The Most Inspired Woman in My Life

Mar 30, 2023

2 min read

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Ms. Santaram Principal of Wilsonia is the most inspirational woman in my life. I saw her struggle since the beginning of my education life.She always keep her school children like her sons and daughters. She always takes care when I miss my mom in school. I remember  her struggle ,her working strategies ,how she started her working and slowly slowly builds a big empire from inter school to college and expand to two more branches. She used to counsel me at every step of school life. Never gets angry but handles everything very politely. She possess leadership ,a very kind hearted woman in my life .But the day she passed away I realized as if I lost my power. As you all know how the teen age is ,Once when I was in a teen age I was flying in full colours of life in school and everything was noticed by mam but she never says anything but once something happened which stopped me in attending the school .Then mam called my mother and asked why vini is not coming to school she told my mother to bring me to school. My mother insisted me and took me to school. When I reached school our Principal mam called me alone and explained me everything minutely how to face the problems of teen age like my mother , she spent full one hour with me as I was crying ,she hug me up and kept on sitting near me till I showed her my smiling face and promised her that yes I will face everything bravely.

    Slowly slowly time passed and after my marriage my father in law who became my power he was my biggest support in my tough times acting as my mother. I know that here we have to give only woman leadership but the person who motivated me and was standing behind me guiding me in every hard situations was my back is the only person doesn’t matter that person is man or woman. He only guides me to look towards God no matter how torturing this world is. No matter if nobody is with you but if the biggest power is with you than you are definitely successful. Struggling life always becomes easy if somebody supports you and say go forward I am with you. Although I have  left my dream of becoming a lecturer because I can’t leave my children alone but if they will be successful it will be my great success . So today also I have the biggest power and support in my life as my father in law who always says go forward I am with you. Today I am a PRT teacher in DPS Moradabad moving forward by looking towards my two coming big hands my sons my supporters .

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