. Hardly could I tell why she was particular about avoiding me.

Although, majority of the class knew that I had something for her and that she detested me for it. But, if everyone were playing hard to get, it shouldn't be Deola. My question was, when did she stop bed wetting?

I asked her to see me the following day at school that I had something to tell her. If my dad was having an affair with Mrs Benson, her mom, I thought, what was stopping me from getting her to be mine?

I wasn't ready to go easy and soft like my dad. Expecting her to get the signs one day. I figured Deola would never see the signs until we left school. I couldn't wait till then, even though patience was a good virtue for men. She viewed my message but didn't reply, yet, I kept texting her, if she blocked me on Whatsapp, I was going to give up. She didn't.

I started with asking unreasonable questions disguised to look reasonable in the car, and talking to her first whenever dad dropped us off. At first, she responded casually, and later she blushed to my face, freeing herself of unnecessary frowning. I was assured, if the third law of motion was still correct, then Deola was in love with me. And, without doubt, she was, and fancied how I made her a big deal in class.

The irony of this was, once dad and Mrs Benson's closeness started growing thinner, Deola began to avoid me. The coldness on her face towards me could freeze my blood in its vein. At that moment, dad withdrew from Mrs Benson, and genuinely payed attention to my mum.

In all of this, I was lost, struggling for understanding, and mending my broken heart together. It was short, those moments of mutuality between Deola and I, yet, I cherished it.


And, there was Leke, daddy J's son still lingering around my life. What seemed like a childhood resentment had turned into an habit. Nonetheless, I let down my guards when he started showing direct interest in me. I liked him. Though, not the part where he bragged about me and I felt awkward, despite that, I liked him. From his sweetness-enshrined smile, to sitting on my table to ask for things I didn't even know existed in my life, I liked him.

If I were a puzzle, then Leke was that last piece who completed me. That was my depth of thought towards him. You could say I had been clouded with affections, I would say I was blinded by it. Thank God for calling my attention to the green snake underneath my thick green grass.

Until I found out myself that mom was cheating on dad with Daddy J, as Leke's father was fondly called, I didn't believe that leading in me.

Whether it was boredom or consistent unsatisfied longings that pushed her into adultery, I couldn't figure out. I knew better than to apportion blame, but somewhere in all of these, mum was wrong. It was, at first, hard to admit, but what would an untreated wound covered for too long do? Worse! Yet, we feared the worse.

'What if Baba Bola finds out and stops coming home finally? What do you want me to do, Deola? You're just a girl. You don't know anything about these things.' Mum cried as she spoke, desperately looking for an excuse not to tell her husband of the act.

'Mum, I'm no longer 13!' I had to remind her. 'Now, I know very well what it means to be in a situation and face it as one who overcomes. Not doing nothing and telling yourself that you're not at fault. No!'

'Look', I called her attention, her tear-washed face broke my heart everytime I looked at it. 'You're going to free yourself from the guilt and shame that accompany sin by confessing to dad even after receiving forgiveness from God.'

After much persuasion and stating reasons she should be honest with herself. Mum finally agreed, she ended the affair with Daddy J and faced her family. It was the bravest thing I had seen my mum do. So, I prayed for her, I prayed that God would heal her soon. Wishing her comfort, I stayed by her side even when she didn't see it.

After discovering about our parents' affairs. I was ashamed to face Leke again. I feared the world would find out about our parents, then about us!

That was too hilarious to fit into my teenage mind, and too unthinkable to be stomached by me. I let the fear of it grow in-between Leke and I. He tried to peer through it and pull me out, but I preferred to be pulled out by the big hands of faith whenever it found me.

Hope was always my resort, so I trusted it again. Again, and again, and again, until Leke and I became memories in each other's heads.

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